The mystery: not yet human
It is truly amazing. humanity has blocked all roads leading to its Humanity and it continues to erect new obstructions on a daily basis. I believe that the truth, sooner or later, will overwhelm those lies, deceptions, delusions, and paradigms of utter nonsense that keeps the prehuman movement going.
It makes sense. The stupoured animal of three millennia ago could not face the failure to fulfill humanity's expectations and did not have the background, yet, to succeed in understanding. So, we set up roadblocks. In fact, we have built a fortress to protect the stupour. We could not face the failure.
Have you ever wondered about our aversion to discussing anything about sex, not to mention all of the curses on sex? The outer perimeter of the danger zone that we are conditioned to never broach is any discussion about sex.
Every time it is mentioned, alarms are triggered and the prehuman race reacts - like a confounded animal.
If you approach the subject of coitus, landmines begin to explode in your mind. "Warning! Warning! Don't tread this ground!" is triggered in the animal. Coitus has failed to achieve its human potential for so long that no one believes it is possible to succeed at making loving coitus. So, let's just live in misery instead. Great plan.
The animal doesn't want to hear it.
We found a wide variety of workarounds. That, of course, just stirred up more trouble for the poor dumb beast.
It runs too close to the real problem and the alarms begin to kick in. People take sides. As if it means something, one way or the other, which it doesn't.
Everything about making love work during coitus is counterintuitive to the animal. It's about the muscles but not like any animal could possibly comprehend. It is not about strength, as it would be with any effort an animal could understand. Where strength is needed in most efforts, mastery is required in the loving effort. That complexity has extended our stupour for thee millennia.
It is simplicity itself, once understood.
I thought I would attempt one last foray into mastery of the art that remained a mystery for three millennia. My understanding just continues to evolve.
It really does feel almost like magic. Voila. Humanity becomes whole. It's not utopia but it rids us of dystopia entirely.
It's not magic, though. It is humanity using its sentient faculties to comprehend and express itself in a human manner. It is a matter of clarifying reality.
It's not even difficult. I'm not asking anyone to spend their lifetimes sussing out what is wrong with humanity. I am not asking anyone to penetrate the stupour that has held human life suspended in a state of crude existence since the beginning. I am not asking anyone to dedicate their lives to the pursuit.
I've already done that.
I am asking a few men worth their salt to open their minds and realize that there is a lot more to life than they ever imagined and it is all up to them. All it should take is a couple of minutes a day, a tiny amount of knowledge, and the will to love a woman.
I am not asking you to discover all of the simple nuances regarding how men got it all wrong for more than three millennia. I am not asking you to crack the code of our sentient existence.
No, I have done all of that for you.
I am only asking that you learn that there is more to life and you can participate in the launch of our Humanity. Or not. You can be left with the animals, if you prefer.
I am only asking you to see past the stupour.
All I ask is that a few men that can maintain confidence that they are more than an animal, put their misled, offended, bruised, and battered egos on hold for a moment, admit that there should be more to coitus, and learn something rather simple. Learn how to make love all that you always desired instead of running for the hills at the mention of coitus.
Humanity can master certain muscles in order to avoid losing control during coitus and ending it all too soon. That's pretty much all it takes. I'm not talking Kung Fu Ninja mastery of muscles, just simple knowledge, responsiveness, and familiarity.
If you attempt to use strength, it will get you, maybe, two minutes, in addition to screwing up your plumbing. If, instead, you master those muscles, you will last as long as it takes to love.
It will be less complicated than chewing gum and walking at the same time, once you get the hang of it. It is something every man-child should learn. They will have no trouble at all.
I would compare it to learning how to walk. That woulds be more accurate for describing the effort involved. The only difference being that a man doesn't get to test drive this particular equipment until after puberty. But, he can prepare, instead of being conditioned to fail, just like his father. The muscles don't change and all they need is a little exercise to become toned, supple, and responsive.
They can prepare by learning to pay attention to their muscles.
If the father-son talk should be about anything, it should be about this. If you don't squeeze the glands in the crotch, you can love. It's really that simple. If you learn to not flex those muscles at all, you learn to make love.
Right now, the conversation between father and son is either a sigh of relief because the son senses the awkwardness and tells his dad he knows all about it (which, of course, he doesn't. neither does his father). Maybe, at best, the father prepares the son for disappointment, "Good luck, son, go slow and hold on tight" is about as good as it gets today or, "find another way", which is actually a better solution for a race that is still stumbling along acting like an animal.
The muscles in the crotch have the final say as to the duration of coitus. If they have been trained to be supple, toned, and responsive, a man can avoid losing control of the finale of coitus, transforming the rutting, animal's enactment of coitus into the loving, human enactment of coitus by not inadvertently squeezing the sex glands in the crotch.
In other words, once the muscles in your crotch are as trained to react upon command like every other muscle in your body is trained, there will be no problems.
I know how deep the stupour is. Better than anyone. So, I realize most will read this all and it will blow right by them. The stupour is just that deep. If they get past the first two posts, kudos. But, some few will be interested enough to look further.
All it will take is a few men proving how simple it is. You don't need to spend your lives figuring it all out. I've already done more than you will probably ever know to straighten out the confusion created by the lack of loving coitus.
I will also suggest that any woman that desires to see the female gender free of the toxic effect of our current situation might do well to talk to their boyfriend, if they have one, and ask them to review Explanations. Just see what they think.
I have tried to wrap up the crux of the problem that humanity faces in this post. If you desire to go further, I suggest the post, Explanations at, for further explanation of how a man can succeed, how we become Human, how we put away the stupour of the animal forever.
If you desire further understanding of the big picture, there are fourteen books and a lot more posts.
Can we finally get around to being Human, instead of a misled Pavlov's Dog?
I really think I've finally gotten a pretty good handle on explaining how any man can learn to love. I regret the notes about exercise because many idiots may use it as an excuse. I've tried to rectify that in Explanations. The exercise is not necessary to succeed for a young man. It will almost certainly be critical for the first adult male that has learned all of the wrong lessons regarding sex. It may also be necessary as a man ages significantly to continue to love. The latter will be more than willing to do so. Besides, it has added benefits like not wearing diapers in your old age.