I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


1. We are completely dependent on coitus for our existence.  Without it, we become extinct. 

2. No one, man nor woman, is satisfied with the results of the act of coitus when the ecstasy is not mutual.  Oh, yes!  Men are relieved but not satisfied if it is not mutual.  Only a male animal would be satisfied.   A male human is confounded.

3.  Early humans became convinced we could do no better than an animal at coitus.  Mutual coital satisfaction was not conceivable when we first attained our sentient state.

4. The prehumans of long ago had no experience, knowledge, or insights regarding the sentient state.  Premises 1, 2, & 3 confounded them.  They did not have the wherewithal to cope.  They had no knowledge, yet, to bring to bear.  So they buried the whole issue beneath paradigms of nonsense which have been passed along, generation by generation.  Excuses. 

  Because coitus is so important, we couldn't stop.  We also couldn't let it rest.  The realization that coitus could be something more never went away.  Our sentience will not let us do so.  

Instead, we buried it in the subconscious where it has festered.  Instead, we create pills rather than fulfill our sentient state.

The simple fact is that, like it or not, coitus must continue or we do not.  That, combined with sentient awareness of the imbalanced, frustrating situation bent our brains like a pretzel.

5. Being sentient and human, we know better.  We know that the human race is not just an animal.  We know we should be able to do better than an animal.  (We can)  Unassisted loving coitus (shared ecstasy) needs to become an expectation, just as walking on two legs and talking are.

6.  Sentient conscious awareness changed everything.  It made us aware of what was missing.  It also made us aware that it should not be missing.  It put the two sentiently aware genders at odds.  The dumb-founded stupour of the animal remained in tact.  

More than that, Nature provided everything a human male needs to transform coitus into a consistently loving act.  As I delve deeper, it is so simple that it would be amazing that it was never discovered before, if it weren't for the brain interruptus during ecstasy.   The selfish results, the man takes and woman gives that is learned in bed, is what continues to stunt our development.

A man can be master of his own body.  We have just never applied our sentience to the issue.  It is only a matter of conquering the animal instincts that lead to failure.

7.  We created the word love, because our sentience sensed it, but never created the circumstances to fulfill it.  

Love starts with physical love.  It is not complete until unassisted coitus is an act of physical love.  This does not abrogate the many loving alternatives that humanity has found.  It complements them.

8.  Only because of the inertia of the animal and self-inflicted obstructions, it became nearly impossible for the male human to contemplate the situation, much less realize they are not constrained by the same limitations as animals when it comes to the act of coitus.  It is a matter that only sentient awareness can overcome.  With ease, though our sentience may require a little time to clear away the cobwebs.

9.  Men remain constrained by preconceptions that lead them to fail by treating the event as an animal would.  Once free of the misconceptions, men will succeed with ease.

10.  The existing situation renders the male gender, in particular, mad (the female gender gets there by exposure to the madness of the other half of the human race over the last three millennia).  

It's not like men enjoy going mad over a lifetime as they repeatedly fail to express their love in the uniquely human manner.  The best of men are still hindered, even though they accept the burden of failure with some grace.  The worst, well, the worst go completely mad.  There is no reason for the male gender to continue to carry the burden of an animal.

For a sentient race, there can be so much more to coitus and we know it.  It can become a loving act, not just the rutting of animals.  Until that happens, love will continue to corrode into lust, perversions, distrust, delusions, outright lies, and madness. 

The physical act of sharing love in a decisively human way initiates the loving, sentient state.  Coitus is the crucial act that fulfills our existence in a way that animals could never even dream.

We have clung to the outdated concepts of the animal for far too long. 

Coitus is stripped bare of all of its tremendous and essential human potential every time it ends all too soon.  Loving coitus is human. Until we succeed at loving coitus as a race, we remain prehuman and much closer to a demented animal as a race.

The biggest irony of all is how easy it is for a man to succeed.  That is, any human, thinking male.

To summarize: we cannot live in a sentient manner with coitus in its animal form and we certainly cannot exist without coitus.  We remain caught within the bizarre world of the animal's stupour, far from the magnificent existence that a sentient, loving landscape will provide.

The phrase "we are only human" says it all.  It is the most offensive phrase ever created and, so far, we deserve it.  To state it accurately, though, would be to say "we are only prehuman."  I look forward to the day that we say, "Omigoodness, we are human!"

Nature/Gaia/Life and the Trajectory of Life are becoming more and more stunning as I ponder further.  A race was born with far too much intellect and capability for an animal.  It was also given the key to exceed the expectations of the animal, succeed at life, put away the stupour of the animal, end the ceaseless and stupid fighting, and become a loving, balanced, rational, emotionally stable, human, sentient race.

Let me just add that, if you are impatient to understand how men overcome this obstacle to our sentient state, please jump to "Explanations", which should be at the end of the home page.  It is also available on a link on the right hand side of every page.

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