I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Moving forward

        Men have sought surcease.  They should have been seeking success. 

No getting around it.  Men should have been asking themselves and each other this question all along.  "Why can't I last as long as it takes?"

If that were the case, they would have realized a long time ago that their failing is only an animal's failing; any human male can easily succeed.

Instead, they have created a tempest in a tea cup that has gone on for three millennia to distract rather than face what is clearly their unnecessary failing.  The failing hits them all right between the eyes as they achieve puberty and begins to gnaw away at their sanity in their twenties.  

They don't like it, so they take it out on the world.  What a plan.  Pout and blow shit up.

      It's weird when you think about how the situation must have developed.  

    Did men never talk to each other about sex?  Did they always have an uncomfortable feeling?  Did their comprehension always encompass their failure and the realization that they should be able to do better, if only they invoked their sentient awareness of the situation?  If only they could see past the animal's limitations and realize they don't apply.  That would account for the inertia behind the stupour.

They have become closed.  Have they always been that way?  They were set with the role of protector and provider.  Did they feel they must have no weaknesses?  Personally, as a male human, I consider our male ancestors craven and witless.  It really pisses me off.  I will be stuck my whole life long with encumbrances due to it.

Did each suspect that they were the only ones that couldn't make coitus work the way they wanted? (they were wrong, by the way)  Did they think that every other male is better at loving than them?  That would account for so many of the antics of the male gender.  

It's laughable and ludicrous, really.  It's always been treated as the greatest secret that everybody knows.  So, in other words, something everyone has kept only from themselves.  I'm embarrassed for you.  The whole flipping race.  WABOFM

It emphasizes just how backwards, how stupoured, we remain as a sentient race.  It also tells you how witless we have been regarding sex.  

The last century has just been weird.  All of the stunts that have been pulled regarding sex, all of the contention, all of the nonsense, all because we remained too stupoured to take a hard look at what is really going on and admit it.   Worse yet, the stupoured male gender has felt threatened, which brings out the worst side of any animal.

    We turn our existence upside down attempting to avoid the beautiful and inevitable conclusion.  Men can love.  We are not human until it is so.

To say we were put through the grinder over the last couple of centuries, when it comes to sex would be understatement.

Seriously.  Read the rest of this site and tell me I'm wrong.  If you see any holes that you can justify with other than mystical bleating or utter blindness, let me know.  The first handful of posts are most important.  If you don't get on a roll by then, you might as well stop reading.

I just can't see how anyone can hide from this truth.  There is no question.  The studies have all been done.  The beast misrepresenting the male human has declared that the best they should expect is two or, maybe, three minutes.  Seriously?  Maybe if we were a dumb, trained animal.  The fact is that every man should be able to last indefinitely.  Don't worry.  I covered that, also, in Explanations.   If it works, pass it on.  It should be enough for most men to figure it out.  It will get easier as humanity finally accepts that men can love.  It will become more natural than failing ever was.

    I'd expect more reaction from a brick than I have gotten from humanity.

If anyone reading this is feeling embarrassed by their ancestor's duplicity and pompous maunderings of gibberish while raining down wholesale destruction on the world, don't feel alone.  It pisses me off, also.

So, read on.  Or, not.  Keep the secret that is no secret to yourself, just like our dim-witted ancestors have done for the last three millennia.  Let the awful paranoia of the male gender continue to disrupt our loving nature.