
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Monday, December 4, 2023



I am in awe as it all falls into place.  It is incredible.  I am paving the way for humanity to take off its clodhoppers and put wings on its heels, instead.  Turn clodhopping into cloudhopping.

It all ties together.  The future, as well as the present and the past.  Finally, women will take their place, which is far more than equal.  Women will take the lead for the obvious reason that they have a lot more experience at being sentient than the male that has been inadvertently avoiding it for millennia.

There are reasons why it still would make for me sense to discuss it with a woman.  

Most importantly, it would accelerate humanity becoming human.  That seems important to me.  

A woman's perspective would help greatly for putting the concepts in a context that all can accept.  It is what women have attempted to do for millennia.  Unfortunately, so far, they have only been trying to train Pavlov's Dog.  That is about to change.  It is much more likely to change with a little feminine help.

My forte is not proliferation of concepts.  It is discovering concepts.  

There are so many ways that a woman's touch would help.  As I explain above, women should have been leading the way since forever.  There has only been one reason that could not happen.

I will do my best to make these last insights available, but that is not enough.  It all ties together. 

Maybe most important is the sharing of the idea with one other person and, yes, that person would be best if they were of the opposite gender.  That is really what this is all about.  To be brutally honest, it would be best with one particular woman for me.  I don't know that it would work at all with any other woman.  That's okay.  The sharing will begin between the genders somewhere, sometime.  I'm just anxious and impatient to get this going, and dying to meet one particular woman, to be honest.

Sharing.  From start to finish it is about sharing.  Damn.  You see?  Even acting like I'm talking with you helps.  It is my feeble attempt to emulate sharing.  While it's what I've done all along, it is not enough.  Let's say I had discussions around the kitchen table all by myself (I've made no claims that I have had other than a weird life).

More so, extrapolating on the future just cannot be the same without the feminine touch.  Don't get me started on how many of the human characteristics are considered feminine just because men have not had a clue.

It had to be a man to break the chains that hold us back from our future.  I explain that elsewhere (look for Kwisatch Haderach).  To move forward, to extrapolate the future;  it would work much better if both genders were represented in the final touch.  

I guess my concern is accelerating the change.  

We are a mess and the sooner we make the transformation, the less damage there is to repair.  (either that or I am just dying to meet the one that I am dying to meet)

It's just another one of those things.  

I sense that defining the future is also important and I have no idea why that is so.  That is the road I have taken for the last fifteen years.  Sense what is needed and follow up.  Those senses have guided my efforts from the beginning.  That beginning was long ago.

No, I take that back.  The thing is that it is becoming very certain I am not going to be around a lot longer.  She's young enough to carry on.  Sigh, I'm not sure she should take the burden on.  I think she would be out of her mind to do so, really.  I guess, she could always keep that portion of her life incognito.  ??

It is amazing to me that I pointed out all of these insights over the years and, yet, never put them together.  I guess it was kinda like building a superstructure.  So many pieces had to fall in place in order for those pieces to hang together.  Hmmm, like I connected the dots and, now, I am connecting the connections in order to assemble the superstructure?  Another place I could use help.

You are my person.

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