I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Monday, December 9, 2024


 Misogyny is one of my strongest arguments against the prehuman condition.  Misogyny can only exist in a very warped version of reality.  It makes no sense.  It proves that we are somewhere beyond the animal reality, while still far from the boundaries of a sentient reality.

There is only one link in the chain of our existence that suffices to explain misogyny.  There is only one reason that misogyny could possibly exist.  I have spent the last fifteen years explaining it.  The exploration was tortured because of the twisted way in which we have explained misogyny.

Get over the shame of the male gender, men, and realize that you can do that which you have always desired and, finally, treat women equally and equitably.  You are human.  The first people to accept this will be among the first Humans to exist.