The Road Foreword
All men; that is a human, sentient male; can do something they never believed was possible and always desired to do. They desired to do it so desperately that it drove them crazy, derailed our sentient state, and wrecked any hope of humanity becoming what Nature always intended: a loving, emotionally stable, rational, sentient race that respects itself instead of constantly tearing itself down and relying on fictions. "Omigoodness, we're human" rather than "We're only human" is the vast difference.
We are so close to educating the heart that it hurts.
The long answer is a bit more complicated. I'll get into that in later posts.
Conscious evolution
Conscious adaptation to circumstances is how a sentient race evolves itself. It makes of evolution something that is no longer willy-nilly.
Humanity, once completely liberated by sentient cognitive function, which is the ability to comprehend so much more than an animal and seek clarity, will accelerate the race's evolution into new directions.
Conscious evolution is all about recognition and adaptation to realizations that our sentient, conscious awareness makes apparent. It is a matter of no longer denying what our sentience reveals.
The subconscious is where we put those sentient realizations that we have not been willing to process.
Our natural inclination is to seek clarity and, yet, in one case we have been remiss. One subject has been shunted so far aside that we don't even acknowledge it and become extremely uncomfortable when the subject is broached (so, prepare yourselves).
There is a drag on the process of clarification. In our youth, we rebel against it. As we age, we learn to obscure it from sight. That is what we teach our children.
We will be truly sentient when we can gather our thoughts as a species and adapt to what our sentience has made so crystal clear.
This is a story about what liberates both the mind and the heart of humanity (as a race, not a bunch of random individuals bashing into each other). We can think and live consciously, rationally, amidst an emotional backdrop of stability by no longer pandering to the animal.