I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Sunday, December 1, 2024



Speaking of incantations, oracles, serenity, and love...

The eyes through the heart

On the way to the soul

The life to restart

From mere pieces to whole

To speak of the relative meanings of things

In utter frustration, I lost all the world

Impatient to sense all the loving unfurled

The dimwitted fear of the loving-less beast

All due to the fear that they can't make the feast

So, on I continue, still frustrations roam

To skip to the time when the heart knows its home

The loving begins with the tug on heartstrings

Awaiting the day, if it's only to feel

Explosion of loving, at last, become real

That in the next lifetime the love will anneal;

Substantial as heart, to the loving I kneel

Impatiently waiting for all to wake up

To fill all of life from a lovingly cup

The human complete with the craft and the style

Of the love that transcends all the heart all the while

In glancing denials as we peer through the fog

Putting on airs of Pavlovian Dog

What's wrong with this picture that's glued to the screen

The love interrupted, the bout intervened

The loving corrupted with men in denial

The passion disrupted, the loving on trial

No pill is required, only sentience graced

With loving transformed and the hating erased

The frustration holds and impatience resounds

To think it requiring another full round

Another full lifetime for love to be found

The proof of the case is, in fact, all around

The fear of the failure has held us all bound

Sweep aside the conflicts and excuses

They're on the train that rides with the abuses

A juggernaut that leads to more the same

The crafted clown that's dripping in the rain

I think I'm there.  I was right.