Rousseau came up with the term "social contract" in an attempt to explain how a society functions (or dysfunctions).
There is no social contract until the two genders treat each other equally and equitably without force, threat of punishment, or any other brutish/subhuman resolutions, intentions, or behaviour. They all mean nothing.
In the context of the social contract, it becomes crystal clear that we have been hiding from our Humanity all along.
Of course, a sentient race was certain to stumble across the glaring gap in the social contract, sooner or later. It emphasizes and exposes just how delusional we have been.
That the human race ever believed it had a social contract proves that we have never become a Human race.
Game theory, with regard to the social contract and coitus, comes to mind, as well. Only a win-win situation works best. Equal in all ways works best. No more mincing words, no more bandaids, no more lying to ourselves. It is the physical love that remains hampering the social contract.
The social contract will become fulfilled and validated when the most common case becomes the sharing of ecstasy during the most intimate and only required physical act for humanity in order to exist. I could go so far as to say that the social contract is loving coitus (see Truth and Lies) or its foundation, at least.
It breaks both genders and every other form of physical sharing until the alternatives are no longer perceived as only a substitute for the failed act of coitus. It is stupid that a sentient race thinks that coitus is only about making babies. it is infantile. It is an animal's decree. Sex is the initiation of love. Coitus is not yet.
That is what the battle between the sexes has always been about. Finding some way to make the playing field equal. It starts in bed.
A lot of people have already figured that out and make do. All of the brouhaha, all of the push and pull, regarding sex has always been about the flawed and failed social contract (see Truth and Lies). We just never admitted it. We never could commit to the single necessity because ... well, if I go there, I will rant. You should know by now.
Basically, let's say our past is littered with mistakes and assumptions in the absence of consideration of the most important act of life. The blindspot that continues to wreck any chance of achieving an equally shared, sentient existence. Coitus requires something more from a sentient race.
The two genders don't see eye to eye (and, yes, of course, I love the double entendre)