The lie: sex equals making love
The truth: fully shared sexual pleasure equals making love. Fully shared sexual pleasure makes love between the couple.
Put most simply, we are not human until coitus becomes a human act.
Do you know, I have searched high and low for fifteen years to say those words as simply as that. I refer to it in the very first book. In one form, I called it The Nail. In others, the Big Lie. Never did get it nailed down until now. That's how deeply the paradigms of delusion are embedded.
I finally know why being able to state it as such felt like such a relief. It explains my intuition regarding all of this more clearly than anything else I have written. It's still barely comprehensible for novices because it could knock a prehuman over with a feather.
Do you see all of the implications? It states that any form of mutual full shared sexual pleasure meets the criteria. It also puts the burden where it belongs, on the forms of sexual pleasure that has nothing to do with the woman's pleasure. It also fits in with the key, crucial point that coitus doesn't.
That coitus remains a failure tells you everything you need to know about the madness infecting mankind. Men put on a show of how 'masculine' they are because they know damn well they are failing at the very essence of manhood.
That only leaves a few items up for grabs, like a blow job. My own feelings on the matter is that I would still hate a blow job, even after coitus succeeds, but that could be just the taint left on the act as a form of dominance. The dominant behaviour, trying to bring women under their thumb and contention between men 'to be on top of the heap' is all sourced by their failed manhood that, in a fully evolved sentient race, would not longer be absent.
I would like to add more but the prehuman just couldn't handle it, so what would be the point? I'll leave that to future generations that can finally look at the prehuman as just another beast from our past, like Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon.