
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


 Misogyny, the riddle that must be resolved, not regulated

How in the world could misogyny make sense for any race, much less a supposedly sentient, human race?  

Whenever we discuss inequality and inequitable treatment of women, it should send us right back to misogyny.  It is an outgrowth of misogyny.  They are all pervasive and interconnected.

Worse yet is domestic abuse and all of the other more heinous and perverted versions of misogyny.  Domestic abuse is far more widespread than anyone is willing to admit.  Domestic abuse must be defined as the physical, verbal, or mental abuse of another member of the household.  While there are rare cases of the female being such, the overwhelming majority is men.  Even when the woman begins abuse, it is more than likely caused by the man's abusive behaviour.  It is so common that most instances aren't even recognized by its victims.  

When anyone in the household feels like they are walking on egg shells in order to avoid an explosion by the father, it is domestic abuse.  There's a reason for it and it need not exist.  What I'm getting at is that misogyny does not need to exist and will not for a fully formed human race.

All of the women that pick themselves apart, that have little confidence in themselves, are victims of domestic abuse.  But, I don't want to derail the point of this post.

The riddle of misogyny cannot continue to be ignored.  We dance all around it but we never have solved the puzzle of why misogyny exists.  It is the only way to remove it rather than try to regulate it.  It is a clear indication of the stupour in which we remain.  Regulating it just makes it go underground.

It is the most ancient riddle.  Yet it has never even been questioned.  It is supported by most religions.  It is so woven into the fabric of prehuman life that we never suspect its origins.  

Men ignore its source, of course, and do their damnedest to disguise it, until it comes out, once again, in its most virulent form to disrupt our existence.  It is the big distraction.  Men are not proud of it.  They are utterly ashamed of it, in fact.  And, there lies the problem.  That's why they so often try to disguise it, why they mumble about it and attempt to make it seem inevitable.  It is not.

Women attempt to fight it in their beautifully subtle, patient, human, sentient way, but no one asks the question.  Why in the world would any race develop such an awful trait that polarizes the two genders?

As long as we do not identify its source, we will remain prehuman.

The single riddle holds all of the answers as to what is wrong with humanity.  The lack of an answer proves what stupoured idiots we remain.

Men have dominated throughout history.  So, why in the world would they desire to alienate the female gender? Yet, they do.  We are missing something.  What possible excuse can be suggested, for the existence of misogyny, which can only be defined as the offensive treatment of one gender by the other?  A more general definition would be that it is insane.

Men love sex.  It's not in their genes, as is often suggested.  It's in their balls, to be exact (and prostate, if you want to be picky).  They are driven to sex by the need for sexual release.  So, why would men attempt to subdue women into submission?

Wouldn't it make more sense for the male gender to treat women as equals or betters in which they curry the favour of the female, since they desire sex so much?  Wouldn't kindness and unabated love of the spectacular female gender along with making the sexual event attractive and enticing for the woman make a lot more sense?

Something is missing.  Something remains unseen regarding the act of sex.

Please explain how alienation of the two genders makes the slightest sense.  It is not beneficial to the race or the individual. How could men possibly be interested in alienating the female gender?  If you consider the situation closely, it is easy to see that it is close the heart of all of our troubles.  All of our troubles stem from the increasing alienation of the two genders.  While legislation makes a seeming improvement on the surface, underneath it all, the alienation goes on.  If anything, it is exacerbated.

It is just and right that women attempt to highlight all of the problems stemming from misogyny but it can never resolve the issue without the full support, realization, and acceptance of the scope of the problem by both genders.

Women are the gift and the male gender treats them like trash.

I hope you are not foolish enough to think misogyny is not a gender-wide issue for men.  It is not this or that man.  It's the whole damned gender.  Some men just deal with it better than others but it is pervasive and prolific.  It is all-encompassing.  It is the all-important destructive result of the prehuman state.

If you do not believe that misogyny is a gender-wide issue, just look at history.  In the past, it was pervasive.  Don't think that has changed because it hasn't.  It has just gone underground.  Men have been trained to act like everything is alright, that there is nothing bothering them.  That is an animal's solution, not a human resolution.  The source of misogyny remains.  Don't get confused.  The source of misogyny is not men.  Men are as much victims as women in the nightmare scenario that we have lived and unwittingly endorsed for three thousand years.  That statement may shock you but it is true.  While the misery of man is taken out on the woman, make no mistake, men have been suffering just as much.  There lies a huge part of the problem with the source of misogyny.  Men have never been able to admit it.  They have bashed and lashed out rather than ever admit what is wrong.  All because they believed there was nothing to be done about it.  There is.

The source of misogyny is the all-important aspect of the prehuman state that must be eliminated.  The complete eradication of the source of misogyny must occur before can we become human.

It is buried so deeply in the male subconscious that it is passed on from generation to generation without question or recognition.  It is all a matter of historical inertia, nothing more.

That is a sign of just how deep our stupour is.

It kicks in at puberty and no one notices.  Men's minds are filled with the nonsensical perspective regarding the two genders from the time they are born but they rail against it in their extreme youth.  Until they reach puberty.

Then, it all falls in place.

Men are put in the precarious position of not being able to love the one that they so desire in the way that makes most sense for a human, sentient being.  That is what they are truly railing against.  While misogyny and women are the highlighted victim of men's inhuman state after crossing the threshold of puberty, it is this whole of existence, anything the male gender touches, that suffers from it.

Their tongue-tied state and inability to express themselves or, worse yet, the facade of bravado are all symptoms of the advent of their miserable state as they reach puberty.  Their emotions destabilize.  Their humanity is ripped away from them and, though they don't even realize it, they begin to build a perverse view of existence.  

At the center of it is misogyny and the precarious conundrum that exists between the genders that no one is willing to confront.

Laws, regulations, peer pressure, or other method to expose misogyny and contain it are not a solution.  They are just pending actions.  All of the outside forces just contain the demon ... until they don't. 

 Like the rise of fascism right now.  It is like clamping a lid on a cauldron and waiting for it to explode, as it always does.  Fascism is an outgrowth of misogyny.

Outside forces can't rid us of this bane on humanity.  It has to come from within.  We have to rid ourselves of the source of misogyny.  That alone will transform the gender that is afflicted. 

More so, all of the irrationality, all of the insanity, all of the angst, anger, and agitation from our prehuman state billows out from the source of misogyny.  We rid ourselves of the source of misogyny and we become human.

I've written twelves books explaining what does rid us of misogyny and the rest of the residue left by the bane.

It's just so weird.  If you were to read my books, you would find misogyny discussed in one location.  The problem with laws and all of the usual 'outside forces' arrayed against the ravages of the animal are in another. I never connected the two directly until now.

The reason for that disconnectedness is manifold.  A huge part of it is what I have been battling since the beginning.  There is a disconnectedness and dysfunction that has developed regarding all things sexual.  Sex is at the heart of our stupour.

There is a gaping hole in every conversation on the subject of sex.  Even when we get close and brush along the outer edges of the topic of coitus.  We just haven't been able to open up completely about the problem with coitus.  That wrecks any conversation on the subject.

A huge part of the diffidence is the inaccurate belief that there is some difference in performance between one man and another when it comes to coitus.  The differences between men's performance during coitus is miniscule.  It leaves all men distraught.  It is nothing compared to what men could do if they got their head out of their asses.  

No man can tolerate the idea that there is something lacking in his manhood as essential as being able to love another person.  He cannot confront his suspicion that there are some men that can love, while he cannot.  The suspicion is unfounded, by the way. 

This explains the bravado regarding sexual exploits.  While he is inadequate at the task of coitus, he will lie to himself and other men, in desperation, which distorts his thoughts even further.  He is no longer seeking to be human.  He is seeking to be a man and he knows it's a lie.

We have never even been able to open up enough to realize that every man has the same problem and none have figured out exactly what is going on.  Some men stumble upon some poor substitute, some minor improvement that they can make, like it was an Olympic event instead of an act of love.  It is only an act of love when it is done right.  It is seldom, if ever, done right.  By the way, thinking of loving coitus as an Olympic event is part of the reason that men have never learned to succeed.

The act of coitus can become an act of love for every couple.  

Men believe that their poor performance is the best they can expect.  They are so wrong.  The male gender can learn how to love.  Not just this or that individual.  The whole damned gender.

Until they do, we are not human.

It is like walking on two legs or talking.  A human can do it.  It is no more difficult to succeed at loving coitus.  Like walking on two legs or talking, it should become the expectation.  It has just been incredibly more difficult to understand how a human can transform the act of coitus into an act of love.  It is not difficult at all once men learn what it takes.  In essence, it takes becoming a thinking, sentient. human being.

One day, it will become the expectation.  The lack of that expectation and realization is the source of misogyny.

The successful act of loving coitus itself is simple for a human male to perform.  We have just had to learned how.  That is what the chapter Details is all about.

If this has stirred your humanity at all, try reading the books.  I guess I would suggest reading them in the following order.  HumanMillenniumTen.  The rest are there if you care to delve further.  Twelve books in all.

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