
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


And, of course, as I go into this, the title becomes a double entendre.  I began thinking about how I am currently motivated.  You may or may not see the page where I rant about being stuck in an observation/analysis mode of thought.  I need a change from that mode.  As I was thinking that, I realized I am branching out already.  All due to the most subtle inspiration/spur to delve deeper still.  I doubt it is intentional, though it would be cool if it was.

Anyways, that was not the change that the title was selected for.  That would be the change as the race becomes human.  I have said before that the change will be a subtle thing.  A change of tone rather than blaring trumpets and wreckage all along the way.  I just couldn't pin down why I thought that would be.  I was not yet able to connect the dots consecutively.   I guess what I was worrying about is that, usually, drastic change for humanity means a lot of wreckage but I've always known that would not be the case, in this case.

I've also mentioned throughout the books that it is not the circumstances or the systems that need changing.  It's the humans that need to get their act together.

That is why it will be a smooth, subtle transition.  It's just a matter of people.  If people have their heads on straight, the systems will start working for humanity instead of against it.  That will change the circumstances.

I have to laugh as I realize the most profound change since we crawled out of our caves will come on us like a bath of warm, comforting water.  That's nice.  Actually, I think I should change that to "since the time we crawled out of the sea".

I had actually been thinking about economic systems when this hit me.  It's like I said the other day, somewhere or other, the economic models all presume greedy, witless players or animals, if you will.  The economic models are accurate.  So, what happens when humanity becomes a responsible, emotionally stable, rational, sentient, fully human race instead, that realizes it's not about the money?  The money is just a vehicle to make humanity operate better.  No longer obsessing about money because we are human and finally realize what life is really all about is the important factor.  

It's not this or that economic model.  It's humanity that doesn't work today.  The wealth will spread naturally because any sane human would be appalled at the devastation that the accumulation of truly massive, morbid wealth causes.  No, it's even better than that.  When true satisfaction and emotional stability becomes the common attribute, why would anyone in their right mind obsess about something like money?  When the human race cares more about itself. then money, economic systems will work well.

The same, of course, holds true of all of the other obsessions of humanity.  Finally, it will be obvious to everyone what false promise they hold.  There is one driver of the obsessive desire.  It is the inability to fulfill the one desire that every human has.  That drives all of the obsessions.  Heck, that is the overarching obsession.

Twelve books explain how we get to human in short order.  (you probably don't need to read them all, though I am beginning to believe you might)

Do you see why I don't think I'll write another book?  It's all out there in the books.  Anymore explanations I come up with will be one-offs, like this.  Bite-size.  These posts are better for that.  

If only a few read it?  I'm okay with that.

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

My heart

 It's just kinda weird.  I wrote a ton of poems for one woman.  To me she is everything that I adore about women.  Her rage is valid.  Her loving pure. 

In the poems that I wrote specifically for her, rather than the many others that have been written under her reign, they are often double entendres when I go back and read them now.  They were written only for her and, yet, the double-take is that it is also all about the amazement of femininity.  

It is just like the poems that I wrote of my own jumbled journey through life.  I realize now that they, also, are often double entendres. 

Thursday, April 22, 2004

gender war

 As I scan our current existence, I have to say I'm damned glad that I stated the truth before any woman did so.

I've suggested for awhile that no woman could have resolved the problem because they cannot really understand it.  For instance, there is no way a woman could have suggested how or if a man can overcome the issue that locks him into his animalistic measure.

But, still, it seems like we are getting to the point where the armed camps of the two genders, for all of the appearances that it is not armed gender camps, are about to seriously clash.

Bad idea but what's to be done beyond what I have been doing?  All I can do is hope that the word gets around that there's another way to look at it.

Anyways, the point is that if the contention came from women that men are useless sacks of shit (true) without being able to show an avenue for resolution, well, it would be bad.  

The confrontation is getting closer every day.  The slimeball men are playing games, as they have done for three millennia.  Women are, inadvertently and unerringly playing their game.  It makes sense.  As long as we can't see the truth of the matter, yes, the war games will continue.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Change it

 I think I've made this clear, already, but ...

When I see women fighting for their rights, like the movie Bombshell (that I really hope takes off, I'm just guessing the movie is new), I get a bit frustrated.  Yes, I'll explain tangentially, at least.

I was just pondering someone that has huge success by making the fight public.  Confrontation never gets us anywhere.  I understand the desire well enough but, you have to find the key to open the door.  Bashing it down may also be important or I never would have gotten where I am.  I think I've praised the Flower Power Generation enough.  I'd rather channel the rage and drive it towards a solution.  Of course, that's easy for a male to say, also.  [chagrin]

The only thing that can get us anywhere is for women to not settle for men that can't love and find the few that are willing to try.  Not just make nicey.  That's fine and dandy but it's not enough.  It's stilled armed camps, even though there may be no bullets and a formal truce, on occasion.

That changes the world.  It just needs a little encouragement.  I'm not saying that every woman needs to be on marching orders to find a man that desires love.  I'm saying, if you are looking for a man, find one that is willing to face his shame and try to do something about it.  If he can't, maybe you show him mercy until the final conclusion as to whether I am, beyond all doubt, right (which I am personally sure of - but that's not the same thing as incontrovertible proof ).  If I'm proved right, I am sure a few men will get it while others, initially, won't.  If a few men can prove the case, the laggards will catch up quickly.  No need to penalize them.   I guess I should add that it will also take a woman that knows the magic of interaction to safely navigate the field.  

Women have been doing it to whatever extent was possible for millennia, maybe longer.  Now that I think about it, I am convinced women understand the magic of interaction a lot better than men.  I could be wrong but I don't think so.  It's just too many dots that connect.  So very many.

A few men proving that any man that desires to love a woman needs to put up and shut up will change the world.  Maybe that's the only way we get there.  A very good way to put it is that men have been fighting against that shoe dropping for millennia.   That's what all the pompous arrogance is all about.  Let me clarify, I am more arrogant than you can possibly imagine but I have no desire to flaunt.  It's also a different kind of arrogance.  I only want humanity to catch up with me.

Instead of all the fighting and mundanity, find one that can love.  Again, the S&S of this is incredible, hilarious, and probably ironic in some way.  No, better yet, symmetrical.  I've gotten into what I mean by symmetrical elsewhere, as well. 

Oh, I should add, I am not a candidate.  That is sooo double entendre as to make me smile.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004



I had a thought the other day about machines that really hit the spot.  Humans are suiting themselves to machines, rather than the other way 'round.  That is for animals.  I sure hope we put the animal away for good soon.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Long thoughts

 I once wrote a poem about my long thoughts.  I hated it.

It needs to be in prose (aaarrrggghhh!).  I really have had some long thoughts.  Thoughts that first occurred to me in my teens, some fifty/sixty years ago.  I kept them to myself because no one else was willing to explore what it meant to be alive and human.  Oh, I tried but I got burned for trying.

So, they all rattled around in my head with the most prominent being the general category of, "what is wrong with this picture".  The most prominent of those being, "what is wrong with humanity."  There were just so many things wrong that it was hard to isolate the root cause.  Like it took about forty years.

Once that was done and seems to be becoming accepted or worthy of scrutiny, the floodgates were opened.  (in other words, twelve books to convince myself I'm not crazy) I still have so many, though, that I don't dare reveal for the reason that the prehuman just cannot cope with them.

It reminds me of a cleric (priest, preacher, shaman? I don't know which) I met on a plane once that was reading Da Vinci Code.  It was such a striking contrast that I tried to joke around with him.  A preacher reading Da Vinci Code?  He responded by saying he was reading it to find some way to shoot holes in it.  That's what the prehuman loves to do.  They are trained into it from birth.  Especially the religious.  So, no, I'll keep the crazier thoughts to myself.  There is only one with whom I would share them.  Heck, it might repel her, also.

Timeline eraser

 April 19, 2024

 I have this problem with the current, dimwitted attempts at online social interaction.  The timeline is way too constrictive.

The problem is that it is suited to prehumans and the profit motive above all.

Even attempting a two-dimensional online social interaction site would not make sense at this time.  If I had more bandwidth, I'd probably try to get it developed anyways.

The idea is to replace the timeline with topics and interest.    The real goal would be to have the topics of interest to a global (human) audience to rise to the top.

I envision a page that looks much like a star map, where each conversation (not just soundbites that cry out for attention) is a star.  I also envision clusters of stars but that might be a bit more difficult.  The clusters of stars would have to be defined by a topic.  That may work.  I'm just not sure how it would work.  May be a good place to attempt to use AI for human uses rather than the other way around.  My annoyance with technology is that it seems the technology uses the prehuman more than the other way around.

Certainly, the brightness of the star would indicate interest in a particular topic.  Maybe brightness of a cluster of stars indicates a broader interest.  Or, maybe the cluster of stars is various conversations on a specific topic.  That sounds better.

I know just how complicated it becomes to highlight something of current interest.  There become multiple variables, such as time, immediate interest, long term interest, and number of people that have current/long term interest.  This becomes meaningless to the stirring of mania on a timeline, subsuming all else.

It's the third millennium.  We can do better.

As time progresses, I would hope that the topics would evolve into topics of the highest interests of the human race.

Anyways, the more I ponder this idea, the more I like it.  I can see global decisions being made by rational argument rather than forceful argument and rule.

It really could end up replacing politicians and governments.  Wouldn't that be a blessing.  It also provides a smooth road to the transition away from gov'ts and, maybe, a rational roadmap for so much more.  True rule of the people before it is done.

I'm not sure what it does for the monsters, which is why this will be much more effective when the monsters, trying to manipulate any systems put in place to their advantage, are gone.  I expect they could find a way to manipulate any system for their advantage, like rats on a ship.  That, in fact, has been one of the primary premises of my life.  It's not enough to regulate the rats, they gnaw through regulation like the rats they are.  No, humanity has to rid itself of the impetus to become a rat.  That is, essentially, what I have done.

Anyways, I tried to cope with the news services in this 2-D OSIS but, the more I think about it, they don't belong.  News, sports seem counterproductive.  Music and, maybe other forms of entertainment suit but, even then, it would be in the form of conversations only.  Maybe attached music?  I am sure the rats could infest this to make it biased.

Which gets to another point.  I had, at first, thought that everyone should have a valid, traceable id to use this system but, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced it would be better to wait until we are fully human and the monsters are, at least, in small enough numbers and easily identified by humans as to make their efforts too feeble to be of any importance.  Sooner or later, they will be gone entirely.  I am certain of that.  Then, there is no need for id's at all because we are human, not just acting out the part under inhuman conditions.  I shudder to suggest that locked doors could become a thing of the past.  No one would believe that, right?  It may be too much to ask but, I just don't know.  I can see a human race that has enough respect for itself to provide for all and individuals have enough respect for themselves that they wouldn't steal a dime.  Heck, there are plenty of those already.  Many in the gutters of our prehumanity and few in the halls of justice, industry, and government.

Maybe  the biggest technological hurdle is the required graphics and the adaptation of AI.  Those would be radically new and prehumans are just so much the mimic.  If someone makes a easy timeline interface, they will.  It's been done before and everyone can copy it.  The expertise is in abundance, like those humans fleeing X to find some other site to develop/use.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

The point (all puns intended)

 The point is that all men; that is a human, sentient male; can do something they never believed was possible and always desired to do.  They desired to do it so desperately that it drove them crazy, derailed our sentient state, wrecked any hope of humanity becoming what Nature always intended:  a loving, emotionally stable, rational, sentient race that respects itself instead of constantly tearing itself down.

We are so close to educating the heart that it hurts.

The long answer is a bit more complicated.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

One rant

    This is my version of bitching and moaning.  Yes, that is my quirky smile you see.


  Geez, there are so many to choose from I know not where to start!

How does one convey a lifetime so very different from the rest of humanity?

I think about the kind of thoughts that I have had for a lifetime that are so very different.  Why?

Two that always strike me are the bus station and the realization to look at humanity as a single human.

Both were crucial revelations.  I talk about the bus station elsewhere, including in some of the books.  What it amounts to is a realization that we are defined by our relationships with others in a big way.  Somehow, I moved on from that to the acceptance that no one knows anyone else.  Other people's perceptions of us define who we are and our perceptions of ourselves.   It doesn't need to be that way.  More importantly, I won't be that way once we find our way to our humanity.

From that time, I loved being in airports and any place else in which I knew no one.  It was a sort of freedom.  There's that freedom, again.  It is much closer to the real liberty we are looking for.  Liberation from the nitwit animal.

From there, it was an easy step to realize that we, as a race, are messed up.

That's a good place to get into the other revelation that, if one looks at humanity as a single entity, it is easy to see that three thousand years ago the human race was as a child growing up in a new world or realization with no guidance.  We have not progressed.  If anything, we have digressed or regressed.

To say we did a poor job of it would be an understatement.  We so desperately wanted guidance that we created gods to fill the gap.

Sadly, those with no sense and a strong desire to submit to the animal, took over the guidance of the human race.  Do you really think that the perversions of the priests and clerics are new?  Useful?  Other than a destructive force?

We kept pushing the envelope based on so many lies.  The lies just kept growing to cover the heinous activities instead of guiding us anywhere worthwhile.

As long as we accept some humans disguising their words as guidance from some ephemeral god, we are sunk.

    I don't think I ever mentioned that the same evening that I was stuck in the bus station, then overnight in an airport, I was listening to a couple or three albums by The Moody Blues.  It certainly had a profound effect on the rest of my life.  That concentration of isolation, along with the gist conveyed by the music, were important in some way.

    All pieces of the puzzle, dots to connect.  I was just thinking of a Cat  Stevens song that told the story of how we have never known the story.  There are so many of those.  I can't help it.  It has been one of my guiding lights.  Creative people so want to break loose but become lost amidst the paradigms of nonsense.  

    Yes, of course, I'm going to mention the Lady here.  I truly believe that, while she may or may not have the answer yet in words, She knows.  I'm sure she will disagree.

    The gods we created are just a crutch that keep us from standing up on our own as a sentient creature and realizing that we are far more than the animals that preceded us.

    One of my favorite songs, nowadays, is "You Get What You Give" by The New Radicals.  It has a lot of hope packed into it while, at the same time, conveying a lot about the dilemma we have faced for three thousand years. 


    Wow!  I don't know what it is about Her but I can't get enough.  Wow!  Feeling my doom today.


Wow!  Am I feeling my doom today.  The one thing I will not tolerate, besides complete breakdown of the body, is the slightest breakdown of the mind.

But, how do I know when the mind is gone?  Considering I have spent a life in self-appraisal as an individual as well as a member of a sentient race, I think I should be able to tell with ease.  I hope so.  I am not one to fool myself easily.  There is a current and ongoing situation that baffles me.  It seems most likely I"m fooling myself.  I sure hope not.  I'll find out soon enough.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Generations, Part II

 Generations, Part II

I have said often that it will take three generations to overcome the animal.  

That is not the same as sloughing off every remnant of the animal conventions.

This has come to mind of late as I turned my attention towards education, news, literature, etc.

I guess fiction doesn't concern me so much.  It is independent action of authors.  

News and education are different.  They are bureaucratic institutions.  They are much more tops-down organizations than pseudo-independent authors.  They could take awhile to adjust to the new circumstances of the human.  These won't even begin to change until the human supersedes the prehuman, starts infiltrating their ranks, so to speak, in a big way.

To change, they will take effort.  News should change far sooner than education.  News is based on change.  As the narrative of the human changes, so will the news.  It will still take some time but I would expect it to begin changing soon after the effect of our humanity begins to be felt.

How and when the news changes from the effort to stir up the masses will be completely dependent on the masses.

Education, though, is a huge change.  The worst part (which is going to be hard to explain) is that the rote is driven by rote.  Children growing up is a necessity and, thank goodness, the profit motive has not yet taken hold of the education systems - yet.  Prehumans learn by rote.  Anyone even partially human today has a problem with that.  They rebel as their humanity attempts to emerge.  Again, maybe the change in humanity will be enough to smooth this out.  Independent thought needs to be encouraged rather than stamped out.

What makes it so complicated is finding a substitute for rote.  Is some level of rote necessary?  Just part of the package?  How does the human, sentient race teach the independent thought which will be necessary for a human environment? I really am at a loss on this one.  I only highlight it so that the earliest full-fledged humans can begin to ponder it soonest.

    Maybe I am making it more difficult than it needs to be.  Humans growing up into their humanity and positions of education should be enough.  Yeah, that borderline case really helped clarify, it's just a matter of humans being the only form of sentient life.  When the prehumans are gone, so are our problems.  Errr, you do get that we are the prehumans, right?  There's no getting around it.  We might be able to come much closer to the true model of humanity but I don't think I can ever drag out all of the nastiness that was embedded.  Still, a vast improvement in teh first generation is a very fine place to start.

    If I had my druthers, I'd probably plant myself right smack dab at the beginning of the first generation to grow up without the baggage implanted by the previous generation.  That will be an incredible point it time.  Just as Ancient Greece was and other centers of discovering our sentience for the first time.  Arrrggghhh!  I have to say it.  Right now, it seems like a poor showing but that is just my rage talking.  Desiderata.

First attempt in this post to explain what I sensed so long ago:

It may even be simpler than I suggest.  As I have also emphasized, our progress towards our humanity, once the bane is removed, will be natural.  There is no need to force it.

I guess what I run into with education is the bureaucratic tradition of the animal.  Independent thought is forced into submission.  A Japanese phrase comes to mind.  "What happens to the nail that sticks up?  It is hammered down."  (different nail from The Nail, though it is intriguingly related).

That desire to hammer the nail down will be relieved - finally.

So, maybe, just like I expect with institutions, it will adjust naturally unless any major change is necessary.  As I have also pondered, the hierarchical institutional structure of prehuman organizations will need to change.  I believe that will happen naturally, though I don't desire to go into the details of the change.  It will be just a matter of humans rather than prehumans organizing for the benefit of humanity rather than the few.

The big difference in education is that it is about children.  Does the same hold true?  As we become human, does it adjust naturally because it is humans in charge?  I guess so.

    There is another point to keep in mind.  Renewal.  Thank goodness.  It may make the change even more rapid than I expect.  With each generation, with the fetters unbound, it could be truly awesome to behold.

   I think the newer explanation works a lot better.

Friday, April 2, 2004

Noble qualities

Have you ever considered the human noble qualities, like honour, integrity, and dignity, etc?  They are not totally absent but mostly so.  Almost like an afterthought.

Can you imagine a world in which they are the most prominent characteristics?  They become so common that they are accepted as a natural part of being human?  I can.  I have.  The effect will be profound.  I'm not feeling much like explaining but I will say it will be an amazing change.

Open hearts and unlocked doors.

I'd really like to leave this posted at the beginning but I think it is too much.  People would guffaw and jeer.  So, I will move it towards the end.  Besides, I don't much like the date on it.

No edits and, yet, I think it will need a lot of further thought.  This is something I would really like to explain in depth.  Maybe.  Don't bet on it as I near the end, unless something radical changes that.

Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Blown Away

     I hope anyone familiar with my work begins to realize just how intense my life has been in order to finally resolve this crucial puzzle that has nearly destroyed humanity.
    I wake in the morning and I ponder it.  Very, very often, some new aspect becomes clear.  Resolving the riddle has become most of the joyous moments of this life.  When I go back and read through what I have conveyed and find it still wanting are the most despairing moments of my life.  It's almost become like being manic depressive.  I'm not crazy but, boy, this effort could surely make one feel that way.  There are so many reasons that I run across that make me certain I have not explained well enough.  Of course, the silence.  Then, there is the way I explain and my tendency to write cryptically because of my fascination with rhoetry and, then, the one that was bothering me this morning.   A piece of the story that will help make it make sense seemed to remain missing.
    Today, that missing piece blew me away.  I've thoroughly explained the humanity-wide conditioning to hide from the truth that will set us free:  because we arE sentient, coitus is found wanting and we have had no idea what to do about it, because we hid from it.   We realize what an animal could never suspect.  Coitus is imbalanced until a sentient mind takes it to task.  So, we buried the whole matter.  The true liberation we have always desired is to make coitus a loving event.  That is the only thing that can make us free.  Free of the animal, which is the only freedom that counts.
    What blew me away today is precisely how that blindness so subtly and inadvertently was finally overturned.  It is fascinating.  I probably won't word it as well as I can.  I will work on the wording for quite awhile.  But, I think this is close enough.  Let me emphasize that the realization of the lie to end all lies, on its own, was not a good thing.  As long as the story is only partial (that coitus is still a lousy animal act) and we do not overcome the limitation that men have had drilled into their heads that there is nothing they can do about it, we are on a crash course with our end.  The reason the story was hid for so long is that it has been the defeat of our sentient state.  It scared us.  When we hid from success at loving coitus we hid from our sentient state.
    What occurred to me, today, is this.  Humans love to tell stories.  One of the stories that humans really like to hear is the story of a loving couple with a happy ending.  I'll have to go back and try to date when these stories of love with happy endings first began but my sense is not that long ago.  No more than a few hundred years. (1740, to be exact)
    That finally broke it all open.  I was pondering L.A., its bizarre bacchanalian emergence as the home of movies, the porn industry, the fact that the Flower Power generation pretty much began in L.A., the whole love story angle, and the one person I know (so to speak) that absolutely despises the love story as a scam (i now realize, of course, she has been right) and it hit me.
    The love story was what eventually made humanity sit up and pay attention because, especially in movies, the sex angle cannot be ignored.  It snuck up on us, since the blatant admission that we have not yet succeeded at loving coitus doomed the direct approach.  Loving coitus plays a huge implied part in the love story, even though it was brushed off as the happily ever after (except in the original book on the Princess Bride (but I won't get into that here. the book is titled something like S. Morgenstern's tale of the Princess Bride or some such.  You should read it.  It is hilarious and so accurate in its ending)).  As the love story pounded and pounded against the shores of sex, it began to break things wide open.  
    To anyone that has been reading this site, the rest should be straightforward.  You should be able to extrapolate.  This is why the Flower Power generation (Free Love and all that) came along and why it was comprised of the innocent that were just waking up to their sexuality in their teens (especially teen girls - and older men that were more than willing to play the part in order to get laid, they probably even convinced themselves that they were in love, for a little while).  The love story that preceded it by a few hundred years set it all up.  The young innocents had been told the love story tales all their lives and, when it came to the reality, it was so very far from the truth.
    Because of movies, it was grasped at an intuitive level.  And it felt right.  Because it was.
    Well, that's as far as I will go today.  I will have to work it into the twelfth book, Human, somehow and I know just where it belongs.  I just don't know that it will come across as well as this.
    I should have titled this "Blown Away by the Love Story" but there is a reason I did not.
    That opening chapter for Human is also blowing me away.  I have it all wrapped up in such a nice package, I cannot see how anyone could refute it.    
    Naw, after further thought.  This is not needed or particularly helpful with you understanding what is going on.  It's just one of those pieces that I had to fit in.
    It's really fascinating.  With the advent of the written word in story form.  Some guy thought it was a good idea to make the cockamamie story of sex make sense by introducing intimate love as a point to ponder.  That guy (or gal, I'm not sure which.  An interesting question.  I say man before I go look it up.  It just makes sense.  They've been making up stories to sell their main story for ages) should get a medal.  The funny thing is that he was right.  It's just weird the way that worked out.  Of course, it took a few hundred years to get to the point.  
    Coitus should be fulfilling for both and there is no reason it can't be.  Unassisted.  Do you think that humans can control their own muscles?  Then, of course they can!  We blinded ourselves and caused a whole heap of trouble for three thousand years.  The awful myths and creation of organizations that became little more than agencies for freezing the status quo of the animal without fault.  I always hesitate to suggest that because it leaves the Asian view indeterminate.  I have not figured out why they were balked as well, though western influence became predominant just in time to keep us distracted and confused globally.  'Save Face', I would expect.
    Our natural course is to learn to love on an intimate level in the most natural manner possible without assistance.  It is ridiculous that the one way in which sex can make babies is the only way in which we cannot achieve mutual sexual satisfaction.  That's for animals.  
    It has, for probably a number of reasons (besides the difficulty of understanding just how easy it is for a sentient, thinking being to succeed by overcoming the instincts of an animal).  I sure hope others that have succeeded at loving coitus, sooner or later, open up about how they succeed.  There is just so much more to learn, I'm sure, besides my (successful and determinate) insights at a late date in life.  They are not the last word.
    Can you begin to see the problem.  The human race has been pulling at  this thread since the beginning.  In the distant past, it makes sense that we could not face the truth.  We are far different than any animal before in a way that astounds.  It is the most difficult conundrum for the human race to face.  It takes a level of sentient awareness, knowledge, and insight that our feeble sentient ancient ancestors could not provide.  We can.  
    It just blasted their minds.  They were not equipped to contend with such a seemingly massive change.  
    It's time to face the sentient reality that we will never become a stable race until loving coitus is the only form of coitus.  It is a natural outcome of the human, sentient state.  It only seems so difficult because of the distractions, destruction, and paradigms of nonsense that our  ancestors created.
    By the way, which gender do you think was so maniacal as to need to believe they were center of the universe?  It hasn't changed but it can.
    One addendum.  June.  Sigh.  Eight years of infini entendres.  It's been great but, oh, it can get so much better, step by step.