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Monday, December 9, 2024


 John Lennon's song, Imagine, has always annoyed me.  

It seems to be the way of a semi-sentient race, a race that continues to cloud its sentience with delusions.  Either dream (and never think) about being truly human and sentient or surrender wholly to the animal.

It took a lot more than just imagination to understand what is wrong with humanity.  It's typical of the stupour, though, in which we exist.  Either imagine some utopia or give in to the animal rage, brutality, and stupidity that maintains the dystopia.  So far, that's been the best and worst we have been able to do.

So, let me get you to imagine something that describes a humanity that works.

Imagine that a woman can be certain that every man she meets still has his self-respect, honour, and dignity in tact because he knows how to love.  Imagine, further, every man knowing how to love a woman the way she deserves.  Imagine a couple that can love and, essentially, become one.  Imagine a male gender that is not driven insane by its lack.

Let me also get you to imagine why humanity doesn't work, why it remains an insane race that has never been able to fulfill its sentient promise.

The animal does not have the capacity to love.  The animal also does not have the wit to destroy itself and everything with which it comes in contact.  The male gender of a semi-sentient race has both the capacity to love and the capability to destroy itself and everything with which it comes in contact.  The female gender of a semi-sentient race came into being not only with the capacity to love but the innate ability to love.  They have been trying to teach the male gender how to love for millennia.  If only it were that simple.  Something holds the male gender in thrall to the animal.

This is the difficult piece for a semi-sentient race to comprehend and accept.  Why is it that, no matter how hard the female gender of a semi-sentient prehuman race tries to teach the male gender to love, the male gender cannot learn it?  What is missing?  Men certainly have the capacity.  What is missing?  What holds the male gender back from loving?  It is certainly not the lack of desire to love, though almost any old man will refute it (at least to himself) after a lifetime of its absence from his heart.  Every young man, entering puberty, will be full of the desire to love before it is turned to ashes on the ground.

Women know from the moment of their birth how to give.  Men learn from puberty onward to take.  It all starts in bed.  That is where giving and taking is learned.  If only we could all give fully.

The capacity to love is inherent in the human race.  It is part of being sentient.  Its downfall begins in the bed.  Everything required to fulfill our sentient state begins with the fulfillment of loving in bed.  Our emotions will stabilize, our thoughts will clarify, and we will become human, sentient, and loving.  The madness of men will be completely gone.

Read the books.  Quit dreaming.  Or living a nightmare.  Live our humanity, our sentient capacity to love.

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