let me try this. dystopia is a state where one gender can be impossible to reason with because their arguments are based on shame and guilt that have created delusions, nonsense, and violence. it is a representation of an animal's perspective that remains in a mad human mind. where did the male nonsense begin? why does it base its existence in deceptions? where did the desire for deception begin? i should probably be more subtle and convey the message in a more ardent and precise form. but, as i explain elsewhere in today's posts, there's a reason.
whoa! a whole new way to look at it.
we have been trying to approximate a human since the first sentient thought slapped us silly. we've sensed the whole all along. we just never applied more than our minds to the issue. the heart never really became seriously engaged on the part of one gender. in fact, for the male gender the heart and mind became hobbled by that which was hidden.
i am so certain now. it is about fusion.
and another, though this one i have been trying to put into words for a long time. how does the intimate relationship evolve as love becomes a reality?
When men quit looking to just get laid and a woman to jolly them along, human life changes. that may be the biggest change once men learn to respect themselves as something more than an animal when it comes to sex, it creates equality and equitable treatment. no more false attempts. no more trophies to hang on the wall for the man, like the head of a wild boar. no more attempts to support one's own delusions by stepping on others, starting with women. the drive to love will never be stronger than when it is done in celebration of the fusion.
when men are looking for more than just the desperate desire to get laid, everything changes. the desperate desire does not vacate the premises. it is just overlaid with self-respect. i asked a long time ago who would abuse a woman in any way if they had maintained their self-respect. Let me emphasise that it doesn't matter until the whole of the male gender gets the message.
sometimes i wonder if some women have sensed all of this all along. of course, there is the complicating factor that (it seems) some women achieve orgasm with little effort because of the location of their clitoral nub/button. even they, though, should be able to see what i am saying.
it is interesting that kegel exercise became attached to a feminine mystique. it is hysterical (or stupoured, depending on how one views it) to realize that men should have been doing kegel exercises all along. men are the ones that need to master their muscles in their crotch, not women.
is it just coincidence that women promoted something that is of most value to men and men turned it into a 'girl thing'? What I would think a woman could never guess is that it is all about not using the set of muscles in the crotch for the man.
further on mastery of muscles. i think there is a treasure trove we will find once we realize how well we can master our muscles.
there is also a corollary here to aging and competition. the only real competition should be with oneself. it is no wonder men have avoided this particular competitive spirit since sentience first arrived. it was simpler to reenact the animal's stupid competition with others and avoid a close look at the male gender's antics. it's just easier to be a stupid animal.
once we begin to master the muscles and begin to seriously pursue competition with oneself, once we realize that mastery of our muscles does not end in our teens around the time of puberty, aging will change drastically. which, by the way, is not mastery at all. it is a lifelong necessity for more reasons than men learning how to love.
it has always fascinated me how the east has been on top of so much of this for so long, such as acupuncture (which is the best representative of insights regarding the interconnectedness and interaction of nerves and muscles throughout the body). two more are tai chi and martial arts. both are about mastering the body. i'm, of course, not a fan of martial arts because i've known too many that have damaged their bodies in such a way. jujitsu might be interesting, though tai chi seems to work fine all on its own.
the west seems to have concentrated on the size of muscles, if any attention has been paid at all. the forks in the road followed by east and west occurred long ago.
once we can suspend suspicion of Humans of differing origins, and competition as mindless foolishness, it will be a transformation to take one's breath away.
ahhh, well, all of it has still a ways to go, even though i can taste it.
I have to refer to the Woman, once again. My interaction with her was crucial to me exploring further than I ever thought possible. I would have given up long ago without it. I just wish that the interaction had more substance to it that vague references and happenstance. Maybe it can still happen. Everything I have striven for in a lifetime is summarized in her.
i've been writing so much of late, i'm not sure where i put it but, there was a point that i made elsewhere that applies here. the mastery of muscles has the potential to liberate us from/free us to explore the mastery of our existence. oh, i'm not saying that we becomes gods or anything. i'm just saying that what we need to master is ourselves and the potential in unimaginable.
so, i think i also just nailed down why 'imagination' so very much annoys me. without intuition, which is a buildup of understanding of one's environment, without the dots to connect through direct efforts, it means nothing. i don't think i'll go further at this time.
but, back to the nature of aging, XX