I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Thursday, November 30, 2023


It's an intriguing area to explore.  How will Humans be different from humans?

 I just blew right past Low Point on my way to Rock Bottom.  From this point, it seems the only way to go is deeper into the rocks, rubble, and dirt.

I'm at a crossroads of sorts.  I have moved on in my exploration and I would really like to post about what it might mean to be Human.  But, it becomes impossible.

I want to talk about being Human.  The problem is that anyone that hasn't accepted that we are not yet human but only a prehuman Pavlovian Dog with the wit of a rock, would look at it and only be repulsed.  The witless border animal, somewhere beyond the animal  but not yet human, will fling up barriers in its mind in record time. 

The rest of what I have said would be compromised as well in its mind.  That would be bad.

That is a real shame.  I don't even know that I will write it down anywhere and, worse yet, without a single other mind that is willing to explore our Humanity beyond the stupid animal precept that past is parent, I can't do much more than the flimsiest sketch.

In other words, I am feeling boxed in, once again.

Root cause and initial conditions

I keep going back to a comment from a woman on some social media site.  She was horrified that I "blamed men for all of our problems", while I thought the way that I had worded it would have avoided this reaction.  There are just so many idiotic suppositional triggers that humanity will pull out of their pavlovian box that it is difficult to contend with them all.

This one really bugged me.  She said something like, "but I've known plenty of women that are assholes".

It all comes down to root cause and initial conditions as we emerged into our sentient state.

I don't know that I care to explain further.  I think someone cognizant, with an open mind, that has read through this site regarding how humanity attains its sentient state in full, since none of the crap that we have tried for millennia have moved the needle at all, should be able to put the pieces together without further help.

I am becoming more and more agitated with the antics of the Pavlovian Dog that we remain.  WABOFDA

Being Human

I've been working away at what it will be like to live among nothing but Humans and I'm not getting very far.  I don't think I can.

The initial conditions for anything to even begin to change is being Human.  After that, the differences will crop up everywhere.  

    When one thinks of dystopia, it is all about the human antics.  Ridding us of dystopia is huge.  Period. As I've said all along, dystopia filters through everything.  It is in the way we work, the way we play, the way we interact, right down to the intimate relationship.

All of it changes.  The change is just too big to pin down, other than it is Human and the monkeys fits of damaged ego are gone.  Alpha anything is an animal concept.  It doesn't hold together when you look closely.  The toxic Alpha caricature is just that.  Damaged egos compensating.

Do our structures need to change or is the behaviour of all individuals within the structure enough?  I am, of course, referring to institutional structures from intimate relationships to businesses.  I just can't believe we can't come up with something better, something Human.  

Just too many changes.  All we need to do is change one interaction into a Human event and the rest of the dystopia falls away like a house of cards.  Gosh, I wish I could be around for the change.  It will be awesome to behold.  Someone born in the year that it begins will have maybe the most awesome life ever.  The one certainty is that no dystopia is a good thing.  It adds nothing but misery.

        We are born to express life.  Do you see, now, amazing one?  I could show you what I'm talking about, if you desired.  I think I've already explained where to find the most obvious example, if that is still not an option.