Please don't take the dates seriously. They are in the order that seems most appropriate for new readers..

Monday, December 4, 2023

Trajectory of Life

Sentience, Conscious Awareness, and the Trajectory of Life

Before the human race, evolution was exclusively a matter of genetics.  With humanity, Nature introduced conscious awareness, which creates an unsurpassed way in which a sentient race can improve itself and everything around it.  It is evolution on a different scale.  Nature has left it to humanity to evolve itself.

    The Trajectory of Life has expanded with the advent of conscious awareness.  So far, it has driven us mad.

Before humanity, thought was limited.  It remained a feeble representation of awareness until the advent of humanity.

Attaining sentience, though, isn't like flipping a switch.  The heightened intellect and conscious awareness that comprise our sentience have been developing for hundreds of thousands of years and continues to improve.  It is a long, grueling effort.

Lofty concepts like love, peace, and noble characteristics can take us into intriguing realms.  Unfettered conscious awareness is necessary.  Our conscious awareness has remained constrained, befuddled and bewildered.

Conscious awareness allows us to question, "what is?"  It also allows us to conceive of ideas that extrapolate on "what is" by asking the question, "what can be?"  These concepts are further refined by asking the question, "what if?"

Abstract ideas mean nothing on their own.  Reason, which humanity was also gifted, can and should complement the effort.  It has yet to do so. 

If, in the overall scheme of life, an idea is attractive but the results remain tentative, we retain the idea, attempt to refine it, and study its potential and validity versus circumstances.

Concepts, like love, peace, and noble characteristics(e.g. honor, integrity, dignity, grace, elegance, generosity, compassion, etc) have mostly proven unworkable, so far.  Though they hold promise, more and more they have become labeled as wishful thinking because our conscious awareness remains handicapped.

As conscious awareness became increasingly capable around three millennia ago, the circumstances humanity confronted exceeded our capacity to comprehend and adjust.  Intellect was not yet capable enough to resolve the issue with reason.

Often irrationality prevailed.  Once accepted, irrational explanations are often extremely difficult to vanquish.  They continue to build on themselves, warping our existence further.

Our inability to achieve those higher ideals is due to a certain irrationality accepted long ago. "We are only human."  There was a reason for that.  Humanity never gained respect for itself due to a crucial aspect of sentience that was sidestepped.  It has inhibited humanity's sentient ideals.

Our conscious awareness was duped.  We became convinced that we are no more than a sophisticated and dangerous animal.  We remain in a stupour of bewildering proportions.  

Our conscious awareness revealed too much too soon.  A key link regarding what makes us human remains missing.  Our intellect could not keep up with what conscious awareness revealed and it never recovered.  It remains blinded.  The heart was never educated.

Comprehension, clarification, and guidance of our own existence, due to conscious awareness and reason, are Nature's most powerful tools to lead human, sentient life into unbelievable realms of success, far exceeding genetics.

We remain stunted due to a lingering issue.  Our ancestors crafted a thorough scheme of denial, resembling the River Lethe, regarding one most important aspect of sentient existence.  When we approach the issue, our minds go blank.  We avoid the issue at all costs.

We have gone down a long and weary path of developing self-defeating concepts like supernatural beliefs, existentialism and authoritarianism, always denying our own staggering potential.

An animal's reactionary viewpoint, reminiscent of a death wish, utilizes violence to achieve obscure, witless, and meaningless goals.  That  is defeatism, not sentience.

The break in the chain began when humanity faced an immensely perplexing situation far beyond its initial sentient comprehension and ability to cope and adjust.

Our early ancestors had not yet developed the powers Nature grants a sentient race in the form of reason and intellect.  Instead, through imagination and creativity, we obfuscated and blockaded the attainment of a fully functional sentient state.

The curtain of obfuscation has grown to untold proportions over the millennia.  In front of the curtain, we see a demented race.  What lies behind the curtain is our humanity.

Humanity, in its earliest days, was put in the awful position of resolving a seemingly impossible issue or forcing blindness on humanity.

Resolving the issue, at the time, was just not possible.  That left obfuscation on a scale that is difficult to imagine.  For very important reasons, the dilemma was considered dangerous.

Sentient awareness never rests.  It is always seeking clarity.   The animal that we remain obscured that awareness.  Our conscious awareness has continually pounded against the bars erected to block clarity.  Every youthful generation attempts to break through the nonsense.  It took my entire lifetime to do so.

It is now in the hands of humanity to implement the resolution.  The book, Human, and the previous eleven delve into the issue and its resolution in great depth and detail.  You are welcome.

The issue was created when the first form of life engaged in the activity of creating life while only one gender achieved a state of bliss that is obtainable by both genders of a sentient race.  This finally became apparent due to conscious awareness, intellect, and reason provided by a sentient state.  The resolution was not simple to isolate but it is ridiculously simple to implement, once the fear is gone.  Again, you are welcome.

The issue created by conscious awareness is simply stated.  For a sentient race, there are two desires for coitus.  Please oneself and please one's mate.  The two desires have never converged because the full capability of a sentient race was never applied.  In the current rendition, just like an animal, one gains pleasure while the other provides pleasure.  That is fine for witless animals.  It is not acceptable by humans of either gender.  It wreaks havoc on everything regarding the sentient state.

Men take, women give, and it begins in bed.  It need not remain that wayHuman resolution is clear and straightforward.

Until that changes, we remain a demented animal out of sorts with human potential and awareness.  Our humanity requires that the animal act of rutting become the human act of loving.

The only complete resolution is when the unassisted act of creating life also becomes an act that creates love by sharing the incredible, transcendent gift.  The act only creates love when it is sharedBoth genders suffer in its absence in different ways.  The concept of love remains damaged.

Can you begin to see how this would have confounded our ancestors?  They were at a loss for resolution and, yet, coitus had to continue.  They handed down their bewilderment and defeat, generation by generation. 

Men can easily overcome what seemed an insurmountable barrier to our ancestors who clamped down so hard on the matter that exploration remained untouched for millennia (see Details).

We twisted the situation and ourselves into knots because we were convinced that men could not succeed. The implication was that men were undeserving of a sentient state.  We have been so very wrong.  We mistakenly accepted the conclusion that we are no better than an animal at the most important act of sentient life relegating ourselves to a monstrous existence.  

This loving act transforms humanity into a fully sentient race.  It frees us from the shackles of the animal entirely.

Transforming the life-creating act of coitus is the missing piece of the puzzle to fulfill our humanity.  The lack has induced the human race's emotional upheaval and, through obfuscation which resulted in a state of stupour, impeded our conscious awareness, reason, and fulfillment since the very beginning.  

It crippled us.  The phrase make love has meaning.

Loving coitus is the crucial aspect of the Trajectory of Life that allows a sentient race to take the reins of its existence into its own hands.

Love and the nobler qualities are the natural result of a fully functional sentient life.  They are the first steps along the extended Trajectory of Life provided by sentient, conscious awareness of life.  

Our dystopia is only a by-product of the stupour that is eliminated with ease by a race in command of its sentience as it begins to direct the Trajectory of Life for itself.

It is not utopia.  It is stable emotions, rational thought, conscious awareness, and reason transforming our higher ideals into actuality as sentient awareness gains its mastery of life.  It is human.

Men were undone by the misbelief that a certain aspect of their sentient existence was beyond their measure.  Make no mistake.  Nature provided all that is required for a man to achieve loving coitus.  It is explained, to some extent, in Details.

Noble characteristics will appear in full force once the male gender gains its sentient confidence and self-respect.

The obfuscation began due to bewilderment.  It became a force of its own over the long millennia as it was inadvertently and subliminally embellished to counter our growing conscious awareness.  The animal remains in charge.  Only the cowering fear that there is nothing to be done holds us back.

   Maybe the best description of the Trajectory of Life is in the Chapter named Gaia in Crisis of Identity.  It is actually scattered throughout the books, even before I started using the terms Trajectory of Life and Gaia.

    It is the Trajectory of all Life to which I am referring.  It is a matter of where is life heading?  Where is it leading us?  It started its journey as single-celled life forms.  It has crossed the threshold of an animal that has not begun to understand its own potential.  

    With human consciousness, we have the potential for love.  That is far beyond the bounds of any animal.   Today, we look at the caring of the extended family that most animals follow as love.  There is a lot to learn about love.

    We have not thought for ourselves.  If there is one accusation that our ancestors cannot deny, it is that they did not think for themselves.  To our ancestors, it seemed easier not to think.  The fact is that, as our sentience has progressed, it has become an increasingly awful burden not to think.

    As I ponder all of this, it seems that, once the dam bursts, the flood of our uncensored thoughts will clear away the underbrush in short order.

    Somehow, even the transformation into a race that can think and love unfettered does not seem the end of the line, when considering the Trajectory of Life.

    It is more like the tools required to reach the next level of the Trajectory of Life.  

    As is my druthers, that makes me ache to know what is on the other side.  What tremendous vistas does this open?

    It will be humanity's first step into the domain of conscious evolution.

    It brings a smile to my face when I contrast it to our current unconscious evolution.

    In some ways, it is like split infinity began when we first gained conscious thought.  Loving coitus is more like an underlying error correction routine realigning our trajectory to the correct destination..

    I see it as two branching paths.  One branch, in which we have followed the animal that we were, has been dragging us along.

    We are about to be snapped over to the branch in which our sentient humanity takes the lead.  This is where we utilize the human tools rather than the animal's hand-me-downs to follow the Trajectory of Life into the future rather than the past.

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