
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The point (all puns intended)

 The point is that all men; that is a human, sentient male; can do something they never believed was possible and always desired to do.  They desired to do it so desperately that it drove them crazy, derailed our sentient state, wrecked any hope for humanity to become what Nature always intended:  a loving, emotionally stable, rational, sentient race that respects itself instead of constantly tearing itself down.

We are so close to educating the heart that it hurts.

The long answer is a bit more complicated.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 It's uncanny how it works.  Both "you can't see the forest for the trees" and "you can't see the trees for the forest" apply.

I was just pondering again, after rereading Labyrinth (from Human).  The forest and trees became even clearer.

1. We are completely dependent on coitus for our existence.  Without it, we go extinct.

2. No one, man nor woman, is satisfied with the results of the act of coitus when the loving is not mutual.  Oh, yes!  Men are relieved but not satisfied.  Only a male animal would be satisfied.

3. Being sentient, we know better.  We know that the human race is not just an animal.  Whether we like it or not.  We know we should be able to do better.  We created the word love but never created the circumstances to fulfill it.

4.  We became convinced we can do no better because of the paradigms of nonsense a group of prehumans with no experience, knowledge, or insights regarding being sentient adopted millennia ago.  We have clung to those outdated concepts since the beginning.  Do you see the beginnings of our confusion?

5.  We never stumbled on the fact (until now) that, for a sentient race, there can be so much more to coitus.  It can become a loving act, not just the rutting of animals.  Until that happens, love corrodes into lust.  It is stripped bare of all of its tremendous and essential human potential.  Loving coitus is human and magnificently fulfills both the love and the lust that we all desire.

To summarize: we can't live with coitus in its animal form and we certainly cannot live without it.

That pretty much sums up our confusion, the ongoing stupour caused by the confusion, the paradigms of nonsense that we developed to cover our confusion, why men are so whacked out (they really do want to love), why women are so stable (they do love, since they fulfill their partner during coitus), and so much more.  The evidence is everywhere.

Add on top of that the fact that men have a driving urge for sexual release that can get out of hand (no pun intended) and the stage is set for the biggest misdirect of the ages.  Unlike an animal, those sexual urges of the man became unconstrained.  Just like animals, their performance has remained very constrained, obviating their ability to express their love in its most essential physical form.  Do you see the joker in the deck yet?  Do you see why men have tried to prop up their image for as long as we have been sentient?  Uncertainty, confusion, perversions, and stupour developed because we have always looked at it as an animal would.

The phrase "we are only human" says it all.  It is the most offensive phrase ever created and, so far, we deserve it.  I look forward to the day that we say, "Omigoodness, we are human!"

Conspiracy theories

There is one conspiracy that caused all of the conspiracy theories.  We are suspicious, distrusting, paranoid, and befuddled for one reason, and it causes us to look for answers where there are none.  It is the conspiracy comprised of the whole of the human race.  We have never faced the one issue that derailed our sentient state.  That is the only real conspiracy.   We have bottled it up inside each one of us, substituting some number of paradigms of nonsense to compensate.

We are a mess and can't even admit it.  So, we make shit up.  All of the conspiracy theories are based on the conspiracy never to look under the covers.  It is the stupour at work.   We want answers and have been too lazy, fearful, paranoid, and imbecilic to find the real answer.  The real answer is that we are a mess until loving coitus becomes the gladly accepted, celebrated form of coitus. With that realization, we begin to become human and put all of the conspiracy theories behind us.


There is so much irony in all of this that it becomes mind-boggling.  The one that really hits home, though, is that it took a lifetime to resolve the puzzle and, yet, it will take a young man to see it through.

Another irony is that men have thought all along that they had it all.  At least, that is what their surface thoughts convey.  Deep beneath, lurking in the subconscious since we became sentient, they have always known that something was wrong.  Their compensation, as a gender, is everywhere to be seen.  No one has wanted to face the truth because all were convinced there was nothing to be done.  Humanity has been so wrong on so many levels.

As I've mentioned in a number of the books, sentience seeks clarity.  When clarity if forcefully denied in the face of what is apparent to any sentient creature, we become befuddled.  We remain in a stupour. 

Even if it were true that there was nothing to be done about it (just shoot me now), we would need to face the truth.  All of the conflicts regarding sex that we face today could be dealt with if only we faced the truth.  The more difficult truth to prove is that men are not on a clock when it comes to coitus because we are not just an animal.  Animals are limited in their duration because of nothing more than instincts.  Men can learn to overrule those instincts.  That is what the chapter Details begins to uncover.  Men can learn to love.  Men can perform the act of loving coitus, even though the majority today still do not.

The books

I have apologised for the books long enough.  They are very good.  They were the necessary exploration of the mess we have made of human life.  

I would start with Human, the latest book.  It certainly has the most insightful view.  It's been a learning process all along.  But, really, they are all terribly insightful as I progressed past the prehuman view.

I call it speculative nonfiction.  Of course, it is no longer speculative.  I would say the speculation ended entirely around Ten.

All of the nonsense

I keep looking for a way to circumvent the paradigms of nonsense for you, but that is difficult.  Maybe I have succeeded this time.  The most difficult issue with the paradigms of nonsense is that there are so many, each with its own little twists of delusion that trigger the denial.  It is the River Lethe in an all too real form.

Let's see if I can describe the worst paradigms of nonsense.

The first, the one that held us in thrall for ages in the west was "Sex is for making babies only".  For animals, that is true.  They couldn't do any better.  We have relegated ourselves to the state of an animal due to inertia.  That is not appropriate for a human, sentient being.  It is an unnecessary restriction (see sentient clarity).  Coitus, and sex in general, for a sentient being is not the same as it is for an animal.  It should be enjoyed mutually.

"Joy and celebration of the transcendent state that can exist during coitus is bad" just about every religion in existence proclaims, in one phrase or another.  Make no mistake about it.  It was the genesis of misogyny, sexism, perverse outlooks, and the failure of our sentient state.  All because coitus has never been a shared joy.  Do you see how this led to all of today's conflicts regarding sex?  We have known better for a long time.  We just wouldn't admit it openly until the last century or so.

By the way, I have no idea how the East bypassed the sentient reality.  I would have to guess it is buried in the "save face" thought process.

All of the rest of the paradigms of nonsense stem from those two that were enacted long, long ago.  Sappho, as far as I can tell, was the first to bash it all to pieces.  Is it any surprise that most of her work was burned?

The militant view of those that seek alternatives that succeed in making loving mutual are understandable but not helpful.  They will change as the opprobrious reactions fade with the advent of loving coitus.

None of those initial paradigms of nonsense have helped.  They did not impede the perversions, insanity, misogyny, or hate that has held humanity in its grip since the beginning.

That is another point.  All we have done for three millennia is hide from the truth.  We concocted religions in the west  specifically to hide from the truth.  That goes as far back as The Garden Of Eden and the later versions of Pandora's Box.

The essence of Pandora's Box says it all very clearly.  

Well, I'm not going to go into all of the paradigms of nonsense that followed in order to avoid the truth.  They were piled, one on top of another, as we continued to deny a sentient reality.  That is part of what the books are about.  It took me fifteen years to break through.  It should take you less than a few books.

Slightly edited and I will almost certainly have more to add.

That it took twelve books (and a few million more written words, including a lot of rhoetry) to get here only goes to show how deeply embedded the paradigms of nonsense are.

One last clarifying point.  There is no evil (you'll note that I avoid the word (and the word 'god' most assiduously).  There is only stupour and lack of clarity.  Or, to perhaps state it more precisely,  The lack of clarity caused by the forced stupour caused by sexual inadequacy equates to evil.  It is all inertia of the animal.

Sigh.  Since I mentioned 'god', I should clarify.  I am utterly agnostic when it comes to some being creating everything and messing around with it.  If there is such a being, it has not revealed itself to me.  I do not consider any other prehuman credible.  They are, as far as I can tell, all snake-oil salesmen.  Slimy and unworthy.  Do you think the perversions of the clerics is new?  I do not consider some form of creator out of the question.  But, I sure consider all of the fabrications that the prehuman has created nothing more than fabrications.  "I speak for god" is almost as offensive as "We are only human".  Afterdeath is another matter entirely.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Final passage on Trajectory of Life

Sentience, Conscious Awareness, and the Trajectory of Life

Before the human race, evolution was exclusively a matter of genetics.  With humanity, Nature introduced conscious awareness, which creates an unsurpassed way in which a sentient race can improve itself and everything around it.

Before humanity, thought was limited.  It remained a feeble representation of awareness until the advent of humanity.

Attaining sentience, though, isn't like flipping a switch.  The heightened intellect and conscious awareness that comprise our sentience have been developing for hundreds of thousands of years and continues to improve.  It is a long, grueling effort.

Lofty concepts like love, peace, and noble characteristics can take us into intriguing realms.  Unfettered conscious awareness is necessary.  Our conscious awareness has remained constrained.

Conscious awareness allows us to question, "what is?"  It also allows us to conceive of ideas that extrapolate on "what is" by asking the question, "what can be?"  These concepts are further refined by asking the question, "what if?"

Abstract ideas mean nothing on their own.  Reason, which humanity was also gifted, can and should complement the effort. 

If, in the overall scheme of life, an idea is attractive but the results remain tentative, we retain the idea, attempt to refine it, and study its potential and validity versus circumstances.

Concepts, like love, peace, and noble characteristics(e.g. honor, integrity, dignity, generosity, compassion, etc) have mostly proven unworkable, so far.  Though they hold promise, more and more they have become labeled as wishful thinking because our conscious awareness remains handicapped.

As conscious awareness became increasingly capable, the circumstances humanity confronted exceeded our capacity to comprehend and adjust.  Intellect was not yet capable enough to resolve the issue with reason.

Often irrationality prevailed.  Once accepted, irrational explanations are often extremely difficult to vanquish.

Our inability to achieve those higher ideals is due to a certain irrationality accepted long ago. "We are only human."  Humanity never gained respect for itself due to a crucial aspect of sentience that was sidestepped.  It has inhibited humanity's sentient ideals.

Our conscious awareness was duped.  We became convinced that we are no more than a sophisticated and dangerous animal.  We remain in a stupour of bewildering proportions.  

Our conscious awareness revealed too much too soon.  A key link regarding what makes us human remains missing.  Our intellect could not keep up with what conscious awareness revealed and it never recovered.  It remains blinded.

Comprehension, clarification, and guidance of our own existence, due to conscious awareness and reason, are Nature's most powerful tools to lead human, sentient life into unbelievable realms of success, far exceeding genetics.

We remain stunted due to a lingering issue.  Our ancestors crafted a thorough scheme of denial, resembling the River Lethe, regarding one aspect of sentient existence.  When we approach the issue, our minds go blank.  We avoid the issue at all costs.

We have gone down a long and weary path of developing self-defeating concepts like supernatural beliefs, existentialism, authoritarianism, always denying our own staggering potential.

An animal's reactionary viewpoint, reminiscent of a death wish, utilizes violence to achieve obscure, witless, and meaningless goals.  That  is defeatism, not sentience.

The break in the chain began when humanity faced an immensely perplexing situation far beyond its initial sentient comprehension and ability to cope and adjust.

Our early ancestors had not yet developed the powers Nature grants a sentient race in the form of reason and intellect.  Instead, through imagination and creativity, they obfuscated and blockaded the attainment of a fully functional sentient state.

The curtain of obfuscation has grown to untold proportions over the millennia.  In front of the curtain, we see a demented race.  What lies behind the curtain is our humanity.

Humanity was put in the awful position of resolving a seemingly impossible issue or forcing blindness on humanity.

Resolving the issue, at the time, was just not possible.  That left obfuscation on a scale that is difficult to imagine.  For very important reasons, the dilemma was considered dangerous.

Sentient awareness never rests.  It is always seeking clarity.   The animal that we remain had to obscure that awareness.  Our conscious awareness has continually pounded against the bars erected to block clarity.  Every youthful generation attempts to break through the nonsense.  It took my entire lifetime to do so.

It is now in the hands of humanity to implement the resolution.  This book and the previous eleven delve into the issue and its resolution in great depth and detail.  You are welcome.

The issue was created when the first form of life engaged in the activity of creating life while only one gender achieved a state of bliss that is obtainable by both genders of a sentient race.  This finally became apparent due to the conscious awareness, intellect, and reason provided by a sentient state.  The resolution was not simple to isolate but it is ridiculously simple to implement, once the fear is gone.  Again, you are welcome.

The issue created by conscious awareness is simply stated.  For a sentient race, there are two desires for coitus.  Please oneself and please one's mate.  The two desires have never converged because the full capability of a sentient race was never applied.  In the current rendition, just like an animal, one gains pleasure while the other provides pleasure.  That is fine for witless animals.  It is not acceptable by humans of either gender.  It wreaks havoc on everything regarding the sentient state.

Men take, women give, and it begins in bed.  It need not remain that wayHuman resolution is clear and straightforward.

Until that changes, we remain a demented animal out of sorts with human potential and awareness.  Our humanity requires that the animal act of rutting become the human act of loving.

The only complete resolution is when the unassisted act of creating life also becomes an act that creates love by sharing the incredible, transcendent gift.  The act only creates love when it is sharedBoth genders suffer in its absence in different ways.  The concept of love remains damaged.

Can you begin to see how this would have confounded our ancestors?  They were at a loss for resolution.  They handed down their bewilderment and defeat, generation by generation. 

Men can easily overcome what seemed an insurmountable barrier to our ancestors who clamped down so hard on the matter that exploration remained untouched for millennia (see Details).

We twisted the situation and ourselves into knots because we were convinced that men could not succeed. The implication was that men were undeserving of a sentient state.  We have been so very wrong.  We mistakenly accepted the conclusion that we are no better than an animal at the most important act of sentient life.  

This loving act transforms humanity into a fully sentient race.  It frees us from the shackles of the animal entirely.

Transforming the life-creating act of coitus is the missing piece of the puzzle to fulfill our humanity.  The lack has induced the human race's emotional upheaval and, through obfuscation which resulted in a state of stupour, impeded our conscious awareness, reason, and fulfillment since the very beginning.  

It crippled us.  The phrase make love has meaning.

Loving coitus is the crucial aspect of the Trajectory of Life for a sentient race to take the reins of its existence in its own hands.

Love and the nobler qualities are natural extensions of a fully functional sentient life.  They are the first steps along the extended Trajectory of Life provided by sentience.  

Our dystopia is only a by-product of the stupour that is eliminated with ease by a race in command of its sentience.

It is not utopia.  It is stable emotions, rational thought, conscious awareness, and reason transforming our higher ideals into actuality as sentience becomes a way of life.  It is human.

Men were undone by the misbelief that a certain aspect of their sentient existence was beyond their measure.  Make no mistake.  Nature provided all that is required for a man to achieve loving coitus.  It is explained in Details.

Noble characteristics will appear in full force once the male gender gains its sentient confidence and self-respect.

The obfuscation began due to bewilderment.  It became a force of its own over the long millennia as it was inadvertently and subliminally embellished to counter our growing conscious awareness.  The animal remains in charge.  Only the cowering fear that there was nothing to be done holds us back.

    I get into the Trajectory of Life a lot more in some of the later books.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

They try

It is truly amazing.  Something so simple to improve - for a human, sentient being - has been delayed for three millennia because it was difficult for the animal to comprehend.  The difficulty is all in understanding something that is beyond the realm of the animal.  Its implementation is dead easy.  It just takes a completely sentient attitude to accept that men can do things that an animal never could.  The success itself is built in.  We just had to remove the three thousand years of misdirection and misinformation of the animal.  There was enough of the animal's viewpoint available as our sentient awareness developed that it took control and brutally shut down any mention of the subject.  Our early sentience never had a chance.

Men have been trying since then to love while the big picture has been hidden from view.

 I guess I should have pointed this out long ago.  My only excuses are that I was shocked by what I had uncovered and, more than that, I was so outraged that it had fallen to me to try to straighten it all out.   I feel like I was the last person on Earth that it should have fallen to ... but, then again... I had spent a lifetime being misunderstood (or is that disunderstood?  the stupour, you know; somehow I never became infected; and, no, I can't explain it).  Much like Cassandra.  Nobody ever wanted to listen to my crazy thoughts.  So, I wasn't in much of a mood.  And, of course, trying to straighten out three millennia of nonsense took its toll.

Anyways, I should have pointed out that men have tried all along to love and be lovers.  I can't help but conclude the only reason they ever tried was because of the magnificence of woman.

But, the point is they have always tried ... and, essentially, fallen flat on their faces.

It is another reason that I am so certain that humanity can achieve a loving existence.  (anytime I use the word 'love' I feel I must explain. it's not the love that you are familiar with; it is not some mushy, roll-over-and-die, bewitching state; it is something that we have never yet experienced.

Men want to love.  Duh.  They have been like a cripple since the beginning.

I think this may be (I'm only guessing here, on so many levels) why it is so difficult to link misogyny to the male gender.  It's not that men really hate women (unless they are utterly insane (and there's plenty of those).  It's really that men hate the situation as they are born into it and have had no luck (or wit, my greatest gripe) in changing their circumstances.

There's a crucial point to be addressed here that I have struggled with since the beginning, never finding a good way to address it.  I think I have.

I was reading someone mentioning how the sexual drive of the man is the problem and the reason for all of the perversions of men from sex trade to rape to, well, all of the awful things that men do to women to satisfy their lust.

It seems like a pretty open and shut case, right?  Do you see the flaw in the argument?  It is not the lack of respect for women that is the problem.  It is the lack of respect for himself that is the problem.

Can you imagine a man that has respect for himself performing any of those awful perversions that so degrade, not only the woman but himself?  Do I need to explain further or can you connect the dots?

Of course, that is just the tip of the iceberg.  If men did not crumble from failure to love as they reach puberty, all of the nastiness that we endure would be gone.

I'll make the assumption you can connect the dots.  While I haven't addressed it in quite this way before, I have addressed it plenty of other ways.  Men lose respect for themselves bang on puberty because they fail utterly to be the lovers they always expected to be.

I guess that leads me to another key point.  On second thought, I don't think I will expound.  Let's see, though, if I can give you a few hints and let you do some extrapolation on your own.  It seems to me that women have given men the benefit of the doubt all along.  That is a good thing, of course.  Not only does it show the generousness of the feminine gender (which should, in actuality, be a human trait) but, also, the woman's dead reckoning was dead on.  A woman making a big deal out of it would have done no good.  We are approaching a point, though, where the levee is about to break.

I think I'll leave it at that.  I really don't know if you can extrapolate from there.  I'm just tired of the harbinger and explainer, unless the answer just pops in my head as it did for the above insight on the insanity of it all.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Crisis of Identity

    This was going to be my fourteenth book.  I just don't see the point of publishing.  If I can find the time, I might get around to further editing but I think it is scrubbed pretty well.  Good luck.  I hope humanity figures it out.

If you feel like publishing, please feel free.  In part or in whole, go for it if you comprehend.  As noted below, no rights reserved.  If this is helpful at all, I strongly suggest you make a copy. 

This is a pure text copy.

The Crisis of Identity

Using the sentience we were endowed with...finally.

We are caught in a trap of our own making.

Crisis of Identity


Published by Whickwithy

No rights reserved.


You'll hear it often.  "The world is a mess." 

Not exactly.  Humanity is a hot mess.  Any mess in the world is inflicted on it by this race of beings that has the gall to consider itself human.  A human, sentient race would be the steward of its planet.  Not a monkey futzing around like the village idiot.

The mess that humanity decries is due to humanity, not the world.  We create the vast majority of our own problems.  There is a reason that is so and, surprisingly, it need not exist.

We have not matured into our sentient state.  We have been acting like children that don't have any idea what they are doing or why.  It's time to grow up as a race and it is so simple, once you get past all of the heap of nonsense that has been accumulating for three millennia.

We act as if it is to be expected.  In actuality, we have no idea what to expect, except more of the same.  That is all that holds us back from our humanity.  Of course, there's the big lie at the end to contend with but I think you can get there.

Maybe my favorite whining utterance is, "We're only human."

Humanity remain a sentient race caught in the throes of unburdening itself from the awful characteristics of the animal  and discovering the characteristics that represent a sentient, human being.  When that is done, which should be soon, everything changes.  

We will say, "Omigoodness, we are human."

All of the worst antics of humanity you see going on around you are the antics of an animal that has lost all connection to the characteristics that define the sentient self.

All of those virtuous, noble qualities that have been defined as human, such as honour, integrity, dignity, compassion, empathy, love, joy, etc., are the sentient self.  When they are finally in attendance, we can say we have achieved our sentient state.

There will still be the necessity to take out all of the trash from our thoughts and actions that has been piling up for three millennia.  Easy to do when it no longer has any hold on you.

 The noble characteristics represent the behaviour that one should expect from humans.  Instead, we experience only a sad caricature of humanity that the animal continues to plays out because it is too ashamed and embarrassed to confront one awful aspect of the animal that we have dragged along with us for no other reason that we are too ashamed and embarrassed to  open up the can of worms and realize it is easily overcome.

A sentient race adapts.  It has tremendous cognitive ability and comprehension.  An animal blinds itself to the obvious.   It is only one step from the animal to the human.  For millennia, we have blinded ourselves to something as obvious as the sun and just as important to a sentient race.

In my very first book of this saga, I explained that it would help greatly, while reading the book, to suspend the belief that all of the crazy antics of mankind are the natural order of things.  They are not.  

It is the animal that remains in charge,  because we can't face the truth of our sentience which is far different from what fear suggests.  The animal is more than content to remain bewildered.  How should it know any better?  Our sentient state remains on hold because we duped ourselves.  We  remain baffled by the sentient landscape we do not understand.  The sentient self never emerged.  It never had a chance.

A rather common belief, reinforced by conditioning handed down to us, is that we are aberrant by design.  That is a disastrous misbelief.  It only extends the nonsense into the future while we cling to the stupour of an animal.  

We settle for less because we have no conception of the tremendous change in store once we gain our sentient-hood.  The disruptive elements of human existence are not necessary.  We can live a life worth living as a race and as individuals, with reason, passion, and a stable emotional state.  Unreason is a legacy, not a necessity.  The unreason of the animal remains because we continue to avoid one aspect of reality with which we have not learned to contend.  That baffles both the animal and the human.  

A single misconception remains embedded in our subconscious.  It undermines everything we attempt.  It needs to be recognized, acknowledged, and put out to pasture.  Once it is gone, we will have removed the most significant obstacle to our maturity as a human, sentient race.  It will finally differentiate humanity from the animal, decisively,  and for all time.

The question that needs to be asked is why is it that humanity remains so irrational, brutal, and violent?  That is the first, most important question.  The answer will surprise you.

We blind the sentient consciousness of the race as long as we avoid the most crucial initiating act of lovingkindness.  The act that holds all of the keys that unlocks all of the doors on our sentience.

Can you really take a hard look at the sex scene of the last sixty years and not see what is going on?  Does it really feel like 'freedom' to you?  'Free Love' just expanded the cage.

Coitus and the topic of sex, in general, is not a prop for religions to mystify everything and avoid the problem entirely.  "Sex is just for making babies!" is the cry of an animal in the face of a human, sentient reality that has not yet been comprehended.    Coitus is for making love, which includes, on occasion, making babies.  While it is easy for a human to make the transformation, it is impossible for an animal to do so.

The obsessive way in which we treat procreation and sex tells the story.   It is clear that we have not attained our ascendency over the animal.

A human being knows that coitus is for more than just making babies, whether we like it or not, whether we attempt to ignore the fact or not.  An animal's proclamation that sex is just for making babies does not make it so.  Attempting to believe that utter nonsense shackles us to the animal and drives our sentience mad.  

Sentience makes it apparent.  We cannot be sentient until we accept what our sentience is telling us.  The nutty landscape regarding all of sex only exists because we fear any discussion on the most important topic of coitus.

   A human being that is seeking its sentience and its sanity goes further and admits that something is missing.  A human being that has attained its sentience knows what it is and does something about it.  The race is still at stage one and facing stage two.  Whether we like it or not.  

Our sentience will not ever allow us to blind ourselves to the state of a sentient reality.  Shutting it up in the attic of our subconscious only lets it prey on us from behind.  No matter how deep in the sand we stick our heads.    We tell ourselves it's too much for us.

In fact, sex not making sense, sex being such a point of contention, is the point.  We remain caught between the animal and the human capabilities and potential in a no-man's land of our own making.  It's time to seek our sentient home.  It's time to realize we need not remain ruled by animal instincts.  Let me ask you this.  Why is the act of coitus not the celebration that it deserves?  What is missing?

Sex, and very precisely and specifically, coitus, in its animal rendition, drives a sentient race mad.  It's what we've always known since we were little more than animals rutting willy-nilly.  The discomfort with the situation may extend even further back.  Maybe even some animals realize that there is something missing from the act of coitus.  There is something more and we damn well have to admit it.  Then, we can do something about it.

Instead, we stare at the ground and rub our toes around anytime a serious discussion about coitus is broached.  Or, we make excuses.  Or, we create studies that justify the misleading belief that there is nothing to be done.  There is nothing that a dumb animal can do.   Believe it or not, we are not a dumb animal.

Most just run for the hills.  Most everyone just wants to get through a lifetime as best they can and ignore the Elephant In The Room as best they can.  Or, as the religions all like to put it, just wait until you die and everything will be better.  Right.  

   The Elephant is coitus.  It continues to be enacted as if we were still animals and not sentient beings that cannot ignore the actual situation as it stands and are fully capable of resolving the issue naturally (i.e. no pills allowed; no acrobatics, accessories, or alternative appendages required, thank you very much).

Observing all of the quirky, awful antics of the current rendition of our humanity has been my life.  Assessing why all of the horrible behaviours exist has been my mission.  

I never looked at it from the opposite perspective until now.  What would it be like without all of those awful traits that have led us to the verge of utter destruction?  I'm not making any predictions here.  It's just awful obvious we don't know what we are doing.  We accept that.  I cannot.

So, yeah, it makes a difference once we can begin being human rather than acting out an animal's interpretation of what human life is all about.  The difference will be night and day.

Where to start?  Well, the beginning is transforming coitus into a natural, consistent act of love.  Nothing else can happen until that is true.  

We can never make sense out of sex until coitus is enacted as a human expects it to be.  We have surrendered to the animal until we do.  Most think it is impossible.  So much for the cogent thoughts of the vast majority of humanity.

Pavlov's Dog has trained itself to act like a human.  It easily reverts to the deranged animal.  It is only an animal putting on an act so, of course, it can't keep the act up under any conditions.  There's no getting around the fact.  We are not human yet.

The single fact that we avoid considering, because we remain completely bewildered, is staring us right in the face with more emphasis every day as we continue to look away, make excuses, rationalize that which is not rational, and outright lie to ourselves.  That fact is becoming more apparent as our sentient awareness has rapidly resolved its focus over the last century.

Get this through your head.  The widespread deranged state is not congenital.  It is just the ongoing dominoes dropping due to historic forces of inertia that can only be circumvented by a sentient race participating in a sentient reality rather than the dumbfounded, confused reality of an animal.  

The derangement is passed down from parent to child and generation to generation, through actions, thoughts, and words that haven't changed for millennia.  Only inertia holds us in thrall.  All because of one component of an animal's existence that remains  befuddling.  The tracks of the animal remains in the fumble-fingered approach to the act of coitus.

Our widely accepted state of misery is just a dumbfounded stupour regarding the act of coitus failing to become a loving event.  We are not stupid.  We are stupoured by the riddle of the tremendous (yet stupendously simple) transformation of the all-important act of coitus into its necessarily human, sentient form.  That differentiates us definitively from the animal, once and for all.  From there, we will move on rapidly to a state of awe at what it means to be human.  No more, "we are only human".  

Then, at some point, we will move on to the usual state of wondering what the big deal was about making coitus an unassisted loving act.  It's so simple!  It only takes applying our sentient wits.

As I peruse that last statement, I am pretty certain that the awe will hold reign for millennia.  It will take a great deal before we take this awesome transformation for granted.  It is only the transformation of the act of coitus into a loving event that is not a big deal, once we unleash our sentient capabilities upon it.  The act of loving coitus is not a big deal but the human, sentient qualities that it releases are.

Most importantly, we will be sentient, which means we will be sane.  

Finally.  We will have left the deranged state behind and look on with amazement at a vista that makes sense, from start to finish.  

That will be one of the main efforts for centuries to come.  Righting our view of the world to that of a sentient race gazing steadily at a sentient reality; no longer cursed by old, baffled thoughts of ancient elders that were even closer to the animal's delusional state than we are.

If there is such a thing as psychopathy, maybe, the occasional nut-job will come along.  I rate that as very unlikely.  How does one tell today the difference between congenitally insane and those driven there by circumstances, when the circumstances is the whole setup of the race in the no-man's land  far beyond the animal but, still, far short or our sentient state?  The setup that no one is even willing to admit exists?  The setup behind which so many awful acts are committed in the dark and behind closed doors and closed mind?

It is not about how a single human copes with this derangement.  It is a matter of how the human race copes with that which undermines the very fabric of our existence.

Once the human race sees what is really going on and repairs the one glitch in the system that made them deranged, the human race will not tolerate deranged behaviour.  It sure won't glorify it as is the norm today.  

The deranged behaviour of the animal is what religion attempted to circumvent.  It worked for a while to some extent.  Willpower was enough to suppress some of the desire to rage, but not much.  That is because it goes deeper than anyone has ever suspected.  It's not just quirky behaviour.  It has a source.  The source is obvious, once you take into account all of the quirky behaviour and don't just follow the consensus of an insane race.

I'm afraid it will take me another lifetime to prove it the way it needs to be proven.  I'm not expecting that anyone can make the leap from these words alone, but I have to try.  I'm not going to get into details.  It can be extrapolated what a young man can do and I cannot.  Thus, another lifetime.  Someone has to prove out that a young man can learn to perform loving coitus with ease.  All of the fears have to be laid to rest.  I hope you don't await my return.

A few young men need to realize that 1) They can love, 2) that every man can learn to love, 3) be willing to pass on the information, and 4) understand how important it is to humanity's sanity.  I'm too old and, let me tell you, that is ultra-frustrating.  It is the perfect irony for a race reaching for its potential against all odds.  Only an old man that spent a lifetime observing and correlating could discover what is really wrong.  Only a young man can bring it home. 

We will become a race that will be able to face the universe with little fear of deception.  It will be a loving, caring, and passionate race.  Not a race with its emotions tumbling all over the place with no stability.  A race that will pursue its passions in a sane manner.  There's a lot to do, starting with repairing the extensive damage we have caused.  We have the stewardship of a planet and a sentient race to fulfill.  

Emotional stability and passion are not mutually exclusive.  Emotional stability leads to passion of a sanely directed nature in a sentient race filled within its joy of existence.

I have finally been able to imagine what life would be like if I had been born into a human existence surrounded by other humans.  I doubt it is entirely accurate but I believe the overall vista and horizon are accurate enough.  

I have been so focused on the one little aspect that destroys our sentient, human state and all of the consequences that I never considered what it would be like without all of those antics of the animal until now.  

That is a big step for me.

Step One

Why do men fail to make the act of coitus a loving event?  By the way, if you didn't already know, most men fail at loving coitus.  It all goes back to our attachment to animal nonsense.  It doesn't need to be that way.  Men's shame got in the way.

The vast majority of men don't even realize they can succeed more easily than they fail today.

How can that be, you ask?  Good question.

It is a long answer that spans three millennia, fourteen books, and most of my life.

It does not mean that men are not capable of success.  It only means that the human race has been so scared of the answer that they never questioned the failure since our most ancient ancestors became convinced there was nothing to be done.  The biggest obstruction has been that men, all along, have been too afraid to admit the truth and, thus, realize they only have something to learn.  For our most ancient ancestors, they were not equipped with the knowledge, insight, and human savvy, so they buried it in shame.  It was beyond them.  It is not beyond us.

How does one succeed when they can't even admit there is anything wrong?  

Loving coitus is so important to our lovingkindness

The fact that men have not learned in three thousand years really says it all.  Men have not really looked.  They think they have but the blinders have been on since way before humanity even existed.  All it takes is for the male gender to finally step up.  I've done the rest.

The complete answer is a Möbius strip with snarls and knots all along the way.  It starts with one question.  What is wrong with humanity?  To start with, we aren't really human yet.

We only attain our humanity when the male gender knows with certainty that it can invariably succeed at loving coitus.  We will only be able to look ourselves in the mirror once men are convinced, as a whole, that loving coitus is the easy expectation for all without fail and without difficulty.

I looked in the mirror.  I spent a lifetime failing at loving coitus only to realize late in life that it is incredibly stupid of the male gender of a sentient race to believe that they can only fail.  We are not just animals.  Of course, any sentient male can succeed with flying colors.  It isn't some extraordinary feat.  We have been programmed to accept failure for millennia.  Success is something that any fully functional sentient male can do.   

The male gender has to learn, beyond a doubt, that it can succeed at loving coitus.

There is a trick to it, though.  Sentience.  A man has the sentient capabilities.  An animal does not.  All a man has to do is use his sentient wits.  Better yet, I have already laid out the roadmap in the chapter titled, Details.  An animal could never do it because animals are ruled by instincts that assure failure.  A sentient being can easily overcome instincts. 

Humanity has to step out of its stupour.  It begins with men realizing that they are so much more than they imagined.  They are all lovers.

Women already know it.  They are lovers.  They can sense far better than the man that there is so much more to life which we have been missing out on all along.  What they cannot imagine is exactly what has blunted it all.  I suspect some women know that, as well.  But, women are far too polite to embarrass the other half of the human race with which they share the planet.

Jesus was right.  It is all about love.  What he could not see was that something was blocking that love.  Love is humanity's natural gift.  It is one and the same as the sentient state.  One cannot exist without the other.  Love is the natural outgrowth of the sentient state. When it is all mucked up with nonsense that the animal continues to promote.

I'm not sure that he realized it is the natural state.  I don't think so.  I think he thought of it as training and strict protocols.  That obviates the realization that our sentient state naturally generates love when we are not in a dazed and confused stupour.

Crisis of identity

I hope this chapter title immediately brought to mind the words in the previous chapters.  If not, take a moment.  This is what it is all about.  We don't know who we are.  We can't decide if we are human or animal.  I'm here to tell you that we have everything it takes to become a sentient, sane, rational, emotionally stable human race.

What no one comprehends is that it's not a battle to attain our humanity (at least for everyone but me; one of us- and it had to be a man - had to see through three millennia of nonsense).

How do  I explain?  How do I communicate to you that human life is in a trap set long before humanity ever walked this Earth.  Only a sentient mind could break the trap to pieces.  A mind had to see the trap and attack it with everything it's got (that would be me).  A trap that we have dragged along with us through the millennia since it snapped shut on our sentient brain that sees everything.

The trap is handed down, generation by generation, as each generation convinces the next to follow paradigms of nonsense that are drilled in since birth.

That goes as far back as there has been communication.  We have convinced each next generation that it was a bust.  "Misery, child, just get used to it."  It has snowballed through the millennia gathering strength all along as the years wore on with no improvement and man continued their havoc on our existence.  The disappointment is beginning to tell.

We accept the doom of the animal without blinking an eye.  We are so certain of failure to improve that we have just about given up trying.

We attempt, with laws, cultural mandates, and peer pressure and such to force a certain behaviour on all of the people of the world and, often, rely on utterly nonsensical paradigms to do so, in the exasperating desperation of an animal that has been banging its head against its unwelcome sentient awareness.

We are attempting to force love.  Love is a behaviour that will naturally occur among a sentient race, unburdened from the animals antics.

We have learned to act like a human rather than ever becoming human.

We attempt to force certain behavior through those laws, teaching, and haphazard conditions ad nauseam, against much more powerful forces occurring within the human.  In other words, those outside forces are all but useless.  

Imagine the human race as a child that had to make it all up as it went along without a clue as to what really matters.  We even made up gods to help us.  What a grand success that has been.

We created some incredible conclusions over the years regarding what humanity should be about, like honour, integrity, dignity, self-reliance, compassion.  And, yet, here we are three millennia later while those fine, virtuous, noble qualities continue to get dragged through the dirt.

If you really sit back and take it all in, I assure you, it will shock you out of your seat.  We have never been able to put the pieces together and see what a shambles we have made of human, sentient life.  We remain in a stupour, almost like a stunted child pouting in the corner.  It is the stupour of the animal.

I think I am at the point that I can almost describe what life amongst fully functional humans may look like eventually.

It starts with the necessary predecessor to the self-reliance I mentioned above.  The predecessor is self-respect.  How can a man truly, wholly respect himself if he cannot be certain that, if circumstances permit, he can love a woman in the most important way that Nature provided?

Do you begin to see the further details of the Möbius Strip.  Coitus is important because, without it, we wouldn't be here.  And, yet, it has never functioned the way that a human, sentient race has expected it should.

Every man can sense that something is broken.  I'm still not certain whether women are just bewildered by the situation or suspect the same.  I'm afraid many women are the same as every single man.  They feel loving coitus is a hopeless cause, so they move on.

Can you begin to imagine how this messes with the mind, especially of men?  They cannot confirm their love for a woman in the way that Nature provided for the confirmation.

Against all of the rational instructions of a lifetime, like be kind to others, don't go on a rampage, don't pound on women, somehow, the offensive behaviours still emerge.  Somehow, the norm for behaviour remains irrational.  Cranky, one might say.  

Most try to hide it most of the time to some extent or other.  If you look around at our particular epoch, you will see that many have abandoned the training that attempted to make more than animals out of us for the last three millennia.  The have moved on to full on irritable behaviour.  This also makes sense as men fail for a lifetime and, now follow that up with living with their past failure for many years past their normal check-out date.  Have you ever noticed how that behaviour is most often displayed by men?

So, why?  You can point to a thousand different irritants in life but it all comes down to one.  An irritant that instigates every other irritant, either directly or indirectly.  The lack of loving coitus for a sentient race that is more and more aware of the possibility and, yet, remains balked at considering it in an open rational manner. 

I could point to so very many examples that make that clear but that's in the other books.

Or, you will say, but I'm not irritated!  If you are a woman, you might be able to pull it off.  If you are a man, there isn't a chance.  You may even mask it well, but there remains an irritant.  I look at the absolutely best men I know and they are set on a hair-trigger, just like the rest of the men.  Their Pavlovian training has just settled in very well.

So, why is that so?  Why in the world are men so upset, unstable?  The best of them contain it but, men are irritated by life!

There is a thorn in the paw of the male gender and there is only one way we take the thorn out.

You might want to say that it is their sexual drive, but don't.  That's just silly.  Just like everyone has to pee, and women, once a month shed blood, men have to get relief from a different driver and it is relentless. 

Sexual drive, alone, would never have driven us off the rails.  If the human race wasn't so tied up in knots by the debacle of coitus, we wouldn't be so touchy about the topic of sex.  What a waste, don't you think?

The greatest act of love is such a miserable failure that we are ashamed of it.  If we weren't so embarrassed by the failure of the loving act of coitus, we would not so afraid of discussing the topic of sex.

More so, just think about what a celebration humanity would make of sex if coitus worked right.  It is just embarrassing that coitus is about the only way a man cannot (yet! consistently!) make love to a woman.

Oh, some men may have the sexual drive of a rock, though I don't believe it.

Do I really need to go further?  Can no one see the source of our trouble after I have painstakingly laid it out for you.

I know.  It should be a lot clearer.  But that is not my fault.  That is the fault of thousands of years of rationalizing away the whole discussion that I attempted to sketch above.  Everyone is predisposed not to listen.

I had no crutches.  I had no one leading the way.  It took me forty years to finally see that my own life was in ashes because I could never love a woman wholly as a human, sentient being should be able to do.  At the same time, I became aware that it was not just me.  It was nearly every man alive.  

It has been an awful, lonely trek but it was necessary.  I had no one else with whom to knock around the most important subject.  It has been the journey of fifteen years to answer the question, "how do we repair what is wrong with humanity??!!?"  The previous forty years, which were not nearly as intense, was spent delving into the question for which I never really expected to gain an answer: "what is wrong with humanity???!?!?!"

I guess I still don't quite get how no one else has asked that question.  Instead, everyone gets caught up in the maniacal distractions thrown up by those that have truly succumbed to the stupour, walking the walk and talking the talk without a shred of humanity left in them.  We look around as the world is blowing up in our faces and say, "that's fine, no problem, we'll find a way through, no matter how bloody and bruised we become along the way." or, "It's their problem" (finger pointing is such a lovely distracting pastime), or "Make more laws" (that no one obeys if they think they can get away with it)

It is just such a combination of quirky thoughts that keeps us from reassessing our situation with a cold, hard eye.

The cold hard eye of the run-of- the-mill skeptic is a baby's gaze compared to depths to which I had to delve to find answers.

Worse yet, the animal's rage is much more easily lit into a glaring flame, of course, since our human balance, our emotional stability, remains completely missing in the male gender.

We cannot clean up humanity's acts by picking away at this and that problem that doesn't get close to the source of our problems, that which derails humanity itself.  We are so uncoupled from a sentient perspective that phrases like "perception is reality" actually gets quoted with a straight face.

I just have to add that no one - and i have checked with many now - seem to be able to make the leap.  Something is broken within.  Something is amiss "inside of us".  It is very much like the lion with the thorn in its paw.

It's going to be griped by that thorn.  It can't be helped but by removing that thorn.  We have to take the thorn out of its paw.

This is where it always goes off the rails.  When I try to explain that men have a problem.  That sets off all kinds of alarms.  

I hope I am doing better this time.  

The first thing you have to do is inspect those alarms.  Why are they going off?  How do I silence their clamour.

Reading through a number of the books until you can turn them off is one method.  Maybe it's just that I have had to reread each so very many times, but I wouldn't want to do that.  And I love to read.  I have to believe it is a laborious read.  At least, until you get it.

When I mention coitus, everyone goes blind.  Every person I have met has had their own little set of paradigms that blind them to the real issue.  You will hear me refer to those paradigms as paradigms of nonsense.  They are the alarms.

Yeah, I have to believe that, even if I bypassed those alarms, they will still begin to clang unless you root out the nonsense yourself or acknowledge the obvious truth.

This book just about has to be my last try.  My clock is rapidly running out.  I am truly going crazy trying to wrack my brain to convey to you that we are not broken beyond repair.  In fact, the damage is passed on from generation to generation.  Within a single generation, much of the nonsense can be erased as the generation reaches puberty without the utter bafflement that things are not working as expected.  The first generation that can learn how to love without impediment will be the first generation of humans.

The human race could do spectacular things within, maybe years, if the race could just get off its high horse of thinking that the train wreck we have endured makes the slightest sense.  

If you think about it, humanity's identity crisis is what all of my books have been about.  We can't decide if we are an animal or something more.  

We are so much more that.  In the meantime, we stumble along caught in a trap in between the two states of existence, animal and sentient.  We no longer match the state of the animal and, yet, we have had no idea how to enter the realm of humanity. (hint, we are something far more than we have ever dared imagine)  

While we were only indulging in the stupour of the animal, we thought we were being humble.  

The most offensive phrase in existence is that, "we are only human."

As a sentient race, we have all of that which is necessary in order to rely on ourselves with confidence rather than put on an act of blind arrogance and create a god to blame.  

We act all humble while threatening to destroy the planet and cripple the life on Earth because of that confused stupefaction of humility and arrogance brought on by the stupour.

If you have a pervasive feeling that all is not right, that would be correct.  Welcome to the first stirrings of your humanity.  

We remain an unstable species of life that is still attempting to attain its sentient state.  Remaining in the grip of the animal's witless state drive the race mad.  We have remained lost since the beginning, never recovering from the animal's inherent stupour. 

We are not just animals.  We are not stupid.  We are just stupefied.  The worst of humanity attempts to cover up their stupefaction by proving themselves "better than the rest" in some bizarre manner.  It is another false trail of the animal that we have followed since we could first put two words together.

The crucial inspection that has always been required is not about muons, quarks, quasars, quadratic equations, fashion, ecology, governments, economics, hair care products, or the individual quirks of individual representatives of humanity.  It is humanity itself.

There is a reason we have avoided inspecting humanity closely while putting on a vague, fictional show of doing so.  We have never before been situated to answer the question that is ever-present.  What is wrong with humanity?

We were ineptly fearful of the answer.  We were not ready to accept that which completely separates us from all of the animals that came before.  It has confounded us down through the ages.

We pick away at the troubles we cause while building more trouble for ourselves with no significant improvement in our emotional or rational state.  We continue to tear down everything that Nature has provided.

We have reached the point where we must answer that crucial question or destroy ourselves.  Serendipitously, we are in a position to answer the question and finally resolve the quandary that has plagued us since the beginning.

The actual quandary that must be resolved is so central to our existence that we could not even acknowledge its existence until we were ready to resolve it.  That is the trap within which we were caught for three millennia.  Of course, we can resolve the issue of unassisted loving coitus.  We are human.  We are sentient.  The push and pull of it all, the necessity of resolving the problem before acknowledging it is why it has taken us three millennia to face. 

The situation is so convoluted that we pushed it aside long, long ago.  We ended up building walls around the problem that we have continued to layer throughout our last three millennia.

We need to learn to rely on ourselves, not laws or gods or other dictates to tell us how to act.  Those are all outside forces attempting to change the mind of an animal.  We need our humanity to blossom from within.

The dismal pre-sentient existence that we currently endure is best represented by complete emotional turmoil with a heavy dose of forced blindness thrown in.  

All because, while we have heightened awareness available to us.  We were forced to turned off that heightened awareness as well as the lights, especially when it comes to inspecting the human race itself and the act of coitus.  Instead we explored outwards.  We can still study quarks and quasars and mathematical phenomenon.  We can still create, but the creation will remain warped  by the warped mindset of the prehuman until we learn unassisted loving coitus.  I wish that I need not use the word unassisted but we have gone so far as to create a pill as a substitute for manhood.  It is no substitute.  It is an animal's solution.

We have looked away from what is wrong because the animal that we were that still holds sway remains fearful and baffled by that which is human.  Humanity's sentience remains incomprehensible to humanity.  The animal, of course, cannot comprehend how easy it is for a human to overcome the failure of loving coitus.

The prehuman notions become entrenched from a lifetime of accepting paradigms of nonsense conditioned into us regarding what it's all about.  If you can't shake that nonsense, you can try the previous books, but I'm not betting you will get there.  No one has yet, as far as I can tell.  Color me impatient for us to attain our humanity in full.  So, I carry on one.more.time. and I'm running out of time.

People want to blame the institutions.  It's this government's fault or that party's fault or this corporation's fault or that economic models fault.  There is so much finger-pointing because we haven't a clue what is really wrong.  Instead, we point at the results of the debacle that has laid us low for millennia.

Make no mistake.  It is emotional instability and unreason that cause all the problems.  High ideals are cast aside as time wears on and the animal undermines all that we create.  It is getting worse.

If you inspect closely, as I have done, the workings of humanity as it functions in large groups, the answers become clear.  It is the human that instigates all of the awful group behaviours because we remain an unstable sentient race.

We chase superficial issues while the real issue continues to fester: we are not human yet.  We have not fulfilled our sentient state.

I will summarize but will not spend a lot of time discussing the complex nuances that span three millennia.  I've done enough of that in the other books.

I am going to try to concentrate, in this book, on the mess as we see it today.  Let's start with digging into the crisis of identity we face today.

Our lives are built on almost exclusively on a single fiction.  That fiction forces all of the other fictions to thrive.  Our residence in the no-man's land between the animal and our humanity is built on fiction.  It is built on the bizarre belief that perception is reality.  In fact, that is the fiction.

The fiction that afflicts everyone envelops their whole lives.  This is the crisis of identity.  We still identify with the animal while the accoutrements no longer suit.

That is a crisis of identity.

Let me reiterate.  Our crisis is accepting that we are little more than animals with a big brain that drives us mad.  Our crisis is that we believe it should be expected.  Our crisis is not accepting that loving coitus is a human requirement.  Without it, we will remain wandering around in the dark, picking up the pieces as we bash through life rather than living, and passionately celebrating life without all of the drawbacks that proliferate from that single fiction that rutting is enough.

The emotional landscape

This post was initially a look into my study of music but, somehow, all of these dots began to fall in place.  I avoid rote at all costs.  In the case of music, that means I don't like just following how someone shows me to play it.  Now I know why.

If you learn a ton of songs by rote rather than by 'feeling' the music out, you risk losing the feel of music altogether.

Aristotle, as I've quoted before, said "education of the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."  Rote bypasses the education of the heart.  Rote is how each generation is convinced it is no more than a mad animal.

I'm a big fan of innocence.  The only reason we lose it in every lifetime is because we are ashamed of the truth regarding the most essential act of life.  We perform a funeral for our innocence every time the most celebratory act of existence disappoints, which is rather consistently.  The loss of innocence begins at puberty.  We call it becoming mature, as we lose our innocence as well as our sentience.

Our innocent, open minds shut down when it reverts, as it almost always does, to the crude animal act of rutting rather than the glorious act it has always been meant to be for a sentient race.  "Maturity", as currently described, has to do with the whole idea of rote.  "Here, read this.  it will tell you everything you need to know.  No need to go looking."  The  rote crusade to continue the antics of the animal and abandon the glorious possibilities of sentience.  Of course, we don't realize that is what we are doing, since we have never had a chance to become familiar with the sentient landscape.

The act (coitus) that the animal considers to be the most dangerous for humanity to peruse openly is pushed so far into a position of shame by osmosis that no one would dare mention it out in the open.  Ironically, that means we have delayed the fulfillment of our humanity by scuttling the one subject that counts because we have been too ashamed to discuss the fumbling way in which an animal performs sex.

Keep in mind, I'm not talking about just any old sex.  The taboo on the broader subject of sex was broken a century ago.  It is only coitus that is left to consider.

The rote parade has continued because of inertia and intentional blindness.

Our humanity is in hiding behind the rote.  Whether born ten thousand years ago or last decade, we remain desperate to hide from reality.  It is our sentient reality from which we hide.  Instead, we remain cowering in no-man's land.  Too far beyond the animal to ever return.  It is only our intelligence, not our sentience, that has gotten us this far and it can lead us no further.  It is only an uncompromising sentient perspective that can free us from the insane ties that continue to bind us to the animal far from our home of emotional stability, reason, and love.

Everyone has either gone along with the animal's poor interpretation of a sentient existence in total bewilderment; or they desire to return full tilt back to the animal reality (which is nothing more than a trap for a human, sentient race); or they just go along for the ride since it's the only known track.  

Oh, the ramifications, the big, bad "world" ("world" being the intentionally inaccurate pseudonym we use to describe the awful antics of the human race. we are just that blind) are complained about all of the time.  But, no one looks for the source.  Heck, we can't even admit that the problem is humanity.  Instead, we look at the most awful aspects of the most awful representatives of humanity and try to lay the blame on them.  

Rote is part of that trap.  That's what the Garden of Eden is all about.  Pining for days that never were (but might be in the future).  

We are headed towards our full-fledged sentience, whether we like it or not.  Whether we are prepared or not.  Whether it sends us into further frenzy or a loving state.

We can muddle on or we can excel at being sentient and human.  My expectation is that, if we attempt to muddle on, we won't get much further.

We look around in bafflement at the awfulness that the prehuman race represents and, rather than admit the truth, we confuse ourselves with misrepresentations like "the awful world" or "That guy is causing all of our ills".  Or, we ignore it all and carry on.  Contemplating one's navel is a big pastime.  That is no better.  

We make more laws while the inventive mind of the monkey seeks ways to circumvent the law for a lower purpose.  So, we refine the laws and make more laws.  Do you see that it really leads nowhere?

It is not human.  It confuses us into believing that humans need laws to tell them how to act.  It is only training for the animal.  It does not lead to our humanity.  It is just stop gap measures to suppress the animal, not release the human.  The animals need laws.  The human will need few laws, if any, to do the right thing.  I would expect the laws to be more consensus guidelines for a sane race.

Nothing left to prove

The male gender has something left to prove that they have put off for far too long, and they know it.  The situation destabilizes humanity and everything human.  Once proven, once the male gender succeeds (not this or that individual), there will be nothing left to prove.  We will have proved we are human and a human has nothing left to prove.  

We can move on to being human, creating a sentient existence full of passion, reason, and a stable emotional state.  Do not consider passion and a stable emotional state as mutually exclusive.  Sentience is built for passion.  It is not built to have its emotions all over the map for incomprehensible reasons.  The male gender has been undermining our foundations since the beginning with their emotional upheaval.  Don't let their clamped down emotional state foo you.  The clamp down because the emotions are so unstable and unsure of themselves.  It leaves all that deal with the worst of the blowback with the foundation of their existence decoupled.  That is, in fact, the point.

I was just reading someone's acquired definition of evil.  They define it as lack of empathy.

Do you get it?  One drastic mistake we have made is accepting that a lack of empathy is to be expected in some.  Look around for the lack of empathy and, for that matter, lack of emotional control, the clamping down on emotions that only lead to their unstable eruption.  You will find it is most prevalent - by lightyears - in men.

No one mentions the situation that destabilizes humanity.  We all skirt around it carefully.  It hits every individual male, sooner or later, right between the eyes, and causes them to crumble, settle, or explode.  None of those leave room for a fulfilled sentient existence.

The male gender has not yet convinced itself that it can consistently succeed at the loving act that releases the loving state and, thus, unleashes our sentience.  That act remains achingly missing because men continue to fail (for no good reason). 

The proof, the insights, are now available so that any man can consistently succeed at unassisted loving coitus.  It just needs to be confirmed by enough males to move the needle and convince the rest that there is no need to hide from that which fulfills our sentient, loving state.  Once a few men admit that there is no need to fail at unassisted loving coitus, we are on our way to our sentient state.  The blinders will become suspect, the paradigms of nonsense will begin to shred.

I'm not getting into the sticky details.  That's what all of the other books are about.  I have included Details, though.

Can you see that men sense there's something left for them to prove?  That something is missing?  That it destabilizes us?  Turns us topsy-turvy, to be more exact.  Be careful with how that was worded.  Men sense that something is missing.  That is not the same as consciously acknowledging it.  In many men, it remains completely buried in the subconscious (to some extent that is also true of women).  In the best of men, the full impact of the failure remains hidden, excused, and hornswoggled.  

Men spend the rest of their lives trying to prove themselves in other ways and therein lies the problem.  The obsessive nature of the unproven man cripples our humanity.  We remain in the stasis of the prehuman because the male gender does everything it can to distract from its failure.  If you need proof, look at the ludicrous antics of InCel.  They would never admit that men, that remain little better than an animal, are the problem.

Do you see how important this is?  It is a matter of lying to ourselves.  It has gotten so bad that we are convinced that deceit is part of human nature.  It is only part of the human condition (which is actually a prehuman condition), not the nature of humanity, a sentient race.

Men claim to love and, yet, they are not lovers, in the traditional sense of the word 'lovers'.  Some rebel against the lie in various ways but, still, the lie remains.  Never mentioned, never discussed.  Swept under the rug along with all of its horrific effects.

We have never connected the insane antics of the male gender with its source until now.  We have created a backup excuse instead.  Men are driven crazy by their sexual drive.  What a crock!

There was a reason animals were left with something to prove when it comes to coitus.  They weren't sentient.  Animals need the initiative.  Their scope is too constrained to do without the unsettling state that the failure of loving coitus causes.  Humanity has initiative coming out of its ears.  The failure of unassisted loving coitus has become a destructive burden rather than a necessary driver of initiative.  It sends a sentient race off the rails.  Unassisted loving coitus is a necessary part of being sentient and aware at a level of capability far beyond anything ever before experienced.  It is that conscious awareness that cannot be avoided.  It can be lodged in the subconscious with a great deal of effort but, because we are aware, it is always trying to break out.

Humans have more initiative than an animal could manage ... or with which a stunted human, sentient race can cope.  That stunted race will invariably go off the rails.  

By proving out the race through proving out the male gender, we supersede the animal, once and for all.  We decisively put the animal in the rear view mirror.

Once men master their own bodies, they will no longer have the insane, desperate need to prove themselves by preposterously envisioning themselves as masters of the universe.  They will no longer feel the obsessive need for control of everything in their path because the one act that they so desire to control remains a failure.  They will let go, unclench, and we can move on to a sane existence.

We need to put our house in order and, then, proceed with rational progress towards a rational, emotionally stable, sentient, human existence.  Sentient initiative will never let us do otherwise than progress.  It's just a matter of whether our progress is rational or mad.  Initiative can be beaten out of a human (physically or psychologically), but if nurtured, through success, it thrives, just as humanity will thrive.  So far, that initiative has been beaten to a pulp and let loose in a mad attempt to avoid the truth.

Loving Expression

I have been the least expressive person (since about mid-teens), bar none.  It used to amaze people.  In one instance, a friend of mine decided he would put a bic lighter up against my thigh.  I pretty much ignored him until it began to burn.  Then, my reaction was, "What is wrong with you!?"  I've been somewhere else since my late teens.  There have been many other such instances.

My approach became accepting all input without objection or reaction, just storing it away for further contemplation. (no, it has not been a 'fun' existence; it has been an intense existence of pondering one question since my teens: what is wrong with humanity?)  

For a lifetime, I didn't accepted a single notion at face value beyond comments on the weather and such.

By the way, if you don't think there is anything wrong with humanity, you might as well stop reading right here.  The same is true if you are convinced that there is nothing to be done. 

I've always had trouble with the idea of a skeptic just because they always let some nonsense through.  I didn't.  I was skeptical of the whole setup.  I question everything because so little of the antics of humanity make the slightest sense to me.

A realization hit me not too long ago that humans have so many ways in which they express themselves.  Animals have a few but they are rather simple.  Snarl, bite, claw, etc to show dissatisfaction with another animal, for instance.

Humans have so many tools for expressing themselves.  Very few of them are used consciously, including the words we utter.  This struck me of late because of the single well-known artist that shocked me more than eight years ago because she has such an unlimited array of expressions in her online photos.  

I have never seen the like and I have looked long and hard for someone similar.  It truly baffled me until just lately.  If you look at most celebrities that have photos online, you will usually find a single expression, usually some sort of smile.  The most expressive will have a variety of two or three expressions, at best.   She seems to have an infinite array of expressions.

This got me to thinking about the whole array of human expressiveness and honesty.

I finally realized it's about honest expression, whether in words, actions, or expressions.  We're not very good at it.  Because of that, our expressiveness becomes numb.

Our missing humanity resides in revealing/releasing that honesty in every aspect of our lives.  That makes it sound easy.  It is not that easy.  Honest expressiveness is only an indicator that we have attained our humanity.  It is not its instigator.  

That will take a radical change in perspective that I am beginning to suspect humanity is just not ready for.  That's too bad because, at the rate we are wrecking everything, I fear the human race's somewhat advanced civilization will not survive very long on the current route it has taken. 

Okay, it will take a while to develop the notion of expressiveness.  Wow! I can't believe how big this is!  I am running out of ways to break through the paradigms of nonsense that have been handed down to us since the first human uttered the first words that reflected his witless state which remains to this day.  For all of our display of intellect, we remain witless to a profound degree.  I am getting very close to throwing in the towel.  With little regret.

In some ways, we need to amp up our expressiveness a notch or two.  In others, we need to bring it down a notch or two.  In all ways, we need to remove the deceit.

It is the facial expressions which remain most blunted.  Almost as if we were still nothing more than an animal.  We express so much unwittingly, which makes it rather honest, even if it is not what we desire to express.

Physical expression through touch is a whole different matter.  It is rarely an honest exchange.  A man has difficulty with honest physical expression because of his other driving urges which mess with his emotional state, as well as his honesty.

As I mentioned, the male sexual drive is not the problem, but it sets up the problem.

Get over any idea that deceit and manipulation are a genetic or haphazard occurrence.  We are natural liars.  We have learned to lie.  Its origins are the developed response to a situation that bewilders the animal.  It is subterfuge, by any other name.

That physical act of coitus is part of being a physical being.  That desire for completion of the act in a sentient, human manner becomes furtive and befuddled in men because they know they should be loving, not just rutting.  Everything about them becomes furtive and befuddled.  That trait is completely pervasive in men until the male gender learns there is no need for the failure.  It has been a blind.  All men participate in the charade.  All of humanity, in fact, has supported the charade - against their will.  How do you think that works out?

Now, after about a decade of seeing it all clearly, it really strikes me how obvious it all is.  How everyone can miss it seems remarkable.  I look at all of the strange antics of men and it is all so clear.

There is a lie buried beneath it all that must be rendered extinct.  The lie is that the experience of coitus is a loving, fulfilling experience for both.  It is a fiction repeated so often that many never even dream of the reality.  That will continue until men learn that they can love like a human.  That makes us human.

The fulfilled act of loving coitus is a rarity of unspecified proportions (estimates range from 75% upward that say women do not experience the same tumultuous and transcendent event (i.e. full on orgasm) during unassisted coitus.  Keep in mind that all estimates are rendered amongst a bunch of people that don't even believe in orgasms. for women, at least.  In other words, the estimates are most certainly lower than reality dictates.

It is this lack of awareness of the pervasive (and unnecessary) lack in men that disturbs most men, since no one has ever been willing to discuss it.  Most men tend to think it is something wrong with them because there is nowhere to look for answers.  How can a young man leap to the conclusion that men have just not learned to love women well.

Do not try to tell me that some men just don't care or haven't the wit.  Those are just men that have finally given up and become completely bitter.  These portray some of the worst effects of the bane, but not the only ones (think InCel, that is some messed up dudes).  Often, they want to take out their frustration on 'the world' (once again, 'the world' is that nice phrase used to avoid identifying the specific target: humanity, in general, and women, in particular).   They often become rabid.

The chapter Details provides all that a male needs to finally start the process of men becoming human.  It ends in men learning love and their humanity and extending my insights tremendously.  

There may be other sources, other techniques like 'edging' (this is also noted in the chapter on learning to love, that is, Details) that are easier and work like a dream for attaining mutual sexual satisfaction (which every man interested in coitus should know, whether they go the extra step of completely mastering their body or not).  I just think the way I try to explain will work best.  It invokes one's humanity.

Some seem to think that a great mass of humanity is dim-witted.  Many, many act in such a way.  It is another misinterpretation of the beast.  It is just that they, along with a long history of their predecessors that were dimmer and dimmer the further into the past you go, have inadvertently inhibited their humanity.  It began with the dim-witted version of coitus that existed long before humanity ever exited and grew to impede our progress as a sentient race.  Another words, it is a stupour, not congenital idiocy.  

It's been a difficult barrier to break.  Unassisted loving coitus requires a human viewpoint.  That's all, but it is a tremendous step beyond the animal.  

We can utilize our human capabilities and knowledge in order to overcome obstacles that no animal before us could ever even consider.  

It has been difficult enough for a fully sentient race to accept that there is something wrong with the most natural act of sex not providing equal pleasure for both.  The belief was instigated long ago and encouraged all along the way by the stupour of the animal.  How could the original human, long ago, supposed to cope with an issue that is only apparent to a sentient being?  It has taken us three thousand years to finally do so.  It is no big surprise.

We are so used to the interruption of love that we don't even think about it.  Love, just like touch and our humanity, is blunted, numbed.  It wasn't even a consideration until about three millennia ago.  

The instinct to fail at coitus was bred into animals a billion years ago.  Let me stress: instinct of an animal.  It can dissipate like fog, once we consider it from a human perspective and realize that mastery of one's body is the key to loving coitus.  In other words, instincts are for animals.

We really got into expressing ourselves in words about three millennia ago.  As we did, we confronted a lot of new things in words.  One of those was the concept of love.  We sensed it but couldn't ever track it down, so we adapted by creating a fictional version of love, a limited version of love, a blunted version.  We settled for less than we know is possible.

Another one that we have tried to express in words over the long millennia was the act of coitus.  We didn't like one aspect that we had to confront regarding the act of coitus.  It was too difficult, too complex for the simple minds of our long dead ancestors.  Pandora's Box describes the dilemma well almost three millennia ago.  Within a century or two, the investigation was shut down with prejudice.

Coitus was almost invariably disappointing - for both.  This is another misunderstanding made by both genders.  Men get their rocks off, so the mindset of prehumanity is that he is not disappointed.  As an animal, that is true.  As a human, he is devastated that he cannot provide the same transcendent feeling for the woman.  It continues to wear away at his confidence in life over a lifetime.  

He cannot even broach his humanity until he admits it.  Even when he adapts by using other methods, it is a disappointment that unassisted coitus is not a loving event.  No one to date has realized just how devastating it has been for the whole of the human race.

There was no way to honestly confront the fact that coitus was seldom a loving act.  It remains unfulfilling for both.  We try and try to avoid the conclusion that it is all because the man can't keep it up.  That is impossible for a sentient being to accept for good reason.  There's no reason a fully functioning male human cannot learn to perform loving coitus.  Our innate sentient intelligence knows better, just as our innate sentient awareness makes it all too apparent.  Do you begin to see how this inconsistency in human life upends our sentience as well as our very existence?  Many crush every aspect of their sentient qualities in order to avoid confronting that conclusion.  Others settle.  It is all a form of madness for a sentient race.

One story we cooked up to cover our bewilderment was suggesting that the only point of sex was to make babies.  Whole religions are based on conveying that idea.

We could never even utter the real problem aloud or even ruminate upon it in our thoughts.  We would have been horrified to face the dilemma without the answer.  Until there is an answer, there is no point in exploring the failure.  Catch-22.  The latter prevented anyone from seriously exploring the former.

Instead of confronting the issue, we decided to act like every thing is fine.  That men are just "that way".  In other words, we accepted an existence far removed from a sentient state, in which the crude appetites of the animal continue to rule because there is nothing to replace it.

The answer is no more than this.  Men have something to learn.  We have accepted that men will continue to fail at the most basic act of love, while it is really nothing more than taking a new perspective on a problem that has been running along in the same rut for a billion years.

The disturbance really began to hit the fan when it became the topic of books and movies.  'Love stories' were the beginning of the end of deluding ourselves or, should I say, the beginning of twisting ourselves in knots with new and more delusional conclusions.  

The drugs that preceded the 1960's blew the situation wide open. We had already begun to sense the awful situation.  The altered state of mind rejected enough of the paradigms of nonsense to put the pieces together into a vague structure that finally accepted that sex was a critical aspect of love.  

They were so right regarding the conclusion.  They were far off on realizing what it would take to change the situation or where the issue actually resided.

They were also right, in essence.  Without that fulfilled physical expression of love, we remain hindered.  Love remains blunted.

After awhile, since it didn't work in the original version that Nature intended, the floodgates were opened.  Anything goes!

Somehow, nothing changed.  Men got laid and they were loving it for a couple of decades.  The thought that love was just around the corner relieved them of the burden they had carried for millennia.  "Free love!" turned out to be nothing more than free sex.  That didn't last long because it changed nothing.

Men acted as if they were partaking in love.  They might have really believed it for a little while.  Then, it all came crashing down as everyone aged while the newly inflamed dream of love burned to ashes on the ground.  

There was some residual love left around, here and there, as it always has been, but the original intent, the complete fulfillment of a loving relationship, had been blunted.

The truth is that men have been at a loss for three millennia.  They never have been able to confront that truth.  The concept of loving coitus has been so bruised, damaged, and disavowed that the extrapolation remains completely absent.  Sex is sex and coitus is a bust is the conclusion we have followed, so far.

Something was missing and it has always been men's responsibility.  They have spent millennia honing their ability to avoid their most important responsibility because they hadn't a clue how to overcome the debility.  It befuddled them.  

They just kept banging away as if it were an Olympic Event.  They even dedicated one of the longest running shows on Earth to feats of strength and agility.  It never worked.

That belief that success at coitus depended on strength alone has been their doom.  Loving coitus is a human act.  Therefore, it takes the superior human capabilities, not just superiour animal strength. 

Another simplistic suggestion for success might be to rely on our intellect.  This would scare most men silly.  It it not the case.  

Intellect is not an important factor in achieving the act of loving coitus.  All that is required is to be master of one's own body.  That takes only a very small dose of knowledge, which I have provided.

There is only one reason men continue to fail to consistently make coitus a loving event.  It is just that their minds have been twisted into a stupour for millennia because they translated all of human life into an Olympic Event and never suspected the truth.  That approach is wholly an animal's perspective.

Even though strength has failed to resolve the issue for three millennia, they kept at it.  They never got past the animal's influence or the animal instincts.

It's not difficult.  The simplest, fully capable, human mind can control the necessary and simple equipment of the human body provided by Nature in a human manner with ease, instead of following instincts that were bred a billion years ago.  

They are only instincts.  Once men free themselves of the animal's instincts that lead to failure, they will be human.  

Mastery of one's own body is almost certain to become a premier trait of men to replace the toxic caricature that has always been the norm.  It is a feat not required of the female.  It will be a distinguishing difference between the genders that finally achieve equality.  It has nothing to do with strength or agility and very little to do with stamina.  It creates a certainty in a man that will fill the gender with a peace it as never experienced before.

Mastery of the body for a man is an extremely subtle effort.  It is a matter of owning the body in a way never before imagined.  It begins to remove the animal stupour in an instant.

Again, let me emphasize, there are simpler methods like 'edging' that work perfectly well for anyone.  I think many that are well along in life might do best only using edging.

In fact, that may be the best route for humanity.  Success at the simplistic approach will relieve the fear of failure.  Once a person gets edging right, the fear and furtive mindset will be removed.  Men will desire to do it in a more elegant manner as their self-respect and confidence, as well as their sentience and humanity, begin to emerge.

No longer an animal

Why do you think we act like mongrels instead of a human race? 

We are no longer an animal.  We are sentient but we retain the dim-witted habits and point of view of our predecessor ... all the way back to the animal.  We are mired in a stupour of our own making.  It grates against our humanity and sentience.

We have to break the shackles.

There is another solution.  As long as we remain prehuman, women should rule.  It's not very realistic, though, and leaves us prehuman.  In other words, it is not really a solution.  Men remain dominated by a derangement that has only one cure: become human.  Until they do, there is no solution.

Women and men should rule in harmony (i.e. equality and equitable treatment).  Now, why do you suppose that's not the case (if you don't know, see Nothing left to prove).

When I first considered that women should rule, it was just an intuitive insight long ago, long before I began to circumscribe the big picture.  I just sensed long ago that women could do a better job at running humanity.  That was long before I realized what disturbs the male gender and how to make it go away.

Women are clearly more equipped to deal with reality than current and past installments of men.  That is because they already have everything required to make the human.  All that is missing is for men to join the human race.

Let me reiterate, the real answer, of course, is for humanity to rule as a steward, all in it purview.


More evidence keeps popping up regularly.  Just little things, like, the saying, "keep it up" and all of its variations.  They may seem vague or spurious to you.  To me, it is just another thread in a cord that has grown to the strength of a steel cable.

As I keep assembling the pieces and the picture, like a Mandelbrot fractal, the picture becomes more clear.  It is like a fractal in that it looks the same at every level but, still, you have to inspect them all.  You may notice, through my previous books that I was certain (starting around Millennia) that I had said all there is to say on the subject.  There just couldn't possibly be another layer of importance.

Now, I am convinced that the layers to peel will continue for long after I am dead and gone.  I am just scratching the surface.  The little bit I have added opens the vista but, still, that vista has yet to be fully explored and it will take centuries, if not millennia to do so.

I just hope I begin to sense some stirring of sense soon.  Until then, I will continue to feel the need to explain further.  I'm really tired of attempting to explain.

Now, though, I get it.  I know what is going on.  It's just a matter of getting across to a few people with minds open enough to shed their own paradigms of nonsense.

So, I want to try a few different approaches to the problem of the paradigms that may allow one to peer through the nonsense since it does not involve the taboo subject of sex which all of humanity seems to have sufficient difficulty broaching.

I think I will rip through them rather quickly, since I don't expect that expanding on them will help at all.  I don't know that anything will help at all.  But, I must try.  Either you get it or you don't.

The common view among humanity is that "maturing" is accompanied by misery.  It's true, as long as we don't admit what is going on.  That all of that fun and happiness that was attendant in childhood has departed and (another phrase that I despise), "that's just the way it is".  Why do you think that's so?  Right around puberty, one starts to become suspicious and it's downhill from there.  Can you think of one particular instance that causes that crash from a hopeful childhood?  So help me, if you say "because the world is cruel", I will throw up.  Or, my top-rated offensive comment, "we're only human."  The "world" is rather benign.  Only humans out of their element are cruel and induce the miserable state of our existence.

The rites of manhood that have littered our history.  What is that all about?  Do I need to draw a diagram?  In the absence of the single human trait that could actually make a man feel like a man, the substitute rites for manhood might be the most blatant misdirection in history.  Once again, the animal history and mentality cloud the issue.

If you think about western religion, it is all about forcing humanity not to think.  That is a sign of the animal.  It is hypocrisy disguised as the word of some unquestionable creature named god.  Heresy is forcing people to believe what some people dictate rather than thinking as a human would.  (because these 'spokesmen' delude others (and, maybe, themselves) into believing they have a special connection to some bizarre supreme being that does nothing, takes no hand in our affairs, other than to appoint some lunatics to tell the rest of humanity what to do)

There is a patchwork of animal thinking portrayed as human that leads nowhere but our demise.

If I can think of another way to penetrate the problem of our avoidance indirectly, I'll add it here.


See, "Emotional landscape"

Prehuman history

I am in awe when I try to think of humans looking back on the last three millennia of prehuman history with clarity.

In essence, it's not all that exciting.  It is very similar to the history of the Neanderthal in some ways.  In others, it is just a purely brutish existence.  It is the prehuman bashing up against the wall that separates them from their humanity without success, only lies.

Still, I think future humans will find it fascinating.  It will take on the order of one century or three generations before the perspectives clear enough to reorient the perspective on the last three millennia.

Once again, I run into how disorienting this change is.  It is no surprise to me that everyone that reads what I have written has had difficulties.

On the Threshold of a dream

It pains me greatly that I am certain that the human race can attain its humanity and, yet, it seems men would rather die than realize they have something to learn in order to make it so.  That is just how deeply the delusions are embedded.  The longer a man is alive the deeper the delusions become embedded.

We are on the threshold of the dream that we have clung to, through thick and thin, for more than three millennia.

A big part of the problem is the long interval after acquiring a prodigious brain while the necessary information to succeed at our humanity remained missing.  It makes it seem as if we have tried everything.

It is all so simple and, yet, we can't even open our eyes.

Let me try, once again.  A human can control his body through the use of his mind.  A human can adjust.  That is an essential component of a sentient existence.  So far, the mad animal has been leading the way.  That is a cause for concern.  Look around at the lunacy that is occurring on a daily basis.  It is clear.  It is time for the human to lead the way.

We do not need to be ruled by the instincts of an animal.

A youth could completely conquer the inhibition that holds him back from making his humanity whole in short order.  It may be more difficult for an older man to achieve the same but, mostly, that is due to puberty confirming the nonsense he was waylaid with in his youth to prepare him for failure.  It makes a male human into a craven animal.  We make excuses, find alternatives and never look the beast in the eye.


Once we are finally human and can concentrate enough to think clearly, it seems to me that there will be priorities.

First and foremost, in my mind, is we need to put every effort into dealing with the calamity that we have caused to Nature/Gaia.

We should repair the damage simultaneously while putting every effort into assuring that we never get that out-of-balance with Nature, again.

We need to become the stewards of life on Earth and further, if we expand off of the planet.


First nested book

Leading into Details

I will warn you, right up front, it is going to sound difficult to love a woman the way both men and women desire.  I will emphasize that it is not difficult for a human.  It is difficult for an animal that has not yet used his brain to any serious extent.  It is part of being human.  As we learn how easy it is to transform the act of coitus into a loving event, we will become human.  As men learn to master their bodies, they will not have the insane misbelief that they need to be masters of the universe.  If any are meant to be masters of the universe, it will be the human race.

All of the books that I have written over the last twelve years are about the fact that men never learned that they can transform the act that creates life into an act that also creates love.  The lack results in damage to the human race's development as a sentient race.  A sentient race would realize it is possible.

The male gender, not a few individuals, needs to learn that all men can learn to love - easily.  It is crucial to the man's sentience and the fulfillment of our sentient state.  It needs to become firmly implanted into the brain of the human species.  In other words, the human consciousness must become certain of the fact and certain of its humanity, decisively leaving the animal behind.

Have you had "that talk" with your father yet? How did it go? Did he fumble around and never say anything of import?  Was he utterly relieved when you told him, "it's okay, dad, I know all about it."  You didn't and neither did he.

Don't hold it against him. I'm not sure any man has really known how to love a woman physically before. They've usually known what the animal passed on to us.  Rut.  Stick it in and get it over with.  Maybe think about baseball.  Some may have actually stumbled on a way to last long enough.  That is not the same as the human potential to completely understand the situation and overcome the limitations of the animal with full awareness and knowledge of what is going on.  That is sentient.

I am all about simplifying what I am trying to say. Even so, it is just such a complicated picture (not these details, just the whole skewed sexual perceptions).  We have been taught wrong about essentially everything for three thousand years.  It has taken me writing eleven books to clearly understand thoroughly and explain.  I am on my twelfth and final book.

The easiest part is to understand how to love a woman physically in the most elegant manner of the loving, human version of coitus.  It is a version of coitus that only a sentient being could ever visualize or enact.  It is only the implications, obfuscations, and refutations regarding this uniquely human, sentient experience  that has made it so complicated.

The saying goes that men want sex and women want love.  That portrays the dilemma poorly.  Men settle for sex, in utter frustration, because they have not been able to fulfill the act of love the way they have always desperately desired to do and Nature always intended as a uniquely sentient experience.

This is about how a man learns he can last long enough to make coitus a loving, human, sentient, fulfilling event.  This is about how a man learns that he is not held hostage by an animal's instincts, low grade thinking, and a dim-witted approach to life.  This is all about how a man learns that he is sentient and human, not just an animal hiding from his humanity.

A man does not differentiate himself from an animal until he realizes that he can love.  That is unique to human affairs.  Loving coitus bridges the gap to the completed sentient state.  A man doesn't learn to love fully until he can express that love in its physical form in the way Nature provided for a sentient race.  Anything less is a disappointment.  It is the only purely human sexual act.  Eye to eye, celebrating life and love.  Beneath all of the brainwashing, men know they can do better.

Early male humans equated themselves with animals and conducted themselves as such.  They took a craven approach to life that has remained, in great part, to this day.  We have yet to achieve a sentient state of awareness as long as we fail to make coitus a human, loving event.

Today's male humans remain mystified by their failure.  They have accepted it as such because that is how it has always been.  They have justified what has no justification.  The leap to see beyond the paradigms that broke our humanity are formidable.  

The act itself is simple.

I've learned a lot since the initial insight of "Don't twerk or jerk until the lady sings" and made it all available in some of the books starting with Millennium.  This is the most thorough.

We are not human until the male gender learns to love.


Number one.  A man is not tied to a countdown clock in any way when it comes to coitus.  That mistaken belief has stopped the male gender in its tracks since the beginning.  It stopped men from ever investigating seriously.  The belief is that, once you are aroused and penetrate, the ejaculation process is off and running.  That is true for an animal and as long as we believe it is the best we can do, we remain an animal.  It is not true of a human.  Only exhaustion can intervene.  It shouldn't get to that.

The huge mistake, compounded by that belief, is that the best you can do is hold on for dear life as you helplessly watch the tidal wave of ejaculate makes its way downstream.  Let me be crystal clear.  Any way in which you attempt hold back the tide, once it has begun, is bad.  It can cause damage.

So, no, you are not on a clock and it is not a good idea to try to hold back the process of ejaculation, once begun in earnest.  

Maybe the most important insight is that a man must learn to prevent the process from ever starting until he wants it to begin.  

There is an alternative until you learn to control yourself.  If you sense it early enough, you can stop all activity long enough for things to settle down.  Some refer to this as edging.  It works.  Keep it in your toolbox for making love, but don't expect to use it except as you are learning to master your body.

What really works is to understand why the process of ejaculation gets started and what can be done about it so that you become a master of your own body.  It's not magic.  It's the sex glands.  You are only held back by the witless instincts of an animal. We have never investigated any of it seriously.

There is only one thing that gets the ejaculation process started.  Squeezing the sex glands in the bottom of your crotch, your pelvic region.  That begins the process.  Nothing else.

What happens is that the glands gets squeezed by two events, pelvic muscle contractions or the musculoskeletal structure in the pelvic region.  They are two distinctly different mechanisms.  That squeezing can be avoided.  They are squeezed due to one of  two instincts of an animal without you ever realizing it.

There is one condition in which there is no stopping it.  It will not be stopped if the glands are overfull.  It is already being squeezed by being overfull.  The solution is obvious.

Otherwise, two primary instincts cause the beginning of the end.  One is simple to understand and control.  That is the effect of the musculoskeletal structure on the pelvic region.  The other is overcome by mastering the pelvic muscles of your body (the muscles in the pelvic region).  It's not difficult to do.  

It was only difficult to unravel from the misunderstandings.  For an animal, it is impossible.  You are not an animal.

The easy one is the musculoskeletal structure of the pelvic region.  There is a desire to immediately plunge as deeply into that heavenly place, as you can.  Save it for the grand finale.  Doing so forces the musculoskeletal structure around the pelvic region into a position to squeeze the glands.  It is best to remain as shallow as possible until you learn what you are doing.  

As you become familiar, you will learn how deep, before the final plunge, is safe.  The woman's stimulation only takes about two inches.  Save the deep plunge for when she is ready.

All of the woman's erotic nerve endings are within two inches or less of the opening, anyways.  The erogenous zone with the most erotic nerve endings is the clitoral nub which is located about half an inch outside of the vagina.  This is critical.  If you do no stimulate this clitoris button, it is unlikely you will be stimulating the woman enough to achieve own orgasm.  More details later.  It depends on how distant the nub is.

The other instinct is more difficult to comprehend and will take some serious effort for the first few that succeed. The muscles in your crotch are rather unique.  

The more I study it, the more convinced I become that within two or three generations, without all of the impediments that are currently thrown into our faces, all the bad habits acquired, the missing knowledge, and the expectation of failure, combined with a growing confidence by the male gender, will make it as easy as learning to ride a bike.  It is just a different effort.

You have to teach yourself to master those muscles and not use them during coitus.  They are not involved in movement in any way and, yet, we flex them anyways because we never realized it triggers ejaculation. It is not difficult. It is just that we never tried before because we always veered away from any thoughts on the matter due to the paralyzing fear of admitting failure.

The muscles in your crotch, your pelvic muscles, will squeeze the sex glands if flexed.  That starts the process.  They don't need to flex.  Those muscles only contract because we never think about it.  We react like an animal without thought.  Animals flex those muscles because they have the wit of, well, an animal.

The pelvic muscles have nothing to do with movement and, yet, during the mindless animal event of coital engagement, they contract and relax because we don't think about it.  Instincts of the animal intervene.  We never trained the muscles to be under our command.  We never realized we didn't need to flex them.

It's easy to prove.  Try moving any part of your body by using only your pelvic muscles.  You can't do it.  They are not attached in that way.  They are not muscles for movement.  That is not their purpose.  They are attached in a way that controls the output of bodily fluids.  In the case of ejaculate, flexing the pelvic muscles, during tumescence (hard-on), will invariably start the process of ejaculation by squeezing the sex glands.

During coitus, you have to learn to move your body without contracting the pelvic muscles.  It's not really a big deal, once you become familiar with the idea.  It's not like trying to master the heart muscles (which also can be done to some extent;  i guess some may even be able to stop their heart completely.  it's just that you never hear about it because they are dead).  

The pelvic muscles are not needed at all during coitus.  It is just a matter of learning to move the body without allowing those muscles to flex.  It may be helpful to use them when the woman says it's time to end it, but I am not at all certain that it will ever be necessary.  A deep dive is the best, most satisfying, and certain trigger.  The positioning of the musculoskeletal structure for the deep dive is a nearly unavoidable trigger, which is why it is so commonly used before it is necessary.

This is why I came up with the phrase early on, "don't twerk or jerk until the lady sings."  It's trite but it gets many points across.  It points out, for instance, the most critical necessary point of control for the pelvic muscles.  The word 'jerk' emphasizes that, when changing directions, especially on the backstroke (when you are withdrawing) it is very easy to let those muscles contract until well-trained.  There is a tendency to jerk.

It is also a combined effort.  In other words, the deeper you go, the easier it is for the pelvic muscles to inadvertently squeeze the sex glands in the crotch because you musculoskeletal structure is already closing on the area to be squeezed.

There is a third effect that needs to be considered but it is just a different part of mastering the muscles, and not nearly as difficult.  That is the erotic sensation.  This is the only way the head of the penis gets involved.  The erotic sensations that blow your mind can trigger a spasming contraction of those muscles.  

In essence, it is no different than the tickling sensation in other parts of your body.   You can master the spasming by exercising those muscles, making them more supple and responsive rather than spasming with no control.  Don't freak out.  It should not take more than a couple of minutes a day to train them, maybe less for someone that matures into his sexuality already knowing what to do.  Those muscles, otherwise, learn spasming best.

Those muscles, essentially, have never been consciously under a man's command or trained to become more supple and responsive.  You can control the muscles reaction to tickling in any part of the body, if necessary.  (i had a cruel older sister. i know).  You can control any tickling sensation.  If anything, it makes the experience enhanced  and more mind-blowing.

The most mind-blowing part, though, is loving a woman right.

Once you master those muscles, some intriguing possibilities begin to present themselves.  As I mentioned, the erotic zones of the woman are all very close to the opening.  The most important, the clitoral nub, is about a half-inch outside and above the vagina.  This nub, or button, has far more erotic nerve endings than even the head of your penis.   

The distance from the vagina opening varies some.  The closer it is to the vagina opening, the easier the woman is stimulated.

Without stimulating this, it is unlikely you will bring the woman to the point of orgasm.   One has to pay attention in order to stroke the nub because of its position.  One has to position oneself in such a way to stroke outside and above the vagina with the shaft of the penis.  Make sure you know if you are stimulating acceptably.  I have often wondered if this is actually the main reason that women take so long to achieve orgasm.

The rest of the clitoral erogenous zone, the clitoral wishbone, surrounds the vagina just inside the walls of its opening.  This is the second most important erotic zone for the woman.  

Stimulating the clitoris nub is mostly about positioning so that the shaft of your penis strokes it.

While it is not a challenge to stroke with the shaft, bringing the head of the penis into contact with the clitoral wishbone is another level of stimulation for the woman.  Do not even attempt it until you have mastered the basics discussed above.

Bang!  You are now human.  You should be able to learn to last as long as she desires.  You can finally feel successful at the most transcendent act of human life.  You can love.

I wish I could be around for the next hundred years or so, as all of this flourishes.  I just know there are mountains more learning that will occur once men's terrible inhibitions, frustrations, and emasculations are shredded as loving coitus truly and finally becomes celebrated as it always should have been and is transformed into a loving art form.

A couple of thoughts about how to make it easier.  One way to avoid the musculoskeletal structure issue is to avoid movement in the pelvic region at all.  As an example, moving the whole body instead prevents any need to twerk even slightly.  Another possibility is to let the woman do all of the movement.  I'm really not sure this is easier but it is something to consider.

I've had many women mention how it is all about the missing affection in men that is the problem.  That is what drives women crazy and away.  What women have never realized is that missing affection stems from this same problem that men have inadvertently buried for more than three millennia.

How can a man not become inhibited in his expression of affection and love as he fails at the most essential act of making love?  How can a man maintain an affectionate demeanor when failing to express it in the most meaningful way in bed?

The man can feel utterly disappointed in the situation, as well as himself, feeling like he has already betrayed the woman he desires to show his love.  Many a man will close up, once his failure to express his love in the most meaningful physical manner begins to sink in.  It sinks in so insidiously many never even become aware of it.  It has been around so long that it is masked in so many ways that no one notices.  It can become a haunting feel that won't go away but, also, won't surface.  

Yes, some overcome the shock.  Some find other ways.  You cannot tell me they are not disappointed all the same.  You cannot tell me the inability to love face to face does not offend.

I'll stress again.  It does not mean coitus has to be the only act of sex ever.  It just cannot remain an outlier.

I mentioned exercises earlier.  It is in some detail below.  There are also plenty of Kegel exercises available on the web.  Just keep in mind that there are two parts to the exercise.  The second will not be mentioned in any reference to Kegel exercises or sexercises.  Neither usually discriminates regarding the pelvic muscles.  The first is to exercise those muscles to make them supple and responsive, under your command.  The second, the one that is easy to miss, is to not flex those now supple muscles while exercising the muscles that are meant for movement in your thighs, torso, etc. in order to become familiar with the separation of efforts.  I also like my exercises better because they only take a couple of minutes. 
 Regarding masturbation (I explain more below) it is crucial that we open our eyes and realize the potential for damage to the act of coitus.  It is another case where men most likely avoid thinking about it, even as they do it.

Do not abuse your member.  That is worse than any other bad habits you can pick up.  On bad habits, do not let the habit of thinking only about your own orgasm during masturbation prevent you from concentrating on the woman's orgasm during the actual event of coitus.  That is what it is all about.

Your main goal has to be the woman's orgasm during coitus.  You orgasm is assured, hers is not.  Habits are hard to break. 

I have left much of my original details below because I am concerned that this is a difficult enough subject as it is.  Reiteration in different words may help.

Original Details

Men have always accepted that starting the process of ejaculation was impossible to avoid.  Because of this misconception, it became a matter of attempting to stop the end result.  Big mistake.  That is far too late.  The train has left the station.  It became something similar to an olympic event in most men's minds.  More strength is not the answer.  More control is.  In fact, using the muscles in the crotch is part of the problem.

The big picture is that the sex glands in the crotch, when squeezed, begin ejaculation. Nothing else. That's it.  

Two instincts trigger the sex glands by squeezing them during tumescence (hard on).  It has been 'a mystery' before now.  So much for that mystery.  Sorry, it still just pisses me off.

Men have only learned to hold on for dear life after the process of ejaculation has already begun.  That assures the two or three minute limit that 'sex studies' always encounter.  A study of the anatomy and the characteristics of the act of coitus is much more enlightening.  There is no limit.  There is no mystery, except the transcendent experience of sharing orgasm.

The unfortunate results of uncontrolled ejaculation ends the act of coitus before it can ever become a loving, thereby, human event that creates the loving environment that is necessary to fulfill our humanity.  Uncontrolled ejaculation is a disaster.  Until we can take command of our muscles, we are not human.

By studying the anatomy in the context of erection, ejaculation as well as some of the odd results of masturbation, it becomes clear.  Squeezing the sex glands in the pubic area (i.e. the crotch, the pelvic region) begins the process of ejaculate discharge.  The crotch muscles and musculoskeletal structure are the cause.

There are two instinctual reactions that cause the witless squeezing of the sex glands in the crotch.  They are nothing more than the instincts of the animals that came before us.  

That knowledge has been shunted aside due to the overwhelming feelings of shame and perplexity of resolution that were first encountered by the first fully aware sentient intellect more than three millennia ago.  Instincts, when the shame is set aside and the intellect finally assesses the real situation, are easily overcome because we are human, thinking creatures.

One of those instincts is as simple to overcome as it is to understand. Men don't twerk until the lady sings. Thrusting the pubic bone (crotch) forward to the furthest extent squeezes the glands decisively (i.e. twerking). The animal's instinct is to immediately plunge as deeply as possible.  Save it for later.

In the case of twerking (undisciplined full forward thrust), the musculoskeletal structure forces the pubic bones into a position that squeezes the sex glands.  It will invariably cause the beginnings of orgasm, and ejaculation in the man's case.

The second instinct is more subtle. The pelvic muscles are not involved and, thereby, not required, during movement.  The pelvic muscles also, when flexed, can squeeze the sex glands.  The pelvic muscles do not need to flex, unless desired, during the movements of sexual activity. When flexed, they squeeze the sex glands.  They have nothing to do with movement.

The other muscles in the thighs, buttocks, back, and torso, etc are the only muscles for movement.  The crotch muscles only flex due to the witless instincts of the animal.  They don't do anything regarding movement.  They are not used for movement, we have just witlessly followed the instincts of an animal.

It is just a matter of realizing this and avoiding using the pelvic muscles for the movements involved in loving coitus.  This is what I term 'jerking'.  It just takes practice.

The two endpoints of the stroke are the most likely to cause those muscles to flex inadvertently, which is where the term jerking originated.  The most difficult of the two to control, is the backstroke, when you are moving out, not in.

It's not so much leaving them lax as not flexing them. Flexing and relaxing those muscles acts like a pump on the glands. The 'tickling' effect on the head of the penis cause the same results through spasming.  Mastery of these muscles is key.

The muscle response (jerking) or deep plunge (twerking) squeezes the glands containing the fluids that begins the cascade to orgasm. Save the deep plunge for the finale, when she is ready. It will always cause ejaculation and orgasm on call within a very short period of time.  You can learn how long, also, with practice.  It can all be under your command.

Don't twerk or jerk until the Lady sings, so to speak.

Holding on for dear life is exactly what a man does not want to do as it amounts to flexing the pelvic muscles!

One additional critical point. If the glands are already overfull, squeezing the glands is unavoidable. The solution is obvious.

Only about two inches is required to stroke the woman's every erotic nerve-ending inside and out, while allowing the head of the penis to remain fully inside the vagina. The shaft itself strokes the most sensitive arousal point (i.e. clitoral nub) that is just outside and above the opening (by ~ one-half inch or less).  The other major erogenous zone for a woman is the clitoral wishbone, much less than two inches inside on both sides

Stroking the clitoral wishbone, just inside the vaginal opening, with the flaring portion of the head will also help stimulate the woman. That may be best saved for after you have learned the basics. The woman's twerking should assist her orgasm in the same way as a man.  The two should discuss what works best.

Think on this. Now, once you both begin to achieve orgasm, you can leave the lights on and look into each other's loving eyes as you each achieve the transcendent state of orgasm.  The only sin and shame to sex is that we have not been able to do this before.  Turning out the lights proves the issue.

Just be careful and go very slow until you understand 1) how deep is safe (it should be far more than an inch or two once you progress in your learnings) and 2) how to avoid contracting (or, worse, spasming) the muscles in the crotch.

An additional technique, if necessary, is to stop all activity at the first sign that you are becoming overstimulated until the sense of overstimulation is gone. It should not be necessary with exercise and practice but may be useful while still learning.

It is a learning process. We are human. That is what we do. That is what we are supposed to do. In the case of coitus, we have avoided the learning process, thus remaining a dumbfounded animal.

These points are straightforward and will become as natural as the instincts and animal responses that they replace within a generation or two of the time that humanity begins to succeed at love in its most essential physical form. Little real learning should be necessary within a generation or two.  It will be absorbed from the confidence of one's elders (which is completely absent today) and, maybe, a few minor insights that will be commonly known, like, "don't twerk, don't jerk, and exercise.  Become familiar with the muscles in the crotch and don't flex them.  Make them supple through exercise."


The exercises are just as crucial for loving coitus in youth as it is for later in life. There are other benefits as you age, like not wearing diapers. The immediate advantages, even in youth, include making it easier to master the muscles and any untoward spasming of the muscles. It will take some slight effort and discipline, as well as exercise (two minutes!), to make them supple and avoid flexing and spasming. Avoiding the deep plunge is just a matter of paying attention.   Now, you will be able to open your eyes to the one you adore while actually loving her in the best way possible.

I spend around two minutes (only two!) exercising those muscles daily, and, also, practicing not flexing them in a separate set of exercises in which I only exercise the muscles that are necessary for movement.

On your back with knees bent and swinging towards each other and away works well. Flex the pelvic muscles as you swing the knees towards each other. Relax the muscles as you swing the knees apart.  Thirty times or approximately thirty seconds.  This will help you become familiar with the muscles and make them supple. Then, hold them flexed for a count of five, six times while swinging the knees in and, then, leaving the loose as the knees move away from each other.  Then, repeat both exercises, but leave the pelvic muscles relaxed in both directions of movement of the knees.  Work only the leg, butt, and hip muscles to become familiar with the pelvic muscles remaining relaxed while the other muscles flex and relax.  This could also be practiced during walking, sitting, or any form of exercise.  Just don't get that far off look in your eyes.  Just kidding, I think.

Another good, errr, non-exercise is standing knee bends without flexing the pelvic muscles.

In essence, you are trying to do two things. Condition the pelvic muscles and become familiar with not using them when it is unnecessary and detrimental to the act of loving coitus.

I really doubt this will be the last written on exercises to make it easier to avoid untimely orgasms.  I have already rewritten this a dozen times as I learned more and more.  I expect there will be much more discovered as we remove the blinders.


Everything I have written has been about removing the stigma from coitus and sex completely.  So, I am not going to avoid discussing self-stimulation as if it didn't ever happen.

Another caution. Self-stimulation (or dress rehearsals, or masturbation, if you prefer) needs to be done carefully for the man. If you abuse your member, it will come back to haunt you. Do not inadvertently do so!  It will make it almost impossible to avoid the beginnings of ejaculation.  There is no reason to abuse your member, if you realize what triggers an orgasm.

This is also one of the key insights that led me through all of this.  During self-stimulation it can be difficult to achieve orgasm.  Obviously, something is different.  At least two things, actually (maybe there are more).  One is that the twerking doesn't usually happen.  Secondly, a person cannot cause their own ticklish, sensual response.  So, the possibility of spasm is reduced.  A person cannot tickle themselves.  I'm guessing we have a lot more to learn in this area.  I learned, in the distant past, to control the ticklish response under the arms for entirely different reasons.  The same applies.  The twinge spasming can be under your command with ease in the case of coitus.  I controlled a far more intense tickling under the arms (which was the reason I had to learnt to do so).

This just adds to the surprise when a young man first experiences coitus.  What could last forever during masturbation can be over in seconds during coitus.  Can you see how this helped me figure out what was going on?  It sure wasn't anything I read on the web that helped.

Abuse, which can happen in attempts to rush to completion, will make the spasm response extremely difficult to overcome.  Do not abuse your member.

Humanity should learn to approach masturbation unabashedly. It is far better than letting the lack of release get under one's skin.  It is best limited to assuring the avoidance of embarrassing situations but, just like our repression of sex, it is, in fact, harmful to act like no one does it or that it is cursed.  I'm not expecting that to change in a hurry.  Once we lose our sense of shame regarding sex, maybe we will have a chance.


Don't let your child (either sex, really) be mutilated by circumcision.  In the U.S., many think it is a Christian tradition.  IT IS NOT A CHRISTIAN TRADITION!!!!  The health aspect is also a crock.  It is sadism.  It leaves mental scars.

There is no rational reason for the mutilation of circumcision (either gender), though there are many irrational, insane reasons.

A circumcised person can still achieve controlled ejaculation but it may be more of a challenge (I was circumcised).  

More importantly, the biggest thing for me is that I am certain it leaves a psychic shock when they slice it away, no matter the anesthetics or sharpness of the scalpel.  There's just no need for it.  It is sick and sadistic.  It is an animal reveling in causing pain.

I would say that, no matter where you are in the world, it would be worth checking before you have a baby.  In many places (the U.S. south), they will slice without asking.


Just remember, you are human. Of course you can control the muscles and your own discharge.  Keep in mind that overfull glands means they will be squeezed and it will be over in a hurry.  How you handle that is up to you. 

Be sure you are familiar with the female anatomy regarding this subject.  More than the anatomy, be familiar with the woman's wants and needs in this area, as well.

Do not become discouraged if it takes a little while to adjust and make things work.  At this point, it is all new. The older you are, the more time should be expected in order to adjust as there are more bad habits necessary to overcome.

I will be surprised if young men have much difficulty at all.

You can now proceed to engage in loving coitus, that is, mutual orgasm, enthusiastically in a human manner while gazing into your lover's eyes with the lights on. Love can finally mature into its sentient form.  We can become human.  Rather than a porn-watching subhuman race that obsesses about sex because it is an animal's failure.   I apologize for concentrating on the men's issues but men have the most to learn, by far.

There is another point that I have not highlighted before.  The closest I came was mentioning that, after men gain their confidence, their self-respect, the rest will come easily.

While that is true, it is not enough, at this point.  During the transition into that state, there are a few things that a man will need to consider.  After we are human, it will be as obvious as the Earth beneath your feet.

Not only does a woman's orgasm take some time but, at least at this point, so does arousal for many women.  I think it is very possible that this, also, will change, once women become convinced that they, also, can expect to achieve orgasm during coitus on a consistent basis and men realize the required nuances.  Their enthusiasm may often even match that of the man.

The point is that, at this time, if a man does not take time, effort, and knowledge achieving the woman's high arousal, before beginning coitus, she may never achieve orgasm.  I would love to see a book by a woman on these matters.  The orientation for a man needs to change radically.  It is not all about him.   It is all about loving and giving, not just pleasing oneself.  That destroys everything that is human in a person.

For women, just make sure you are doing the opposite of what I've recommended for men and you should orgasm easily. Flex and twerk like crazy or as much as he can bear, which should improve over time. Relish the erotic feelings that cause the spasms to engage.  Again, I would dearly love to see a woman write a book on the woman's sexual situation and insights.

I am becoming more and more convinced that, as we open up and become more comfortable with the change and the insights, we will learn a lot more  in every area of our existence.

All of this will become natural once we remove the blinders. We will no longer be cringing in a corner, and we will see further ways in which to improve. I don't mean just the physical aspects.  

This book will become unnecessary soon.  It should become such an easily understood success, once we have rid ourselves of the millennia of nonsense, that reading will not hold much value.

I have always suggested that it will take about three generations, or one hundred years, to become completely adapted from the time it is accepted.  I guess what I mean by 'accepted' is that it has, as Maxwell Gladstone puts it, reached the 'tipping point'.  That enough of humanity has accepted and proved the case, and it begins to move forward with a will.  From that point, three generations, maybe less.

As an example of the other aspects to explore further, I'll mention romance and, of course, foreplay. Those are other natural aspects of being human that have been inhibited by men's inability to love physically, just like the inhibited affection.  I'll just say that romance should span a lifetime, not just long enough to get  woman bedded, as is often the case today.  This will happen naturally as men learn how to love.

Once our natural desire to love is established and reinforced by men gaining confidence that they can love, the rest of our loving nature will flourish.  This goes well beyond the intimate relationship, as well.  Humanity can become a balanced, emotionally stable, rational loving race of sentient beings without the mindless paranoia, hopelessness, and despair.

A few further notes as I progress even further. First of all, after six books I am annoyed to find that the excellent term that I had created, indefinitely delayed ejaculation, 1) is not unique, and 2) has been already adopted to cover the case of the poor man that can't ever ejaculate or, goodness forbid, might last long enough to pleasure his woman with orgasm.

Secondly, there is a lot better term: controlled ejaculation or ejaculation on command.  I don't really care.  Just need a term.

I haven't even touched on any of the subjects besides men lasting long enough that are crucial to making love.  The rest of it will come easily, once men are certain that they don't need to fail at the most essential task: lasting long enough.

The rest is easy, if you consider it at all, but still worth noting.  The emotional loving, the affectionate responses and attitudes; the romance, the foreplay, the loving attitude, the gentle, equitable treatment of women, true equality that is celebrated, not legislated, the rainbow loving of women that has been lacking, all falls right out of what I have been explaining.  Once men put their shame behind them.

Also, remember, it is the woman that gets pregnant, not you.  So, if coitus is off the table, for any reason, deal with it.  If you care for her enough, you'll stick around.  Find some other way in which to achieve mutual orgasm.  That is the whole point.  The inability of men to overcome the coital failure is what it is all about.  Not the actual act itself.  If men can, that's all that counts.

Admissions and extensions

 In the meantime, though, as we seek our way, it is at least worth mentioning a few key points and new ... I'd call them insights but a better term would be investigations.  They are not proven.  I am way too old to confirm any more insights.

Everything above in this chapter has been proved to my own satisfaction.  It was more difficult than most any man should encounter from this point forward.  That is the point in explaining all of this.  The effort is not difficult, just overcoming the brainwashing and avoidance of the issue was difficult.

In a number of ways, it was more difficult for me.  I had no template.  I was encumbered by all of the lies, misdirections, and utter suppression of the subject that have burdened mankind for millennia.  I understand the fury that percolated within me for that last twelve years and is evident in my previous books.  It was necessary in order to break through all of the nonsense.  It was like a fire burning all of the lies, delusions, and paradigms.  

I have now provided a basic template to move forward and avoid the pitfalls that I encountered over a lifetime before I realized it was a sham almost too late in life.

I realize this does not prove the case for all men.  That will take some time and effort by others to show that it is not an isolated case and expand on the basic template that I have provided.  I just want to emphasize that I am no one special when it comes to making loving coitus.  In fact, there were multiple additional handicaps to my situation.

Everything I have to add, from this point forward, regarding improving men's performance has no proof to speak of, other than I have spent the last dozen years pondering it all and linking many, many obscure dots.  

These insights came far too late for me to prove them out with any level of certainty.  I have no proof they help but they are reasonable considerations and extrapolations from previous insights that did work. Some, points below, are just clarifications.

Humanity never stops improving on anything that it (finally) takes seriously instead of hiding away in a corner somewhere.  

Loving coitus will become far more than the clinical analysis that I have had to provide.  It will become loving art.  It will expand the art of loving into something more human, once the unnecessary fear and shame are put away.  It is far more natural than riding a bike.  More like learning to communicate.

None of this I explain will be necessary at all as men begin to gain confidence in their ability to love.  

It's just that hangover from delusion for three millennia that continues to concern me.  The more thorough the explanation, the easier it may be for men to get over the hurdle of fear that prevented the human race from loving fully.

On the topic of exercise, I want to stress not to follow any rule book, including mine.  Actually, that goes for everything.  Rule books are for animals.  Start with my suggestions but find what works best for you.  I would be shocked in the extreme if people don't find even better ways to strengthen and train those muscles and make it all even easier.  If they are sentient, they should certainly be looking for better alternatives or, at least, ones that suit them better.  We think.  That's what we do.

I lost along the way through the many books one interesting technique that can be used while learning to master one's body. Moving the whole body, rather than flexing the hips in any way, or not moving any portion of the man's body are two ways to avoid squeezing those glands.  I'll leave it for your exploration.

Sometimes I think of it like this door that men have always considered locked against them.  Now, as we push gently against it, we find it is wide open.  Quit letting the fears that your ancient ancestors handed down prevent you from realizing you are a human. You can love a woman the way you have always desired.

One of the most crucial points that I cannot emphasize enough is that it is about a man changing his focus and, thereby, his behaviour from that of an animal to that of a human.  That is the real point of all of this.  Men's humanity has been hampered.

The laser focus for every man needs to become that it is about sharing the love in its physical form.  All of the myriad forms of love can flourish from that point forward.

This is where the discussion becomes more speculative.  As I mentioned with twerking, it is the whole musculoskeletal structure that kicks in to squeeze those glands in your crotch during tumescence.  There may be other ways the musculoskeletal structure can be persuaded to avoid pressure on those glands.  Just a crazy idea.

Men often have a tendency to point their feet at an angle with the toes away from each other.  I think there is a distinct possibility that one's toes being closer together than one's heels or, at least, parallel might very well cause the musculoskeletal structure to become less prone to squeezing the sex glands.  It seems like it may make more room for the glands.

More so, as I studied it further, it strengthens the muscles on the inside of the thigh if one walks with the toes pointed slightly inward.  I don't know but I am hoping someone will try.

I have another exercise that I do.  It is bending at the hips while standing with the legs and back straight.  When doing the exercise with the toes closer together than the heels, I can feel those back, inner thigh muscles stretching.  I am beginning to believe it is possible that these muscles also need to be strengthened in order to make it easier to avoid using the crotch muscles during coitus.  Just a theory.  Errr, hypothesis.

This, by the way, is a perfect example of where my age limits me.  Make no mistake, as you age, your bones harden.  That not only made this study a challenge.  It made it painful.  To the point I had to quit the investigation.

A final note as I look at men attempting to love a woman.  Another key aspect that may always cause the woman to take so long to achieve orgasm is the location of the clitoris nub.  Unless it is extremely close to the vagina opening, it may very well be that many men never stroke it during coitus.

(yes, i realize I am repeating myself.  i'm not that old!)

So, not only is it a matter of men lasting long enough but, maybe just as importantly, that they do not realize how to stimulate the woman to orgasm.  In other words, the combination should knock everyone's socks off.

Addendum (as expected)

There's more.  This will only be available in Crisis of Identity because I don't feel like going back and updating the previous books.  Any full chapter on Details (Ten, Millennium, Human and, maybe, one or two others)  have the previous chapter in full.  This addition will only be here.

As expected, we probably have a lot more to learn but the simple answer is that men need to learn to control their bodies.  It's not about strength, though it is about stamina.  It is really about humans learning to control the muscles that have, so far, been under control of instincts.  Instinct that witless animals had to accept.  We are not animals.

So, the main insight that I have to add is that the muscles involved in sex start under the pelvic bone and extend from the anus to the point that the penis begins to extends from the body.  Full control of these and the male gender will become wondrous and human.

There's more little bits and pieces but I'm not sure they are worth adding.

Addendum II

Since I have no idea what is holding men back, I have to question everything.  

One concern is that some men might fear that controlling the urge is the same as dampening the urge which would lead to the fear that the climax might never arrive.

No worries, there's always the emergency switch of the deep dive.  Oh, you know you want to anyways.  Just put it off a little while and watch the woman's face light up.

Tell me another position or scheme in which you can see you lover's face, body to body, face to face so that you can watch each other's face's alight.

I just have to shake my head when I think of those guys that think they've done it all when they last two minutes.  Really?

Gaia,                  Or No Filter

Second nested book

The book of Gaia

I am so relieved.  As I attempt to proofread my own manuscript (harder than you might think), I found it fairly error free and more coherent than my usual first attempt.  So, I am probably not going to do a lot less proofreading.  Sorry if I am wrong.  

But, not that sorry.  This is not nearly as important as the earlier writings in this book.  It is just the extension of the thoughts into the future.  They may or may not apply but I think the insights are worth perusal.

I, whickwithy, thinking I'm of sound mind, offer this book to you.  I have to put that sentence because I am getting old enough to trust that there is a very good chance I won't know if I go off my rocker.

Previous books are a different matter (including Crisis of Identity and Details contained herein).  I was delving into humanity and all of the complexity that has smoke-screened the real problem that causes all of the other problems.  I am aghast to find that humanity has not been able to see the truth.  

I think I finally understand the resistance to becoming human thoroughly.  Our current existence is based on paradigms of nonsense.  We are inundated with these nonsensical paradigms every day and never even realize it.  We are flooded with them.  We grow up with them surrounding us.  They are not sentient and there are so many of them that they are like scatter shot.  We are blasted away because we can't face one curious incongruity of our animal predecessor's past.

I hope that young men, at least, will finally take the situation seriously and break the barrier that their spineless predecessors could never find the fortitude to confront.  I feel qualified to call them spineless.  I spent a lifetime getting to the bottom of the fiasco because they have been spineless.

The paradigms of nonsense are so vast!  Most can't even get a good start on stamping them down.  I had to spend a lifetime considering them all, while never participating in any, in order to counter them.  

I have written all of these books so you do not need to do so.

So, this is the reason everyone, men and women, will freak out whenever confronted with something that shakes the very unstable foundation of their existence.  Discussions of coitus always pokes holes in the whole facade, taken in its current context, that it is just something that some people do to make babies that has nothing to do with love.  Of course, keep in mind that there are no discussions of coitus.

If something pokes vast holes in the nonsense that we follow without question, even if it makes sense, it is very disorienting.  As I never oriented on anything, since deep down, I never trusted anything that I was told, I made it through life unscathed by the many lies accepted without question.

It wasn't fun confronting that which men quiver and quake to avoid facing.  But, it had to be done.  Someone had to see past the mountains of nonsense that we have created over the last three millennia.  I sacrificed my life (don't even think that was a heroic effort) to dig into the evidence and logic at an exceptionally intense level for fifteen years and as a casual effort for forty years before that while clocking through what is suggested to be a human existence.  

It was required to breach the walls of nonsense that the male gender has thrown up to defend their fortress of solitude, barren of emotions, most importantly love.  What makes it all so weird is that all I saw was a constant barrage of nonsense that added up to less than zero.  How did I avoid adopting all of the nonsense that we currently consider 'human'?

I'll reiterate that I despise the phrase "we are only human".  It makes my skin crawl.  Do you see anything that supersedes us?  Don't give me that stupid gods.  That is a prop meant for children to scare them in their beds.  I'm up to here with almost all of it.  All I see is a bunch of mucks saying, "we are only human" and that their gods are going to make it all work so very well.  Yeah, like that has ever, ever worked.  Unless you include after death, which is such a sham as to appall.  "Just wait to die!  Look forward to death!  It is your release and salvation!"  How sick is that?!?!

While I know that some women will claim that their husbands are loving and I'm sure there are some.  That's not the point.  The best of men are not equivalent in their humanity to the best of women.  Even those that make some attempt at love.

All because they have never learned to engage in love in the manner in which any human can express it and absolutely expects it: coitus.  That goes for both genders.  As sentient beings, we expect loving coitus.  As animals on the run, we say it is foolishness.

With both genders, the best of current humans could be superseded by a truly sentient human descendant soonest.  In less than one century, a descendant un-inundated by an endless barrages of nonsense could be the norm.  They will be human.

It is a difference that will make the Neanderthals and Modern Humans look like kissing cousins.  

It will not happen until men face that which makes them quiver and quake in their very souls.  

Today, ludicrously, many men are labeled 'gay' because they are sensitive.  

Let me explain.  Sensitivity is called being human.  Not female, not male, not feminine or masculine.  It is human to be sensitive.  There is no excuse for the insensitivity that exists in some men or, rather, prehuman males.  It has all been built on the uneasy foundation of an animal's view amidst human potential.

And, yet, we buy into it every single day.  Right now, the poor males that boldly and bravely present a sensitive human exterior to the public are scorned.  Whether any male decides they are gay, it does not equate with being sensitive, though sensitivity may drive them to gaydom in the absence of loving coitus.  I am not saying that gaydom will disappear once loving coitus is available.  I am only saying it is one reason the some men decide on gaydom.  It is only that many of the most sensitive males bail on the whole fiasco of the male deception in so many ways.  That's not really a solution.  It may be a solution for some men but many very sensitive men just flat out love women and ache to do it right.

It is all nipped in the bud by every male that hits the pavement unprepared for the ramifications of puberty, which is all of them today.  Instead, every one enters a befuddled state on their own.  No one wants to discuss coitus.

You will find a smattering of the subject that has rendered our instability in here.  I can't help but try to explain it in a way that humans can finally accept.  We really need to learn to love in its full regalia.  Most of the thoughts on that are in the nested book within named Crisis of Identity.   Keep in mind that there are fourteen books in all that cover the subject.  There is a lot of repetitiveness.  It couldn't be helped.  Each one helps build a picture of the last three millennia.

I hope some few young men will be bold enough to take this into serious consideration before their lives are lost, like mine was.  The way things are going, it may be a lot more than that which is lost if we don't wake up to reality in every way soon.  It's time for men to make a true representation of masculinity, not just some toxic mockery of masculinity or some milk toast version or nerdy or ....

Every single one of those caricatures of masculinity fall far short of the human version of masculinity.

It's not like every single man has to indulge in the most loving act.  But, it is the case that every single man needs to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he can, if the situation arises, his interest is roused, and the woman is interested.  In that knowledge, that loving coitus is a possibility for all men, the male gender becomes something more.  He finally becomes master of his body in all ways and the male gender attains its humanity.  He finally puts away all of the quivers and quakes that have plagued him for millennia.

I worry sometimes that some particularly vituperative woman might say, "oh, great!  men with more confidence!"  I say to you, madame, that right now they have no confidence at all.  It is all a show, compensation.  It is a pose.  Until men quit posing, all of humanity is posturing.


I am becoming convinced that Gaia and Nature are one and the same.  Gaia is a much better description of Nature.  Just as the Trajectory of Life describes the process of evolution better than Darwin's proposal.  While the theory of evolution accounts for the changes up through the animal, it does not takes into account human life and conscious evolution.  Human evolution is far different than any form of evolution ever witnessed before humanity (and, really, we have yet to witness it).  Our evolution is no longer based on genetics alone (though it has been, so far).  Sentient consciousness has to be taken into consideration.

Nature, by everything I can surmise, has an intent.  I don't know any other way to describe it.  Evolution gets us as far as survival of the fittest.  Trajectory of Live, once loving coitus is attained and love prevails, takes us beyond the assumptions of the brute.  The phrase I've used before is that the Trajectory of Life has a particular vector.  Some call it love.  I'm a little suspicious of that word and, also, its scope.  It has the right ring but it's not a full note.  Worse yet, there are too many inappropriate connotations attached to the word.  We have yet to experience the full panoply of love.  Maybe we will do better once we comprehend the full meaning of the word love.  I still don't think it can encompass the trajectory entirely.

Just as Newtonian physics was superseded by Einsteinian physics,  the Trajectory of Life theory builds on the evolutionary theory.  It becomes necessary when considering humanity.  Genetics doesn't begin to cover how the human race can evolve.  Survival and success of the race, rather than the individual, will finally come into play.  Just like Gaia, it is not about the individual considering only the individual and, maybe, to a slight extent its tribe.  In the case of Gaia, it is not about considering an individual species.  It is about life.  In the case of the Human branch of the trajectory of life, it is about the human race.  

Our evolution takes on new forms irregardless of genetic mutation.  Also, evolution says it's all willy-nilly.  I am beginning suspect that is not true.  There is intent and it goes far, far beyond survival of the fittest.  

That intent has been present all along.  Gaia has life going somewhere.  Love does not seem enough to cover it.  Gaia's intent seems more like the development of a race that can comprehend existence in its entirety, but even that may describe the situation poorly.  If one only took a purely genetic evolution into account, it would be easy to say that the vector is increased complexity.  When considering the Trajectory of Life, that doesn't begin to describe where Life/Nature/Gaia is leading.

I know.  It's a really bold statement and I will not be validating it in this lifetime, I'm sure.  But, in my bones, I feel it is true.  I doubt I'll get to explaining it well enough in this lifetime to even confirm it in my own mind.  

From there, it gets complicated.  Take the following with a grand scope of skepticism.  If anything, it is a good indication of how far I explore without worrying that it is all a crock.  It may be, but that's not a good reason to stop short on the exploration.  Even in failure, one learns.

I have a hard time believing that the intent I mention could have initiated anywhere after this universe was created.  It is one and the same as the creation of this universe.

At first, I tried to conceive of a point in time on the evolutionary curve at which the Trajectory of Life began.  That didn't make any sense, so I looked further.  

You don't get to the incredible state of sentience without an evolutionary path that we have acknowledged for decades and has been followed for billions of years.  Everything in this universe led up to life itself beginning.  So, that seems to indicate that the whole damned universe was meant to create life and, then, sentience, which means the very creation of the universe was meant to create life.  No gods required.  At least, no feeble gods as those envisioned by humanity.  Could it be just luck of the draw?  That there are infinite universes and this is the only one (or one of a limited number) in which life developed?  Absolutely.  That just pushes the quandary back a step.

The only factor that has changed is there is now available on Earth (who knows about other locations in the universe) a race that has achieved enough sentient awareness to recognize that the Trajectory that led to sentience is way too uncanny to be willy-nilly as we begin to move along that new human vector soon (I hope).

I don't need to proclaim a god in order to proclaim a universe that has intent.  That the intent seems to precede the creation of the universe doesn't change that.  It just puts it out of reach of a sentient being at the very apex of the state of sentience on the planet Earth to define.  It also makes it superfluous to do so.

I carefully worded the previous paragraph to indicate that the existence of a creature in this universe that can surmise what created this universe is not ruled out.  If they do, if they can, it won't look like anything that humanity has cooked up.  I would have to guess that it will take another step along the Trajectory after a sentient race has learned to love and accepts their sentient state in toto.  I'm make a guess here, as well.  While curiosity drives a sentient race. once we achieve our unfettered sentient state, the where and why for of existence is not going to be the most important topic.

There's something else that I don't quite know where to put it. so I will put it under Gaia.  Okay, now, two things.  It just hit me that everything I write is for myself.  I write in order to clear the thoughts.  I put them down on paper for further inspection.  As I get better at writing and more sure I know what I'm talking about, I find it not as important to review what I have written.  I'm not sure that's a good thing.

It's sort of like when I was writing the previous books.  I found some of the statements (besides all of the misspells and mistypes) not stated as well as they should have been.  So, I would be careful with anything you read here.  There are a lot of new and unsubstantiated thoughts floating around in here, the book of Gaia.  None of it may be credible.

Anything that I release to the public, I feel an obligation to reread, almost ad nauseam.  That is true of this, as well.  The primary difference being that I'm willing to put inconclusive thoughts regarding our future sentient state in this single book in the hope that it may help if we finally become unfettered.

But, what I really came want to discuss, this time, is interaction.  

I had to isolate myself for fifteen years in order to clear my head of all of the b.s. we are fed throughout our lifetime as if it were reality.  

The unsuitable and undesired isolation that I had to endure for fifteen years taught me to sense the importance of interaction to a very deep degree.  I can't quite put my finger on it but it is something more than we suspect.  A huge part of it is the physical interaction and that, of course, culminates most often in coitus, where love, in its most essential form, should exist.

That is where the secret of love lies.  I also believe we can't climb that mountain without the transformative, intimate physical interaction of two as the most natural state of humanity.

You see?  This is where I run into so many difficulties.  I have to constantly clarify carefully because of prehuman sentiments, delusions, and biases.  People can be stultified when the road they chose through life, due to the prehuman circumstances, is questioned.  They feel threatened.  That is one I don't care to clarify.

One critical clarification is that I am now certain there is something beyond children that is fulfilling in itself about coitus.  That is what I was saying earlier.  My journey is conclusive on that point.  I don't care much for any of the alternatives that the human uses as a substitute.  They are not fully and exclusively human.  I'm sure there may be times when they make sense for some, even in a human reality/condition/society/existence.  Coitus being excluded from fulfillment leads to the mess we have had on our hands for three millennia.

The alternatives will never make sense for me or I never would have bothered chasing the dream.  Interestingly enough, the only circumstance that would lead to the use of an alternative is love.  It is almost like a throttle and brakes for mistaking lust for love.  In other words, deep inside each of us is a desire to fulfill our lover in a physical sense.

From coitus to Gaia

I am so happy.  I'm right about reality.  I am now certain I am right about life.  Human life in particular, but it's more than that.  As I delved, I came up with the term Trajectory of Life.  That may be my most advanced (and unvalidated) discovery yet and leads to a lot more.

My twelve books were not in vain.  They may not lead humanity to its sanity but it's all there if the human race desires.  I might not have been as eloquent in the books as I would desire, but it's all there.

Gaia intro

Gaia is a new subject that I'm liking a lot.  This chapter is not about Gaia directly, but it is all intertwined between Gaia, love, coitus and humanity.  

Considering that my main intent in exploring Gaia is to attempt to describe the human state that does not yet exist, I am toying with how to organize the wide variety of insights it has developed.

Pak Protector

There is a question that is becoming more insistent day to day.  How long can exercise, nutrition, and mental force compensate for my age.  It may not be much longer.  Radon, you see.

The prehuman state

The reason it took me twelve books to describe the prehuman state is that it is all over the map.  Some women come close to the ideal.  Some men are so close to the ideal of a beast as to make no never mind.  And, everything in between.  It clouds the issue.  There are more beasts than near humans, since the beast's perspective has been accepted all along.

  We are still surrounded by the prehuman accepted perspective of existence, which is closer to an animal's than a sentient being.

I sure hope someone in the future in which we attain our humanity in full takes up my efforts to explain this conundrum.  I feel there is an indefinite period in which it can be done because prehumanity has done a great job of documenting it's idiocy.

It is also why it has been so difficult for me to explain in the midst of a prehuman existence.  Which is the reason that I hope some human takes it up.  I would be so thrilled if they said, "you did as well as possible." and not just, "you did as well as was possible under the prehuman circumstances".


I think there is something I am missing and I can't quite put a finger on it.  I have these ideas for decades that I follow stubbornly or keep handy, like this book that I read quite a while ago.  There was one aspect of the woman author's thought that stuck.  It was the idea of a society that speaks, in a limited way, in poetic form.   The concept was embellished in a movie  I watched lately.   It was a race in which song was a language and  to speak otherwise was a  foreign  language (The Marvels?).

I have continued to try to make it fit.  Until today, I could never convince myself it was viable.  In the light of the thoughts today, I think it does.  

So, why did I hang on to ideas for so long?  There are a number of them surfacing today.

I'm missing something.  It has to do with connecting dots and certain thoughts lingering around.  Is it that I have a lot of ideas lingering around (yes) and, trying to fit them into the web of a human state of existence, I just have to retain a lot of ideas simultaneously to make any progress.  Some of them work out and some of them just drift away.

This particular idea of song or poetry as a form of language that everyone uses is, of course, because I have found rhyming and meter such a powerful tool for freeing my mind from paradigms of nonsense.

Double entendres

I just love my double entendres.  It's connected with my fascination with poetry that is rhyming and rhythmic (i call it rhoetry to distinguish between 'free verse' and what I consider poetry).  It's something about the ability and need to look around corners, or look left while gazing right, that the mind struggling to create rhyme and meter produces.  Somehow, I have found that it clears away the paradigms of nonsense or, maybe, sorts all paradigms for their worthiness.  It has been central to my ability to see through all of the paradigms of nonsense (bullshit, if that seems too complicated for you) that we live by.

Anyways, this one really caught me.  I was selecting the desktop images that I was interested in at the moment and thought, I will gather all of 'the serious scenery ones'.  It's not really the name of the folder but, at the moment, it seemed to fit.

When I first thought of that phrase to describe it, I was thinking in terms of images for serious thought but, once I clicked on that desktop, I realized it was also serious scenery of a sort.  Much of the scenery has lots of fog, which may correlate with the feeling of the state of mind that I enter in order to contemplate the utterly serious stupour.  Or, maybe, it correlates to the stupour itself.  And lots of mountains ... to climb?

Speaking of serious

I guess I am attempting to create a template for what humanity's workings should look like.  Of course, it will only happen once we achieve our humanity.  And, I distrust future-think to a high degree.  It may indicate or it may mislead.  Kinda like paradigms of nonsense.  That is, if you take them as paradigms at all.  That is not my intent.  My intent to to make it available to humans that can discern for themselves.

Better yet, of course, in the workings of a truly sentient humanity, the irrational desire to hate will be gone thus, the problem is gone.

What the internet really should be is a forum in which to discuss the issues that face humanity in a rational, stable emotional manner.

Do you see why it can't happen until we become human?  Stable emotions.  They don't exist.  I'm not talking about Mr. Spock.  I am not talking about an emotion-free automaton.  We have enough of those, trained into it by the paradigms of nonsense and the crippling effect of coitus without love.  They are called sociopaths and there are plenty around.  I am talking about emotions that only get riled by nonsense and the current awful state of love.

Do you see why emotions rage today?  It's twofold.  There is, first, the developed unstable emotional state of one half of the population.  Secondly, it is the nonsense that the same half of the human race generates.

It would be handled with ease by a mature sentient race since hate would be all but absent (maybe entirely; that would be my expectation).  

A sentient race that is, at least, attempting to attain its maturity, would have little need for hate in any form.  Of course, the online hate is only a snowflake on top of the glacier that is misogyny that continues to morph around the failure that causes it to exist.  Another reason why we must attain our love before we will ever fulfill our sentient state.


What distresses me is that I have no doubt that the picture (of prehumanity or our future humanity) cannot become clear until both genders become involved in studying it. 

It just makes sense.  It is what this is all about.  The two genders working together to fulfill the dreams of a human race.  Is there any real need for me to explain that the two genders are currently working at cross-purposes?

Those interactions

Another thing I've tried to understand is how the interactions between men and women will change as we find our sanity.  Some are obvious.  It begins with equality and equitable treatment.  It's the more subtle interactions I am trying to suss out.  If divorces don't drop to zero (or near),  I will be shocked.  Whether that is because there are so few people that bother with the ritual or marriage has a renaissance, I couldn't even suggest.  Whether people take their time to accept a mate, also, I can't suggest.  Either way, if there are interim engagements, they will be rational and emotionally copacetic.

I believe most people will find a lifelong partner that actually lasts a lifetime.  It just makes sense, right?  Someone with whom to share a whole lifetime.  It just makes life better if it can be shared in full (double entendres all over the place).  My only question is how many relationships will a person go through before finding such?  I estimate it will be very few.

 I guess the biggest question mark I have is what will true equality of genders look like?  Just as all of our problems start in the home, so will equality.  

Completely equal intimate relationships are more difficult to imagine than seems reasonable.  It's just that it is so new, without a few actual examples in place, it is difficult to envision.

You may say you know one.  I say you don't.  You have encountered a relationship that has survived in the midst of misogyny.  That is a far different situation.  Even if the couple bends over backwards to avoid any trace of it, it still seeps in.

Kinda reminds me of the comment I heard about television at about the time tv was first introduced.  Who is this stranger you let into your lives?


You will find, if you read through everything I have ever written, that I extremely rarely address minutiae.  The superficial events that clutter our minds are such a snarly mess that there is no point in even considering them except to reject them as having nothing to do with a human, sentient life.

I studied organizations from corporations to religions to culture and civilizations.  It's all the same snarly mess.  Everyone is pointing a finger at some foolish subset when, in actuality, it is an undermining aspect of our present condition that throws it all awry.  In other words, while you are looking for someone else to blame, you would need to spread that blame over every single prehuman.  No one has broken the code of our humanity (until me - at least to some extent) and until a few prehumans become human, you are all to blame.  

Why worry about why this corporation is a dick and this one is just the usual disaster?  It's not the corp that is the problem.  It's the people.  Nothing else.

Change the people into humans and all of the annoyance retreats into background status, if not dwindling away to nothing.

Last minute thoughts

I am just beginning to sense something I've chosen to call human instincts, for lack of a better word.  It's like a sixth sense but not in any hokey way.  It is more a sense of what is right.

I feel like it has something to do with the same sense that led to the concepts of our latent noble attributes, like honour, etc.

How did we even conceive of those traits for humanity that are so clearly lacking in the race?  

I'm still missing something.

Loving coitus and transition

Men jump into bed when they find someone that will satisfy their natural, maddening urge for sexual release.  Whereas it should be that they fulfill that maddening urge while providing the same experience of sexual fulfillment for the woman.  

In that transformation, we become human.

It will change the image radically.  You see? Another example of the spiral I so often follow in order to address every delusional piece of nonsense that we have concocted, especially the closer it comes to discussion of coitus.

Men should not be so damned desperate to engage in sex that they fulfill the lust while leaving the physical component of that loving behind for the woman.  That makes sex nothing more than  an animal pursuit of lust.

Forget all of the many, many alternatives to loving coitus in which humanity engages.  Just concentrate on the many that are heterosexual and completely focused on coitus only for the moment.  These heterosexuals will only entertain coitus as an act of sex.  In that case, the act that can be loving becomes an act instigated only for themselves.  It is not a matter of whether they approve of other forms of sex for others (they don't, since it exposes their failure).  

The most important point is that their enactment of coitus should not be found wanting.  And, yet, it is.  That is the primary reason (i am not saying it is the only reason) for so many other forms of sex.  It is also why those that engage only in coitus' failure to fulfill its human expectations (by both genders) hate other forms of sex.  If they have to suffer, why shouldn't others?

Let me clarify the phrase, "by both genders".  It is not only the woman that is disturbed by the lack of a mutually successful conclusion to coitus.  The man is just as disturbed.

It isn't about whether the alternatives are not human.  They are.  It is the absence of loving coitus that counts.  It is the fact that loving coitus is the only form of sex that is uniquely human.  Nothing else.  The answer is that coitus is not yet human and there is no reason unassisted, loving coitus is not the norm other than the historical inertia of nonsense that we have all swallowed for more than three millennia.

The absence of loving coitus causes discord.

That physical interaction that leads to the mutual sexual fulfillment, that sharing of the physical component of love initiates love.  Like a catalyst it ignites love.  It's a disaster that coitus does not yet do so.

Another further complexity to be addressed.  I don't know that coitus-bound couples will stay bound.  That is not the point either.  The point is that the current couples that engage in coitus don't just dissolve their bounds.  There is very often a stench of animosity and discord left.  That animosity, if you look closely enough, always goes back to the sex.  There are so many suggested reasons for the breaking of the supposedly loving bond.  In actuality, there is one that supersedes all other considerations, lack of love.

And, another clarification is required to overcome prejudice.  I have written this one, often, in the books.  It does not mean that everyone will be given the chance to love someone of the opposite gender.  That is okay.  Some just may never find someone (of either gender) for countless other reasons.  It is not the individual consummation of love that makes the human race human.  It is the prospect of love being present and common for the race itself.  

That makes the human race human.  If a human cannot envision the prospect of love (or a fulfilling loving relationship, if you prefer), they cannot conceive of love.  We, as yet, have no real grasp of what love is.  It is far more than the usual fare.  This one always seems nearly impossible for me to state clearly, which means I have more work to do to clarify the thought.

Think about the progress through life of most without the blinders and you will see it.  Almost everyone settles for less than they expected in their youth when it comes to sex and relationships.

Back to Gaia (this is days later, so I'm just guessing I wandered), Nature supplied us in every way to succeed at sentience (and coitus, never forget coitus).  I'll just give one slight example, since I'm afraid the example I'd like to use might prejudice you.  I found a natural organic substance that decimates cancer (or carcinoma, to get particular - it may be all cancers since i am the perfect candidate for more cancer; the study just shows that it eliminates carcinoma; no, that wasn't enough to convince me; the total remission of stage four lung cancer did).  There are a couple others that are just as meaningful and make me say that Nature is perfect.  It's still a messy process that evolution explains pretty well.

I have to add somewhere that it will never be without pain.  I keep emphasizing that I am not talking about utopia.  We live in a real, physical world (as far as we can tell).  There will alway be pain.  It's part of this universe.  One should just do their best to avoid stupidity.  We bash around in our youth so much (especially male children).  It is easy to shrug off in your youth.  Just take my word for it, it will bite you as you age.  I know better than most.  I did a lot of damage to my body (and my heart, for that matter) by thinking I was bulletproof.

I think I've run across the factor that makes us human.  Or, at least, the factor that tells us we are human - which brings up another point: we are naturally human. we just have to realize it.  it is not a matter of becoming human.  it is more a matter of realizing the faults that personify the human from the animal.  once we can overcome those faults, we become human.  for the male, there is a blockage.  there is an animal characteristic that men have chosen to ignore.  because they chose to ignore it, it remains.  the male human remains more animal than human.  All because a human male just needs to learn control of itself.  In order to fulfill the cycle of love, in order to rid ourselves of the bane of the animal, we must first learn that it is not control of everything else in the universe that we are attempting to control.  It is control of oneself.  Men's emotional state is unstable because they cannot control one aspect of the physical nature and, thus, they cannot, today, consistently love a woman.  That is part of our sentient nature and we will not be fully sentient until we see that.  Sentience is all about awareness.  We have been trying to avoid that awareness and blame it on anything else we could think of because coitus is essential to our existence.  in desperation, we have even substituted other sexual rituals (positions and partners, for instance) to bring the physical aspect to its mutual climax.  That still leaves the emotional aspect in upheaval for those that engage in coitus, for whatever reason.  one could say that, since it is the only way in which we procreate, most do it out of 'habit'.  for me, loving coitus is clearly the only act of sex that is human, since it is the only act of sex that only a human pair can enact.  i stress the words loving and human.  only a human can conceive of the woman experiencing the same utter transformation of orgasm.  only a human can love.  as far as the act goes, no other species can perform sex face-to-face.  I find the derogatory phrase, missionary position, as offensive but, also, very telling.  even when we try to bad-mouth it, we use a spiritual reference.  the animal wishes to perceive it in a derogatory manner because they cannot perform it in the way that they desire.

A human can.

Describing humanity

I have started to play around with what I think can be considered evidence of our transition into humans.

The one that stands out to me is catch-phrases.  Currently, our minds are so lazy as to want to use a catch phrase that is common.  'Damn straight' comes to mind.  It's like a shorthand (it's actually a paradigm).

I think and, believe me, I could be far wrong, that a human will want its own catch-phrases.

Everything you do, everything you express, will feel more personal.  You will want to express yourself, not just hide within the crowd.


I so wish I could make that damned lion smile!

My latest prediction is that the awe I have for one woman will become the awe that the human race develops for all of womankind, Nature, Gaia, Serendipity, and existence.

My only allegiance is to humanity.