I hope someone has the sense to make a copy of these posts.

Monday, February 24, 2025


  This belongs here as the conclusion to all of the questions I asked.


Speaking of incantations, oracles, serenity, and love...

The eyes through the heart

On the way to the soul

The life to restart

From mere pieces to whole

Speaks of the relative meanings of things

In utter frustration, I lost all the world

Impatient to sense all the loving unfurled

The dimwitted fear of the loving-less beast

All due to the fear that they can't make the feast

So, on I continue, still frustrations roam

To skip to the time when the heart knows its home

The loving begins with the tug on heartstrings

Awaiting the day, if it's only to feel

Explosion of loving, at last, become real

In the next lifetime the love will anneal;

Substantial as heart, to the loving I kneel

Impatiently waiting for all to wake up

To fill all of life from a lovingly cup

The human complete with the craft and the style

Of the love that transcends all the heart all the while

In glancing denials as we peer through the fog

Putting on airs of Pavlovian Dog

What's wrong with this picture that's glued to the screen

The love interrupted, the bout intervened

The loving corrupted with men in denial

The passion disrupted, the loving on trial

No pill is required, only sentience graced

With loving transformed and the hating erased

The frustration holds and impatience resounds

To think it requiring another full round

Another full lifetime for love to be found

The proof of the case is, in fact, all around

The fear of the failure has held us all bound

Sweep aside the conflicts and excuses

They're on the train that rides with the abuses

A juggernaut that leads to more the same

The crafted clown that's dripping in the rain

Late 2024: I was right.

Monday, December 16, 2024

The Road Foreword

     The Road Foreword

     All men; that is a human, sentient male; can do something they never believed was possible and always desired to do.  They desired to do it so desperately that it drove them crazy, derailed our sentient state, and wrecked any hope of humanity becoming what Nature always intended:  a loving, emotionally stable, rational, sentient race that respects itself instead of constantly tearing itself down and relying on fictions.  "Omigoodness, we're human" rather than "We're only human" is the vast difference.

     We are so close to educating the heart that it hurts.

     The long answer is a bit more complicated.  I'll get into that in later posts.


        Conscious evolution

Conscious adaptation to circumstances is how a sentient race evolves itself.  It makes of evolution something that is no longer willy-nilly.  

Humanity, once completely liberated by sentient cognitive function, which is the ability to comprehend so much more than an animal and seek clarity, will accelerate the race's evolution into new directions.

Conscious evolution is all about recognition and adaptation to realizations that our sentient, conscious awareness makes apparent.  It is a matter of no longer denying what our sentience reveals.  

The subconscious is where we put those sentient realizations that we have not been willing to process.  

Our natural inclination is to seek clarity and, yet, in one case we have been  remiss.  One subject has been shunted so far aside that we don't even acknowledge it and become extremely uncomfortable when the subject is broached (so, prepare yourselves).

There is a drag on the process of clarification.  In our youth, we rebel against it.  As we age, we learn to obscure it from sight.  That is what we teach our children.

    We will be truly sentient when we can gather our thoughts as a species and adapt to what our sentience has made so crystal clear. 

This is a story about what liberates both the mind and the heart of humanity (as a race, not a bunch of random individuals bashing into each other).  We can think and live consciously, rationally, amidst an emotional backdrop of stability by no longer pandering to the animal.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


1. We are completely dependent on coitus for our existence.  Without it, we become extinct. 

2. No one, man nor woman, is satisfied with the selfish results of the act of coitus when the ecstasy is not mutual.  Oh, yes!  Men are relieved but not satisfied if it is not mutual.  Only a male animal would be satisfied.   A male human is confounded.  There is no reason for it.  Or, more exactly, the reason for it is the legacy of the confounded nature of the animal that preceded humanity.

The two genders suffer to similar extents but in vastly different directions because of this anomaly to human life.  There is no reason for it.

3.  Early humans became convinced we could do no better than an animal at coitus.  Mutual coital satisfaction was not even conceivable when we first attained our sentient state.  It became embedded so deep that we no longer even look.

4. The prehumans of long ago had no experience, knowledge, or insights regarding the sentient state or improving an act that had been based in the animal's instinctual reaction.  Premises 1, 2, & 3 confounded them.  They did not have the wherewithal to cope.  They had no knowledge, yet, to bring to bear.  So they buried the whole issue beneath paradigms of nonsense which have been passed along, generation by generation.  Excuses. 

  Because coitus is so important, we couldn't stop nor could we let it rest.  The realization that coitus could be something more never went away.  Our sentience will not let us do so.  The stupoured state of the animal would not let us succeed.  Until now.

We buried the truth in the subconscious where it has festered.  Instead, we create pills rather than fulfill our sentient state.

The simple fact is that, like it or not, coitus must continue or we do not.  That, combined with sentient awareness of the imbalanced, frustrating situation bent our brains like a pretzel.

5. Being sentient and human, we know better.  

We know that the human race is not just an animal.  We know we should be able to do better than an animal.  We just have never been able to pin it down.  (We can; I did; see "Explanations" below)  

Unassisted loving coitus (shared ecstasy) needs to become an expectation, just as walking on two legs and talking are.  It's that easy, once we rid ourselves of relying on the animal's instincts.

6. Sentient conscious awareness changed everything.  It made us aware of what was missing.  It also made us aware that it should not be missing.  It put the two sentiently aware genders at odds with each other and our animal legacy at odds with sentient aspirations and conscious awareness.  

7. Nature provided everything a human male needs to transform coitus into a consistently loving act.  As I delve deeper, it is so simple that it would be amazing that it was never discovered before, if it weren't for the brain interruptus during ecstasy.  The man takes and woman gives.  That is learned in bed.  It continues to stunt our development.   Selfish results force the stupour to remain.

A man can be master of his own body.  We have just never applied our sentience awareness to the issue because we could not tolerate the failure and the awareness.  Since the failure was not going away, it had to be the awareness that suffered.  It is only a matter of conquering the animal instincts that lead to failure.

8.  We created the word love, because our sentience sensed it.  We were left to our own devices to create the circumstances to fulfill it.  Nature gave us all that was required and left it all to us.  Worse yet, lately, we are increasingly of a state of mind that is convinced that love is only gibberish.  We have always underestimated love.

Love starts with physical love.  While we call anything involving sex, "making love", it is an off and on affair that depends mostly on which bent interpretation of sex one is willing to accept in absence of the most obvious source.  Humanity is not complete until unassisted coitus is an act of physical love.  This does not abrogate the many loving alternatives that humanity has found.  It complements them.

9.  Because of the inertia of the animal and self-inflicted obstructions, it became nearly impossible for the male human to contemplate the situation at all, much less realize they are not constrained by the same limitations as animals when it comes to the act of coitus.  It is a matter that only sentient awareness can overcome.  Men will succeed with ease, once our sentience has a chance to clear away the cobwebs.  We are immersed in a delusion.

10. Men remain constrained by preconceptions that lead them to fail by treating the event as an animal would.  Once free of the misconceptions, men will succeed with ease.

11.  The existing situation renders the male gender, in particular, mad (the female gender gets there by exposure to the madness of the other half of the human race over the last three millennia).   Sorry, guys, but you really need to admit this to yourself.

It's not like men enjoy going mad over a lifetime as they repeatedly fail to express their love in the uniquely human manner.  

The best of men are still hampered in the expression of the Humanity, even though they accept the burden of failure with some grace.  

The worst, well, the worst go completely mad.  There is no reason for the male gender to continue to carry the burden of an animal.

For a sentient race, there can be so much more to coitus and we know it.  It can become a loving act, not just the rutting of animals.  Until that happens, love will continue to corrode into lust, perversions, distrust, delusions, outright lies, madness, and mass destruction. 

The physical act of sharing love in a decisively human way initiates the loving, sentient state.  Coitus is the crucial act that fulfills our existence in a way that animals could never even dream.

It is not utopia.  It is just no longer dystopia.  It is Human.

We have clung to the outdated concepts of the animal for far too long. 

Coitus is stripped bare of all of its tremendous and essential human potential every time it ends all too soon, which is the most common case.  Loving coitus is human. Until we succeed at loving coitus as a race, we remain prehuman and much closer to a demented animal than a sentiently-aware race.

The biggest irony of all is how easy it is for a man to succeed.  That is, any human, thinking male.  The male gender is so certain of failure that it has never accepted the concept that they an succeed.  A lot of the ongoing failure is caught up in just that.

To summarize: we cannot live in a sentient manner with coitus in its animal rendition and we certainly cannot exist without coitus.  We remain caught within the bizarre world of the animal's stupour, far from the magnificent existence that a sentient, loving landscape can provide.

The phrase "we are only human" says it all.  It is the most offensive phrase ever created and, so far, we deserve it.  To state it accurately, though, would be to say "we are only prehuman."  I look forward to the day that we say, "Omigoodness, we are human!"

A race was born with far too much intellect and capability for an animal's circumstances, along with an ongoing and increasing bent towards emotional upheaval.  

The race was also given the key to exceed the expectations of the animal, succeed at life, put away the stupour of the animal, end the ceaseless and stupid fighting, and become a loving, balanced, rational, emotionally stable, human, sentient race.  No dystopia.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Moving forward

        Men have sought surcease.  They should have been seeking success. 

No getting around it.  Men should have been asking themselves and each other this question all along.  "Why can't I last as long as it takes?"

If that were the case, they would have realized a long time ago that their failing is only an animal's failing; any human male can easily succeed.

Instead, they have created a tempest in a tea cup that has gone on for three millennia to distract rather than face what is clearly their unnecessary failing.  The failing hits them all right between the eyes as they achieve puberty and begins to gnaw away at their sanity in their twenties.  

They don't like it, so they take it out on the world.  What a plan.  Pout and blow shit up.

      It's weird when you think about how the situation must have developed.  

    Did men never talk to each other about sex?  Did they always have an uncomfortable feeling?  Did their comprehension always encompass their failure and the realization that they should be able to do better, if only they invoked their sentient awareness of the situation?  If only they could see past the animal's limitations and realize they don't apply.  That would account for the inertia behind the stupour.

They have become closed.  Have they always been that way?  They were set with the role of protector and provider.  Did they feel they must have no weaknesses?  Personally, as a male human, I consider our male ancestors craven and witless.  It really pisses me off.  I will be stuck my whole life long with encumbrances due to it.

Did each suspect that they were the only ones that couldn't make coitus work the way they wanted? (they were wrong, by the way)  Did they think that every other male is better at loving than them?  That would account for so many of the antics of the male gender.  

It's laughable and ludicrous, really.  It's always been treated as the greatest secret that everybody knows.  So, in other words, something everyone has kept only from themselves.  I'm embarrassed for you.  The whole flipping race.  WABOFM

It emphasizes just how backwards, how stupoured, we remain as a sentient race.  It also tells you how witless we have been regarding sex.  

The last century has just been weird.  All of the stunts that have been pulled regarding sex, all of the contention, all of the nonsense, all because we remained too stupoured to take a hard look at what is really going on and admit it.   Worse yet, the stupoured male gender has felt threatened, which brings out the worst side of any animal.

    We turn our existence upside down attempting to avoid the beautiful and inevitable conclusion.  Men can love.  We are not human until it is so.

To say we were put through the grinder over the last couple of centuries, when it comes to sex would be understatement.

Seriously.  Read the rest of this site and tell me I'm wrong.  If you see any holes that you can justify with other than mystical bleating or utter blindness, let me know.  The first handful of posts are most important.  If you don't get on a roll by then, you might as well stop reading.

I just can't see how anyone can hide from this truth.  There is no question.  The studies have all been done.  The beast misrepresenting the male human has declared that the best they should expect is two or, maybe, three minutes.  Seriously?  Maybe if we were a dumb, trained animal.  The fact is that every man should be able to last indefinitely.  Don't worry.  I covered that, also, in Explanations.   If it works, pass it on.  It should be enough for most men to figure it out.  It will get easier as humanity finally accepts that men can love.  It will become more natural than failing ever was.

    I'd expect more reaction from a brick than I have gotten from humanity.

If anyone reading this is feeling embarrassed by their ancestor's duplicity and pompous maunderings of gibberish while raining down wholesale destruction on the world, don't feel alone.  It pisses me off, also.

So, read on.  Or, not.  Keep the secret that is no secret to yourself, just like our dim-witted ancestors have done for the last three millennia.  Let the awful paranoia of the male gender continue to disrupt our loving nature.  

Truth and lies


Truth and lies

Let me try to reframe the fundamental lie we have told ourselves that led to all of the debacle we have endured for the last four millennia.

The lie: sex equals making love

The truth: fully shared sexual pleasure equals making love.  Fully shared sexual pleasure makes love.  Any other form of shared sexual pleasure becomes perceived as a substitute in the absence of loving coitus rather than a viable alternative for rational reasons for some.

Put most simply, we are not human until coitus is a human act.  



Just a change of tone is what we'll find

As all of loving  filters through mankind

The spinal fire ignites a steady flame

Eye to eye, the loving is the game

The structures of mankind begin to soften

Love produces sanity more often





Even though this was written recently (relative to seventy years of life), I feel like it needs a rewrite.

    What it really needs is all of the men of humanity taking an enthusiastic look at success.

Let's see if I can put loving coitus into the simplest terms.

The simplest and most obvious observation is that it shouldn't be so difficult.  It isn't.  It is only complicated to understand.  

There is only one reason the act of love is not.  Pressure on the glands in the crotch.  The pressure is applied by the muscles in the crotch.  

  It is all about mastering muscles. That is something a human can do and an animal cannot.  That's it.  It is simpler muscle control than talking and less coordination than riding a bike.  The muscles can be easily trained not to respond, except on command. Once men get the hang of it, it's easier than walking.

Got it?

The rest is far longer than it would need to be for a fully developed human race.  The paragraphs above, in this section, should be enough.  

We are not a fully developed Human race, so I erred on the side of caution and detailed explanations.  These are not all of the answers, I am certain.  It is enough to succeed with ease, though, once the certainty of failure is put aside.  These are the answers and insights that can allow men to succeed at loving and finally look in the mirror without cringing.

All that has impeded us is the stupour of the animal.  

It is too complex for an animal's mind but, once fully understood, it is simple indeed.  Future generations will have no need for instructions.  "don't squeeze the glands" should suffice.

It is no surprise that it took so long to figure out.  The crucial insight goes against all of our training and the animal instincts and the male gender did not want to look.  

Strength is what counts to hold back the two other bodily emissions or succeed at throwing a spear farther or winning a race.  It is deeply embedded that strength supersedes all.  You tighten the muscles to keep from expelling fluids and you loosen them to allow the bodily wastes to be expelled.

As pointed out above, that is not how it works for the loving act.  It is just the opposite.

Muscles that are toned, supple, and responsive are important.  That is an easy level of mastery for a sentient being.  

Training these particular muscles to not respond until you decide to do so is crucial. It's easy, once you get the hang of it.  Then, it's loving like never before for you, and for the whole of the human race, once the whole human race catches on.  Once it catches on, once enough men succeed, it will spread like wildfire.

  Humans can write.  That is a far more complex task than learning to love a woman.  I think it's fair to say that everyone, at puberty, is more enthusiastic about sex and fulfillment than writing.  So, the interest is there.  It just gets squashed by disappointment.  We've dumbed ourselves down for three millennia.

Writing, even bock letters, let alone cursive, is far more difficult and precise than making love work.  All that is really asked of a man is to not flex the muscles in the crotch.

We have avoided it for so long because of a number of factors.  The mind is wiped clean during climax and ecstasy (which the man invariably achieves, by the way).  

In every book, I have tried to stress how easy it will be for a human male to fulfill loving coitus. With each book, and further study, it becomes more comprehensible.

The muscles squeeze the glands.  They can only do so when the area is already swollen by the erection.  Without the muscles in the crotch flexing or moving the body into certain unusual positions (like twerking) or overfull glands, there is no way for the process of ejaculation to begin. 

The muscles in the crotch do a lot of things by rote/instinct because they have never been trained.  They have no involvement in movement and, yet, they flex during movement because of rote and instincts.

No one (man or woman) walks out of puberty unscathed until we completely understand what is going on and make coitus a consistently loving act.

Men have, for millennia, attempted to hold off the results of the ejaculation process after it has started.  This is done through strength.  It can only give you two or three minutes.  

The start of the process of ejaculation has always been deemed a 'mystery'.  Not a clue, so they struggled to hold on a few moments longer at the end.    

The end is in sight once the process begins.  Men have been attempting to hold off the flood after it was already on its way.  They need only stop the tide rising, in the first place.  Much, much, much more effective.

There is no reason to start the process until ready to do so.

The sex glands in the crotch, when squeezed, begin the ejaculation process by starting the flow of semen towards its final destination.  It's already all over.

More detail

There are two catalysts that squeeze the sex glands to begin the process of ejaculation, the muscles in the crotch and musculoskeletal structural positioning of the crotch.   I only stressed the muscles in the first section because the rest is just a matter of realization.  No training really required.  Also, there is an additional component to the muscle mastery.

To summarize the importance of musculoskeletal structure, twerking (or the deep dive) is for finales only.  Guaranteed.  More on that throughout the books.  Simply, though, save the deep dive for the finale.

Penetration only needs to be a short depth to stimulate the woman (more on that later).  Keep it as shallow as possible until you learn what you are doing.  

        There are a couple of notes as I get into exercises that might help.  First of all, the exercise may be crucial for those steeped in the stupour, which is everyone today.  I do not think they will be so crucial for the young men of future generations that are not utterly blinded to their ability to love, though it may still be necessary as one ages.  There is just so much more to learn before we know for certain.

I came up with exercises for the muscles.  First of all, be careful.  As with any exercise, do not continue if you strain a muscle.  If you feel a pain, stop for the day and wait a day to try again.

What is startling (as with all aspects of this journey) is that there are a group of muscles in a man's crotch (women, also, for that matter) that are attached at different points to the pelvic bone and only to the pelvic bone.  

The pelvic bone does not move, so there is no movement component to the use of the crotch muscles.

It is the lower muscles particularly that need mastery.  It's the whole batch of muscles but the muscles more towards the rear are the ones that directly pressure on the glands and are most sensitive to movement and deep dives.  

The muscles have nothing to do with movement.  Because, we never really took it seriously, those muscles are almost atrophied with no real control applied, except to control bodily fluids.  Think about it.  Everything else down there is controlled by squeezing the muscles.  Who would think that coitus would be the exact opposite?

The muscles are completely controllable and do not necessarily need to respond to any bodily movement if they are mastered.  Yet, we've done nothing but let them react.  

Sensual sensitivities, the erotic sensations can triggers the muscles, as well, to twinge or flinch.  With a little thought and care, even this can be mastered to the point that it becomes natural.  A simple point regarding this is to go slow approaching the finale.  If you take a little longer than necessary, I doubt she will complain.

The man should never fear that his own ecstasy cannot be achieved.  The deep dive is certain to bring on the finale, if necessary.

The muscles are completely independent of any movement of the body and, yet, because we have not trained our bodies, the muscles in the crotch respond to movement.  That is another part of the exercise.

Try it sometime.  Try using only your crotch muscles to move any part of your body.  They can't.  They're not connected that way.  They have other jobs to do.

Not having control of the muscles in the crotch causes most of the problems for men during coitus.  It is easy to overcome.

In two different ways, these muscles are the source of one of the two ways in which the ejaculation process begins.  

The muscles in the crotch flex in sympathetic movement as the body moves.  They also quiver in response to erotic sensations.  Unless they are mastered.

This isn't like martial arts mastery.  It's just being familiar with those muscles and making sure they respond to your commands.  The exercises I suggest make them supple and train them to respond or not.  In the most important case, they must not respond until desired.

Stronger muscles is not really the point.  Supple muscles under human command is.  The exercise takes about two minutes a day.

The other action that begins the ejaculation process is the far forward thrust of the crotch or twerking.  In this case, the musculoskeletal structure is the cause.  When thrusting the crotch forward, the sex glands are squeezed.  Don't do it until the finale is desired.

The exercises are simple.  It's just really a matter of flexing the leg muscles and the crotch muscles; and flexing the legs and not the crotch.

In bed, as I prepare to sleep, I go through a set of exercises that takes no more that two or three minutes.  You could probably extend it, but two or three minutes seems enough.  I guess you could do some version of them just about anywhere.  

Keep in mind that, as with any exercise, if you feel the slightest discomfort.  Quit and try, again, another day or have yourself checked out.

Let me stress that these are not the be-all and end-all for exercising the crotch.  I would expect the could be improved vastly.  All I can say is that they work.

The exercise is performed with the knees bent, feet flat on the bed while lying down.  I, then, flex the knees to the side to, maybe, to a forty-five degree angle or so.  Don't push the angle too much.  It's not terribly important.  There is no need to stress the hips by forcing the knees to their widest angle.

I alternate between swinging the knees closer together while purposely flexing the crotch muscles and relax the muscles as the knees move apart.  It is a lot of muscles, so it should be done with thought initially.  As success becomes the expectation, it will become more natural.  

This takes a little more than thirty seconds to do thirty.  Then, I swing the knees in the same manner while concentrating on not flexing the crotch muscles at all.

I wish it was as easy as to say, "just don't flex those muscles, in your crotch during coitus" and, I believe, that will be the case within one or two generations as we abandon all of the nonsense and realize that we can do a lot better than we ever imagined.

It will initially take a slight amount of thought.  I expect that a few minutes a day will continue to be necessary to keep these muscles supple (especially as one ages), even once the male gender can make love the way they have always desired (as have women).  As you age, those muscles certainly begin to matter in other areas, as well.  Like not wearing a diaper.

I don't think the exercises will continue to be necessary for the purpose of mastery.  A young person, realizing that past does not define present, will have no trouble mastering their muscles.

It is a matter of replacing the blind instincts of an animal that we have never confronted.

The main purpose, of course, is that the exercises make it possible for you to sense those muscles.  I follow these two exercises of thirty repetitions each with the same two exercises with only six repetitions.  I take ~ five seconds for each repetition (rather than ~ one), so the amount of time is equivalent to the previous set of exercises.

I'm not saying any of this is the rule.  It is just a basic exercise that I developed over fifteen years.  I think the exercises can be improved.  I just don't think the exercises are a big deal.  Just necessary.

This second set of slower movement exercises is meant to give the time to sense the muscles in the crotch in fine detail.   I believe this is critically important at this point.

I have just begun to sense the attachment to the pelvis itself.  This is difficult for me to explain because it is so new.

Further exercise

I have explained the basic exercises above that sensitize a person to the muscles in the crotch, but there is clearly more to it.

It may be simple for a youth that grows up knowing that they should be able to love without any fear of failure.  We are not there yet.  More than that, they will have no fear of failure once enough men have proved it out.  Don't worry.  It will radiate outward. 

While every generation, up to this point in time, has been surprised, as they achieve puberty, to find that the man does not last long enough to fulfill the woman, that will not be the case with fully informed youths.

I am more and more confident that mankind can make this transition with ease.

I run into the fact that we never talk about stuff like this so, of course, we have never known that it can be done.  

I have explained the basic exercises above that sensitize a person to the muscles in the crotch, but there is clearly more to it.

I am more and more confident that mankind can make this transition with ease.


I should add these pieces from previous efforts.  They are important but I will only skim over them.

One technique that actually seems to work, though it bypasses any effort to actually master the body is 'edging'. .

The idea is that if you stop all activity when the man begins to become overstimulated, let the overstimulation recede, and begin again, the man can extend his efforts.  He can extend the loving as long as he desires by repeating the process.

It seems to work remarkably well.  More surprising is, after the pause, the span of time and amount of enthusiasm tolerated seems to increase.

Further thoughts on edging

I am beginning to believe that edging is very complementary to the more sentient rendition of mastering the muscles.  I think there is something further that can be surmised from a close exploration of edging that will expand the definition of mastery.

Overfull glands

There is one additional case to keep in mind.  If the sex glands become overfull, there will be no stopping the start of the ejaculation process.  Just like the bladder, it will reach a point where it can no longer be contained.  Just the erection will be enough to squeeze the glands.  That is easily resolved.

Forms of damage


There is no getting around it.  It is almost certain that a man will resort to masturbation at some point, probably very early in his post-puberty residency.

It is critically important that men learn that, if they self-stimulate without regard, there is a very good chance of damage to their ability to master their bodies.

Let's just say it is worth emphasizing, in this case, that habits are hard to break.  So, do not develop bad habits.

Bad habits to note are abuse of one's member, overstimulation and not understanding the differences between masturbation and loving coitus.

It can be difficult to achieve climax while self-stimulating.  Basically, a person cannot tickle themselves, which is essentially what erotic sensations are.

The real point, though, is that a man must learn to restrain himself during self-stimulation.  Abuse of his member, in the efforts to attain climax in the shortest amount of time possible (i.e. 'get it over with') can have lasting effects that can trickle over into his efforts on loving coitus.  Bad, bad, bad idea.

Also, the mindset of 'getting it over with' is not a good way to pursue mastery of the body.

More so, the more you can make it like a loving experience with a woman the better.  There are at least two reasons that it is difficult to achieve climax during self-stimulation.  

One cannot 'tickle' oneself.  So, stimulation of the member by using something other than the hand might be a good idea.  No, it's still not the same but may avoid damage.

The other reason is situational.  The positioning and movements vary between loving coitus and masturbation.  For instance,   there may be no hip movement. 

If you have read the previous pages, this should explain well enough.  The movement of the hips, especially twerking, has a lot to do with triggering the beginnings of ejaculation.


I really don't want to get into the mess that we call circumcision.  It is bad.  Period.  Full stop.  If you are of child-bearing age, you should be aware that the doctors may do it without your permission, unless told otherwise.

It won't stop a person from success at loving coitus but it is a sadistic concept and certainly doesn't help anything.  It may or may not make successful loving more difficult.  I am circumcised and I succeeded but I believe my member is oversensitive because of circumcision.  It doesn't matter.  If we ever become human, it will be a thing of the past in short order.

I was just reading an article about how people that have a tonsillectomy at a young age have a much greater chance of developing post traumatic stress symptoms later in life??!!!??

My jaw dropped when I saw the article.  Not so much in shock that circumcision wasn't referenced.  It was just another confirmation on so many levels of the blindness we have acquired as a stupoured animal.

A few last notes

As I said, the point is to not flex the crotch muscles or even let them twinge.

The first few that try this might be initially convinced that the muscles are not reacting at all.  

Be patient, keep up the exercise and become more familiar with your muscles.

I promise you, if you are not lasting, the muscles in the crotch are active, as long as you paid attention to such things as overfull glands and musculoskeletal structural effects.  More than likely, it is the thought of ecstasy getting in the way of doing that which you so desire: make sure the ecstasy includes both.


Most of all, it is a matter of mindset.  Men are so convinced they can only last a very few minutes that they have never taken success seriously.  That mindset is only the lingering maunderings of the animal that we once were that goes back at least three millennia.

I doubt any explanation (as detailed above) will be necessary, once humanity has learned to love.

Maybe the biggest relief for both genders will be that discussion with prepubescent children.  Both genders will finally have something to say that isn't regretful.

Success itself will quickly expose any taboos that remain in place.  


This will not be the definitive statement on loving coitus.  There will be no definitive statement on loving coitus.

If I am entirely correct, loving coitus will become as natural an expression of love and an expectation as walking, talking, or holding someone.  

In fact, the last of those three expectations will become much more popular.  The ice will melt.

So, no real definition will be required in the long run.  It will become as natural as living a loving sentient life rather than a rutting, bestial existence.

Do you see where we got confused?  We equated sex with a bestial existence, whereas it is the rutting escapades of an animal, rather than a loving event, that drags us low.

The distaste that so many have towards sex is just not specific enough.  The distaste is for rutting without the element of love added that can only be added once the male learns he is far more than an animal.


You must understand that I have been chasing the facts (all available) for fifteen years, after I realized that we had all been scammed for millennia into believing there was nothing to be done about the state of coitus or our Humanity.  

So, it has been a serial effort of wading through all of the lies we have told ourselves for three millennia.

This is part of what makes this so maddening.  If I were younger, I could take these latter insights a lot further.  Without evidence of my own success, I can only suggest what I expect to happen.  

Everything previous to this subchapter has been proven thoroughly.  The biggest insight was that it is all about the muscles and the glands in the crotch.  Most of the rest is rather obvious, once you proceed past the blinders.

I think the end state, for instance (which I have not proven), is that, once men grow up expecting success and realizing that success at puberty, they will find that it takes no effort at all.  It is less complicated than so many activities that humans already perform, like talking, walking, and riding a bike.  It's easier than all three.  It's just muscle mastery.

Primarily, men need to believe they can succeed.  The rest they'll pick up in casual conversation.  It may take a few pointers but I doubt it.  It's really rather obvious in the absence of gibberish.

So, anyways, this is my latest insight on the problem that men, thinking they are no better than an animal, have endured since the beginning.

I've mentioned that the erotic sensations of the glans (clitoris (including wishbones) for women; head of penis for the man) that can lead to orgasm are essentially a tickling sensation.   They can make the muscles in the crotch quiver, which is enough to start the process of ejaculation.  Going slow takes care of that until you have mastered your muscles.

I am not yet totally convinced that going slow will be necessary at all, once a man learns to master those muscles.  It could be that, just like assuming the twerking position, it should be under full control of the man.

There's no doubt about it.  It will be far more of a challenge to go at a rapid pace and avoid quivering those muscles, due to the erotic sensations but, as far as I can tell, it should be possible.  Not sure it is advisable or attractive until the end.  Yes, there is a lot left to figure out.

The rapid movement will be the last challenge.  Don't even try it before you know what you are doing.  With slow, easy movements, and familiarity with the muscles, a man can last as long as she desires.

There are also no worries.  At any point, it is certain that squeezing those muscles, not to mention twerking, will cause the man's ejaculation and orgasm.  It's always been about the woman's pleasure.  The man's is almost invariably assured.

I hope to hear back from a man that has difficulty achieving his own orgasm.   I suggested what was wrong.  He seemed to agree.  If I hear of success from him, that will be another final proof.  If not, then I don't entirely understand the problem but it does not invalidate the finding that  I have proved on my own.


All of the woman's erotic nerve endings are within two inches or less of the vaginal opening.  The erogenous zone with the most erotic nerve endings is the clitoral nub which is located about half an inch outside of the vagina.  This is critical.  If you do no stimulate this clitoral button, it is unlikely you will be stimulating the woman enough to achieve her own orgasm.

Note that two inch penetration is more than enough for stimulating the woman.  There is no need to go deeper until taking the finale plunge.  It will initially be critical that you don't go deeper.

There's a lot more in the books about this subtopic but this should suffice.  That leaves a lot of room to explore the romance of the circumstances as the loving becomes real.

The biggest challenge

Can you begin to imagine how difficult it is to stay the course when the whole of humanity thinks you're crazy?

My confidence never wavered over a lifetime until the last decade or so, after I had published and distributed a few hundred copies of my first book.

The contention has never changed since then.  On one side, I knew my words did not do the subject matter justice.  On the other, how could no one detect the slightest glimmer of what I was saying and seek to understand further.  Or, if they understood, say something.  The best I ever got was incoherent reliance on lesser cognitive biases.

That seems to be where I have had the most trouble, other than the fact that the subject of sex freaks everybody out.  I had bypassed all of the lesser biases in my search for what was at the bottom of it all.

I know my words do not always suffice but it's all there, throughout fourteen books  and a few hundred thousand more words.  That is only representative of another huge challenge. The unraveling the nonsense of three millennia of a race, unprepared and shell-shocked by its sentience, creating the biggest coverup in history.  That was almost as bad as the grating of staying the course against all of the stupoured reaction. 

My confidence never really wavered, even then, though my frustration grew to match the rage and outrage that I have experienced ever since I first realized that my own gender had betrayed itself.

For a more in-depth look, please visit sentienceww.blogspot.com or read the fourteen books I wrote on the subject.  I would start with the most recent.  It's been a long and painful journey.