
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Eastern aspects

 It has always bothered me that I have not dissected the Eastern approach to all of the last three millennia on paper.  It's surely rattled through my head enough over the last few years.

I'll start by saying it's complicated, especially when viewed from a Western perspective.

I am more and more convinced that the "save face" aspect of Eastern culture explains the gist of their approach to avoiding the problem entirely.  I'll go further than that.  I'll say that The Nail is the proximate cause of the whole 'save face' philosophy. 

 The concept of saving face is an admission in itself that there is something embarrassing about our existence that no man has been willing to face.  The Eastern method was to admit it subconsciously (in other words, never admit it) and move on.

Maybe the biggest difference between Western and Eastern approaches to avoiding the issue at all costs is Sappho and Pandora's Box.

Anyone with the slightest perceptivity can see that the myth of Pandora's Box attempts to address the issue of men's lack.  At around the same time, it is tentatively clear that Sappho was stirring the pot by pointing out men's lack.

The latter is much more difficult to discern because most of Sappho's work was destroyed long ago.  I know it seems a wild and maybe ridiculous idea, but I often wonder if Sappho wrote Pandora's Box (dates just don't seem to line up but that was a long time ago and there has always been a clear desire to discredit anything that Sappho touched)

Then, there is the Garden of Eden which seems a direct attack on women in response to women daring to mention that men are lousy at loving coitus (and unwilling to make up for their lack in any way?).  The hope, and certainty of chaos in the absence of hope, contained in Pandora's Box are completely absent from the Garden of Eden rendition of the rumination of the same set of circumstances.  The Garden Of Eden is no more than a redirect of blame at women and a distraction from the truth.  In other words, it is nothing more than the usual male scam to which we have become all too familiar.

If you look around you and study history at all, the certainty of chaos in the absence of the physical expression of love is all around you.  The hope, in my mind at least, is just as certain.  More than three thousand years ago, Pandora's Paradox was right and men, rather than face up to the truth, did what they have always done since.  Lie through their teeth rather than face sentient reality and leave some shred of hope for love.

What has always bothered me was wondering, without Sappho's urging to face the truth and the warning inherent in the myth of Pandora's Box regarding chaos and hope, whether the West would have ever succeeded at discerning the truth?

Was the Eastern method of 'saving face' such a perfect coverup that the realization that we remain little more than an animal causing chaos would have been delayed indefinitely.

Was the Eastern approach of 'don't mention it' less damaging?  I cannot even consider it a reasonable assumption for a moment.  Until we fulfill our sentient capabilities, we remain monsters.  There is no getting around that fact.  Three millennia should be proof enough.  The sooner we get out from under the beast, the better.  The sooner the beast is exposed for its awful behaviour, the better.  So, no, I will always think that the greatest hero of all of the ages was Sappho and the author of Pandora's Box, if Sappho wasn't the original author of Pandora's Box.

In fact, Pandora's Box explained it all best almost three thousand years ago.  All we have done was bottle up the hope for resolution by ignoring the cause of our derailment of our sentience for the last three millennia.

If you happen to be wondering about my views on Pandora's Box, or Pandora's Paradox as I like to call it, I think my most thorough insights on it are in A Sentient Perspective.  Sappho came later in the books.

I want to add, once again, that there is no alternative.  I have wracked my brain and my soul to try to convince myself that all men learning to share the pleasure in some other way is an alternative.  That is the only other alternative that seems to hold any promise and, yet, it doesn't.  Yes, it is a vast improvement over the forced blindness that we have endured for three millennia but, still, it is not a sentient answer.  It is an animal's answer to a sentient issue, as are the little blue pill, acrobatics, appliances, or other tricks.  No, I'm not going to explain further.

The male gender must learn that, as a sentient being, it can overcome the witless animal's inability to express its love in a physical manner.  It is the only way a sentient being can fulfill its desire to love.

I only hope to goodness that I have put enough in Details to make it so in short order.  If not, I fear that we will suppress the truth, once again.

Few edits.

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