
It is time to become human, emotionally stable, and sentient.

Thursday, May 6, 2004

The struggles

  As hard as I try to let this thing loose, leave it alone, I cannot.  I continue to attempt to wrest from Life/Gaia/Nature/Existence the deepest truth regarding all of this but the deeper I look the more there is.  It is enough to drive one crazy when no one else can even see that we are far different than any other creature that walks the Earth - in a good way.  All that we despise about the prehuman instantiation of the human, sentient being is because we cannot see the slightest bit of our own potential for magnificence.  Once we admit what is wrong, it all changes.  The human race will become so much more.

As the feeling builds, it becomes nearly impossible to bear in the absence of sharing.

I want to add, once again, that there is no alternative.  I have wracked my brain and my soul to try to convince myself that all men learning to share the pleasure in some other way is an alternative.  That all men learning some alternative is enough.  That  seemed to hold some promise and, yet, it doesn't.  

Yes, it is a vast improvement over the forced blindness, obfuscation, delusions, and paradigms of nonsense that we have endured for three millennia but, still, it is not a sentient answer.  It is an animal's answer to a sentient issue, as are the little blue pill, acrobatics, appliances, or other tricks.  No, I'm not going to explain further.  It's time for you to take some responsibility.

Yes, there are reasons for the alternatives that will most certainly remain.  But, they only make sense as alternatives if they are only alternatives to loving coitus that are made necessary by individual circumstances.

The male gender must learn that, as a sentient being, it can overcome the witless animal's instincts that force the inability to express love in the physical manner that Nature provided and has always intended for a sentient race.  The male gender fulfills its sentience when it learns to love.

I only hope to goodness that I have put enough in Details to make it so in short order.  If not, I fear that we will suppress the truth, once again.  I know I have put enough in Details.  I just don't know if anyone, other than me, can take it the next crucial and necessary step.

There is another piece to all of this that is not simply understood because of the obscurity that has been foisted on us.  It may be the most difficult I have found to explain and, yes, there have been a lot that has been difficult to explain.  All of it is difficult to explain for the same reason.  Forced obscurity.  Suppression that is nothing short of mind manipulation.  Mind games that have gone on for millennia.  While I was never taken in by any of the mind games, that doesn't mean they didn't piss me off.

I've often thought that some might think that men should just get over themselves.  Women (other than Sappho) just don't mention the problem, so why should men get all hung up about it?  Everybody makes nice about it.  Everyone dances around the issue to make certain to not upset the poor male gender.

There lies the rub.  As I stated just above, the male gender knows what is missing.  It becomes clear if you take any time to study just about any man as he progresses through life.  Almost without exception, men become embittered over a lifetime.  Now you know why.

For all intents and purposes, all men become embittered as they age.  This, by the way, presents a unique problem for humanity as the age of the elderly increases and more time is available to become embittered and take it out on the rest of humanity.  We are seeing the effects of it as we speak.  Just to be clear, since clarity is in such limited supply, the situation is bad and getting worse.

My apologies.  I got myself way off track.  The point is that no one has been accusing men of failing to love.  They have always been accusing themselves.  This is also another reason that it had to be a man that made the public accusation.  Men are so far gone into paranoia that a woman accusing them would not improve matters.  Men feel constantly threatened by the Big Reveal.  They shiver in their boots to think that, at any moment, the male gender will be exposed for its failure.  The confusion lies in what they think their failure is.  The real failure is their failure to realize that they can love, whereas they think the failure is that they cannot ever fulfill the physical manifestation of love in the form that Nature provided and made ready for a sentient race.  Do you see now why they never want it exposed?  In their stupour, they think there is nothing to be done.  See the Trajectory of Life for a better description of Nature/Gaia.

If you, like me, spent any amount of time sampling the sentiments of humanity, you would know that we are close to the point of realization that it is tearing us apart.  All because you have all mistaken the failure for insurmountable.  

Women, in all of their amazing, incredible glory, grace, and elegance, refuse to make the accusation.  And, yet, in utter frustration, they are beginning to make the point clear enough in other ways.  Again, I won't delve deeper into this.  

Of course, the main reason it had to be a man to reveal all of this doesn't change.  A woman could not even begin to suggest that the male gender could overcome its failure.  How would they know?  Secondly, I don't believe women can begin to imagine that psychological upheaval it causes a man to fail to love repeatedly throughout a lifetime. A careful explanation from a man is required.  I hope I have provided that explanation.  It is the worst disaster for a sentient race.  It is split infinity once success  is fulfilled for the male gender.

I have done what I could.  Humans will see what I am saying clearly enough, sooner or later.  It is not really important for prehumans to understand the nuances, if they can only understand the premise.  Once the human race fulfills its humanity, you will see it all.  The only reason I try to get into the nuances is to help the prehuman jump whatever hurdles they still face in the form of delusions, paradigms of nonsense, and outright deceits.

The only premise that is important to understand is that men must learn to love and there is only one way they do so.  By learning to express their love in the physical manner for which Nature provided, the male gender learns to love and proves its sentience, as well.

And, another clarification.  I've run across so many that have said things like, "I refuse to believe that it's all men's fault.  Women are a mess too!" or "You can't fix men" or so many other wildly varying renditions on the theme.

I've tried to explain all of this as best I can.  It will take a few people to accept that humanity can be so much more and take the time to explore what I have so painstakingly described and explained.  I'm sure, very soon now, I will be back to attempting to give up entirely for so many reasons, but I'm on one of those streaks right now when I find new ways to present the same information in order to penetrate the stupour.

If one thinks in terms of three millennia piled on top of the previous millions of years of being absolutely nothing more than an  animal, maybe you can begin to get the big picture.

Part of the problem is I have been hyperbolic when it comes to describing the two genders, their interaction, characteristics, and underlying forces that motivate them.  Sorry about that but, being a man and having to overcome all of the paradigms of nonsense that have been drilled into the human race, in general, and the male gender in particular, put me in a pretty foul mood for the last fifteen years.

I also think the fury that I embraced to counter all of the indignities foisted upon the prehuman, as well as the pedestal on which I personified women, were necessary to purge the paradigms of nonsense for myself and emerge out the other side.

It was like two poles of a magnet.  One to whom I was repelled due to their lack of love and one to whom I was attracted for their potential for love.  Yes, mostly, so far, it has been, sadly, only potential.

I may have, for a long time, ripped into the male gender beyond rational bounds.  I may have personified women as the boundless carriers of hope and love.  The latter, the personification of women was not at all undeserved.  It was just an extrapolation of what women would be like if they had not been dragged down by men due to the burden men carry and what the best of women still represent. 

I also don't feel bad at all for accusing the male gender of being useless.  It is not entirely undeserved either.

Consider it a different razor's edge.

The absolute desire to remain blind even while the answer is staring you in the face is what we have done for more than three millennia.  So, no, the hyperbole is not the problem.

Okay, now, I'm just venting.

The real point is that, of course, it is not all cut and dried because we remain a confused sentient race that has been struggling to comprehend the state of sentience that is totally foreign to an animal.  

Of course, some men rise above, to some extent, that which is determined to drag the male gender down.  Altogether, though, it still drags the male gender down.  It still hampers the female gender.  It is still the cause of all of the upheaval, beginning with misogyny, whose scope we have consistently refused to acknowledge.   

Of course, some women get dragged down into the muck since it is one of the overriding intentions of a male gender that hates being an animal in the midst of the sentience of womanhood (another very good explanation of misogyny).  It is only surprising that some women have risen so far above the animal muck.

I'm not sure this latest diatribe has helped at all but my rage is building as I consider the prehuman condition, one more time.  So, I'd best stop right here.  I just have to hope this has helped clarify and not muddied the waters further for you.

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